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Lesson 3

Physical activity and your health:

10,000 steps challenge

Prepared by: J. M. Marcelino

Lesson Outcomes
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

discuss the benefits of 10, 000 step challenge,

performed the 10,000 steps as a way of accepting the challenge towards health and
According to Hippocrates, "walking is
man's best medicine." Do you believe
in it? Why?
Walking is one of the most popular forms of
exercise in the world. It does not require any
expensive equipment or particular abilities, and it
offers several health benefits. Walking is a
relatively easy method to keep active, whether
prefer an outside, lonely path in nature, a bustling
route on city streets, a treadmill workout, or a few
loops around your office building.
Walking is a sort of cardiovascular exercise
that stimulates the heart. This increases blood
flow and has the potential to reduce blood
pressure. It helps to increase energy levels by
generating endorphins and distributing oxygen
throughout the body. Brisk walking is a low-
impact, moderate-intensity activity that does not
place undue strain on joints (hips, knees, and
ankles) that are prone to damage with higher-
impact activities.
10, 000 Steps The goal of 10,000 steps a day
came from a Japanese marketing
Challenge campaign for a device. It turns out to
have another beneficial goal to
promote a healthy lifestyle. 10,000
steps is around 5 kilometers of
walking. It is challenging to log
10,000 steps with merely daily
exercise. An inactive individual
moves about the house for 3,000
steps or fewer per day. Most
individuals get 10,000 steps by
walking for 30 to 60 minutes. That is
the minimal daily exercise
recommended from most health
agencies to decrease health risks.
Health Advantages of Strengthen the heart – By
assisting the heart muscle
Walking 10,000 Steps A Day in becoming more efficient
and controlling your blood
pressure. Exercising aids in
the delivery of oxygen-rich
blood to your lungs,
organs, and muscles, as
well as stimulating the
lymphatic system to flow
more efficiently and
effectively cleanse waste
produced by the body
each day.
Health Advantages of Improve balance and
Walking 10,000 Steps A Day build muscle
- Proper walking
mechanics and the use of
the muscles of the legs,
buttocks, and trunk assist
the largest collection of
muscles in your body in
maintaining function and
preventing age-related
muscle loss.
Promotes weight loss -
Health Advantages of Walking 10,000 steps every
day is around five miles. To
Walking 10,000 Steps A Day burn enough calories to
reduce weight, 3,000 steps
might be a brisk walk or
running pace. An average
individual should burn 200-
500 calories each hour,
depending on their stride,
pace, height, weight, age and
gender. These are some
significant calories that can
improve in the burning of
body fat and the
improvement of overall
Health Advantages of
Walking 10,000 Steps A Day
Clears up the mind -
According to research,
expands the mind and
promotes the flow of
ideas. It affects creativity
and aids in the
improvement of cognitive
Health Advantages of
Walking 10,000 Steps A Day Improves sleep - Taking
extra steps during the day
may be sufficient to
improve our sleep.
Consider taking a 20-
minute walk during your
lunch break, or walking
the dog for an additional
block or two.
Health Advantages of Improves blood pressure -
Walking 10,000 Steps A Day A healthy heart can pump
more blood while exerting
less effort. Blood pressure
falls when the heart has to
work less hard to pump.
Increasing moderate
physical activity can
reduce systolic blood
pressure by 4 to 9 points
on average.
Health Advantages of
Walking 10,000 Steps A Day
Stabilizes blood glucose -
Walking causes the
muscles to utilize more
glucose, lowering blood
sugar levels over time. This
can make you more insulin
Health Advantages of Boost mood - Exercise
Walking 10,000 Steps A Day causes the production of
endorphins, and other
chemicals that help us feel
calmer, more energized,
and less susceptible to the
blues. Physical activity not
only relieves stress, but it
also helps sleep better,
which improves mood.
To transform a
typical walk into a
fitness stride, strong
posture and intentional
motions are required.
Ideally, it should look
like this when walking:
Activity: Download a step
counter smartphone app or
use a smart watch to
complete the 10,000 step



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