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1. Who are Romans?

• People of Rome city are called Romans.

• Around 2000 years ago they ruled most of Europe

2. What is Roman Empire

• Largest Empire in the world
• Romans ruled 25% of the world’s population.
• The territories of Roman empire are -Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Switerzland, Belgium and
• They also captured Northern Africa - Libya, Tunisia, Alegeria
• Middle East contries like - Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan

3. How was Roman Army organized?

• Roman army had 300,000 soldiers.
• They were divided into Legion and Century
• Legion contained 5000 soldiers and were split into groups of 80 and each group is called Century
• Head of each century is called Centurion

4. How did Soldiers fight?

• Fought in tightly packed group called Testudo
• Used morden weapons to defend the enemies
• Romans protected themselves by grouping together. This method is called Testudo
5. What special weapons did Romans use?
• The army used larger weapons such as ballista, the battering ram and onager

6. Why did Romans invade Britain?

• The Roman invasion of Britain began in 43 AD,
• The reasons for invading Britain are - 1. expansion of Roman empire, 2. securing valuable items such as Gold, land, tin and lead 3.
To get control over trade route

7. Who are Celtics

Celtics are tribe of people who fought against Romans

8. Why Celts tribe made peace with Romans?

Due to strategic decisions, military strength, cultural influence and diplomacy

9. Why tribes moved closer to Roman towns?

• Felt safer
• They got plenty of work
• Roman towns were good for farming
• Got attracted to Roman way of living
10. Who could be soldier in Roman army?
• Only men could be soldiers in Roman army
• There were two types of Roman soldiers - Legionaries and Auxiliaries
• The best soldiers are Legionaries.
• They are cizitens of Rome
• They worked in the army for 20 years

11. Who are auxiliaries ?

• Auxiliaries are soldiers of Roman Empire
• They are not citizens of Rome
• They are from Tribes conquered by Romans

12. What uniform soldiers wear?

• Roman soldier wears uniform that is designed to protect his body and help him survive for long periods of time

13. How fit are Roman soldiers?

• They are very fit and healthy
• They can march 32 kms in 5 hours
• They practice sword fighting and Javeline

14. Give the list of weapons soldiers use?

• Metal helmet to protect the neck and head
• Metal Armour to protect shoulders and stomach
• Hard leather skirt to protect legs
• A thick cloak to keep him warm
15. Why do you think Roman soldiers are well trained?
• They followed strict discipline
• The Roman soldiers were highly organized
• They were strict tedious training
• Soldiers were provided with pay, land and other things to motivate them

16. What is a villa?

• Villa is a latin word. It means large house

17. What are the parts of Roman villa?

• Artistic Bedrooms
• Central Courtyard
• Dinning Room
• Kitchen
• Atrium

18. Who lived in the Villas?

• Wealthy Romans such as aristocrats ,landowners and successful merchants lived there. The owners lived in the main building of a
villa. slaves and farm workers lived in smaller buildings.

19. What is the reason for Roman empire to decline?

• No unity between Western and Eastern Roman armies
• Outbreak of diseases like plague
• Too big to control
20. What soldiers will do when they retire?
• After retiring they work as they like - farming, trading or being a merchant, or being a civil servant.
• They can also become military leader

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