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Good Day Everyone

Reading & Writing

Presented by: Niño Jay M.
Context in text

• Intertextuality
• Hypertext
Context in tex t de ve lo pme nt

n d in g th a t te x t a re a lw a y s d e v e lo p e d
• Being a re a d e r a ls o in v o lv e s u n d e rs ta
e it h e r w ri tt e n n o r re a d in a v a c u u m .
with a c e rt a in c o n te x t. A te x t is n

al , C u lt ural , P ol it ic al , Histo ri ca l, an d
• Thus, Context is defined as the Soci
o u n d th e te x t an d fo rm th e te rm s
other related circumstances that surr
ca n b e be tt er u nd erst oo d an d ev al u at ed .
from which it
Intertextuality is the modeling of a The function and effectiveness of
text's meaning by another text. It is intertextuality can often depend quite
defined as the connection between a bit on the reader's prior knowledge
Language, Images, Characters, and understanding before reading the
Themes, or subjects depending on secondary text.
thier similarities in language, genre,
or discourse
A. Obligatory Intertextuality

B. Optional Intertextuality

C. Accidental Intertextuality

Obligatory Optional Accidental

This is when an author or Optional Intertextuality means it is When readers often
poet deliberately references possible to find a connection to connect a text with another text,
multiple texts of a single phrase, or no cultural practice or a personal
another text in their work.
connection at all. experience, without there being any
tangible anchor.
Thank you for listening

Have a Good Day


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