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Introduction To Data


Data Structures & Algorithms

Represented By

Nale Rajesh K.
(Lecturer COE Malegaon (Bk))

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What is Data.?
 In computing, data is information that has
been translated into a form that is more
convenient to move or process.
 Relative to today's computers and
transmission media, data is information
converted into binary digital form.
 Distinct pieces of information, usually
formatted in a special way.

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Data Objects
 Anything that exists in storage and on
which operations can be performed.
 Examples include files, Programs and

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Data Types
 The mathematical properties and
internal representation of data and
 An attribute used for defining data as
numeric or character.

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A Data Type is characterized by..

 a set of values
 a data representation, which is
common to all these values, and
 a set of operations, which can be
applied uniformly to all these

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Abstract Data Types
 An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is:
 a user defined data type
 a set of values
 a set of operations, which can be applied
uniformly to all these values.

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ADT = properties + operations
 An ADT describes a set of objects sharing
the same properties and behaviors
 The properties of an ADT are its data
(representing the internal state of each object
 double d; -- bits representing exponent &
mantissa are its data or state
 The behaviors of an ADT are its operations or
functions (operations on each instance)
 sqrt(d) / 2; //operators & functions are
its behaviors

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Benefits Of ADT
 encapsulation: less to worry about
 division of labor
 promotes code sharing
 cheaper sub-contracts
 facilitates unit-testing

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List Abstract Data Type (ADT)
 The List ADT models a  Accessor methods:
sequence of positions  first(), last()
storing arbitrary objects  prev(p), next(p)
 It establishes a  Update methods:
before/after relation  replace(p, e)
between positions  insertBefore(p, e),
 Can be implemented in insertAfter(p, e),
various ways:  insertFirst(e), insertLast(e)
 array  remove(p)
 singly-linked  convenience methods:
 doubly-linked  isEmpty()

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Data Structures
 Arrangement of data in computer’s
 Goal: to organize data
 Criteria: to facilitate efficient
 storage of data
 retrieval of data
 manipulation of data
 Design Issue:
 select and design appropriate data types.

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Primitive & Non-Primitive
 Primitive Data Structures
 Data can be structured at the most primitive level, where they
are directly operated upon by machine-level instructions.
 At this level, data may be character or numeric, and numeric
data may consist of integers or real numbers.
 Non-Primitive Data Structures
 Non-primitive data structures can be classified as arrays, lists,
and files.
 An array is an ordered set which contains a fixed number of
 A list, by contrast, is an ordered set consisting of a variable
number of elements.
 A file is typically a large list that is stored in the external
memory of a computer.

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Linear & Non-Linear
 Linear Data Structure
 Linear data structure is linear if element is adjacent to each
other. It has exactly two neighbors elements to which it is
connected as its previous and next member
 Array , Linked List , Stack , Queuenumbers.
 Non- Linear Data Structures
 Non-Linear data structure is that if one element can be
connected to more than two adjacent element then it is
known as non-linear data structure..
 Tree , Graph

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Static Data Structures
 a simple data structure, the array is
static data structure.
 They are linear only
 They're essentially fixed-size.
 They often use too much space.

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Dynamic Data Structure
 Is one that can grow or shrink as needed to
contain the data you want stored.
 That is, you can allocate new storage when
it's needed and discard that storage when
you're done with it.
 malloc(), calloc() functions in C language.
 Dynamic data structures generally consist
of at least some simple data storage, along
with a linkage to the next element in the
 These links are often called pointers, or
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Persistent & Ephemeral
 Persistent
 One that is continue in existence
 Ephemeral
 lasting or of use for only a short time;

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