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~Wellness education for youth~

Dr. Narmada Devkota

Clinical Psychologist
Overview of the Presentation

 Introduce about LSE Program

 Discussion about concept, definition, issues of LSE &

it’s components

 Why it is important for the children(goals of LSE)

 Methodology: how LSE is planning to introduce in

Definition (Life skills)
WHO (1997)
–“the abilities for adaptive and positive
behavior that enables individuals to deal
effectively with the demands and challenges of
everyday life”

 LS can be conceptualized as psycho-social competence

 Psycho-social competence: ability to maintain a state of
mental well being and to demonstrate this through adaptive
and positive behavior while interacting with others and with
his/her culture and environment.
-Adaptive: the person learn to be flexible in approach and
learn to adjust in different
- Positive behavior: forward looking and he/she can find a
ray of hope and find solutions to
problems even in difficult situations.
UNICEF (2001)

“life-skills based education is-behavior change or behavior

development approach
-designed to address a balance of three areas: knowledge,
attitude & skills
The World Bank
“ the acquisition of knowledge and skills”,
-skills include competencies that make people productive and
employable, and that enable people to live full and healthy lives.”

“The acquisition of knowledge, values, attitudes and skills

through the Four Pillars of Learning. Dakar (2000)
Four Pillars of Learning: “Concept from the
International Commission on Education”

Source: Graphics adapted from “Four Pillars of an Effective Sales Service (2011)."
The Four Pillars of Education
Learning to Know:
• It relates to cognitive life skills such as critical
thinking, problem solving and decision making skills.
It thus refers to both the acquisition of knowledge as
well as the use of knowledge.
Learning to Be:
• It relates to self- management life skills like self
awareness, self esteem & self confidence, and coping
The Four Pillars of Education

 Learning to Live Together:

 It relates to communication skills, Negotiation skills,
Refusal skills, Assertiveness skills, Interpersonal skills, Co-
operation skills & Empathy skills
 Learning to Do:
 It refers to central human functional capabilities of “Life”,
“Health”, “ Integrity” and “Control over one’s
Introduction of LSE

 This program is a supplemental education curriculum to the

present school/college curriculum that is based on developing life
 Our intelligence contributes around 20% to determine life success,
whereas, 80% of success is determined by life skills we cultivate.
 School/college teaches students academic knowledge but it
doesn’t sufficiently teach them all these essential life skills
that aid in personal growth and development.
 The focus of the LS curriculum is not problem based; it is a
comprehensive approach for the promotion of well being and
overall enhancement of a child.
 Inculcating LS curriculum in school/college helps students develop
identity and integrity in adulthood.
Introduction of LSE

 It prevent students from engaging in maladaptive and high-risk

behavior such as drug use, alcoholism and other deviant

 This would significantly aid in the all-round development of the

students, making them well prepared, adaptive and resilient
individuals who can master diverse situations or phases of life.

 Values like compassion; empathy and self-awareness if inculcated

during school/college life, not only promotes healthy growth and
development but also enables students to flourish successfully in
Introduction of LSE

Why children need this program?

Childhood/student life lays the foundation for
later years of life.
LSE can teach students to regulate and
determine their thoughts, feelings, attitudes
and behaviors in their early years of life.
Everything that people learn in their childhood
remains engraved in their mind.
Goal of LSE

 To enhance capabilities and enlarge choices

 To build different dimensions of well-being, by
building self-image & self-worth, which in turn help
individuals to be less vulnerable to the variations
within a given context
 To strengthens the development needs & aspirations,
psychosocial abilities of an individual, developing
self-confidence and power to act, without being
restricted to a single hands on skill
Goal of LSE

 Empower students to take positive actions to protect

themselves, to promote their health and wellbeing, to
enhance positive social relationships.
 Helps students to explore alternatives
 Learns to make rational decisions by weighing pros
and cons
 Develop skills to communicate effectively
 Develop the whole person – not just a single
characteristic or problem.
What are the “Life Skills” ?
WHO has described ten core life skills which all are
incorporated in LSE Curriculum

 Self-Awareness
 Empathy
 Problem-Solving
 Interpersonal Relationship
 Decision Making

 Coping with stress

 Critical Thinking

 Creative Thinking  Dealing with emotions

 Communication Skills
Special Training Programs which can be
 Anti-bullying program  Gender Equality and
• Physical Bullying Discrimination
• Cyber Bullying  Sexuality Education
• Emotional Bullying  Social skills training
• Sexual Bullying  Using Social Media
 Substance Use
 Suicide Prevention
Medium/Methods of LSE

Imparted through the use of participatory methods such as:

 Listening and discussion
 Group activities & games
 Brain storming & situation analysis
 Creative methodologies such as art, story-telling and
 Films, theatre and role play.
 Home assignments, to further discuss and practice skills
with family & friends.

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