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Madanapalle Institute Of Technology And Science

Department Of Computer Applications

(Zeroth Review)

Pot Hole Detection on the roads using Transfer

Learning (Resnet 50)

 S. Noor (22691F00B2)

• Abstract
• Introduction
• Literature Survey
• Existing system
• Proposed system
• Modules Split-up
• References

As we all know how pot holes play a role in causing most of the minor and some major accidents
actors the globe, having potholes on the roads are very dangerous in any climate, since it can cause a
very serious damage to vehicle’s and even the drivers which can make the vehicle fall apart and
causing serious injuries. So, here is a project which allows us to solve the problem of avoiding
potholes where the model which we have generated using transfer learning i.e., Resnet50 is used to
detect whether there are any pot holes or not on the roads, this model can be integrated with autopilot
vehicle modes which allows the vehicle to avoid potholes.

Pothole detection on roads is a critical aspect of smart transportation systems, enhancing safety and
infrastructure maintenance. Leveraging Transfer Learning, specifically with the ResNet-50
architecture, proves to be a robust solution for this task. Transfer Learning involves pre-training a
deep neural network on a large dataset and fine-tuning it for a specific task, such as pothole
detection. ResNet-50, a deep convolutional neural network, excels in feature extraction, enabling the
model to learn intricate patterns from images efficiently. By transferring knowledge gained from a
broader dataset, ResNet-50 becomes adept at recognizing potholes based on their unique features.
This approach optimizes computational resources and accelerates model convergence. The synergy
of Transfer Learning and ResNet-50 presents a promising avenue for developing accurate and
efficient pothole detection systems, contributing to the overall improvement of road safety and
infrastructure maintenance.

 Detection of Potholes using Convolutional Neural Network Models: A Transfer Learning Approach Anik Pramanik; Md. Hasan Imam Bijoy; Md.
Sadekur Rahman ; 2021

 Pothole and Plain Road Classification Using Adaptive Mutation Dipper Throated Optimization and Transfer Learning for Self Driving Cars;
Amel Ali Alhussan; Doaa Sami Khafaga;Aug;2022

 Implementation transfer learning convolutional neural network for pothole detection on drone video miftahul muhaemen1, mohfammad reza
faisal 2, dodon turianto nugrahadi3, andi farmadi4, rudy herteno5;Jan:2020

 Pothole Detection Using Deep Learning Classification Method Author links open overlay panelChemikala Saisree a, Dr. Kumaran U;2023

 Classification of Potholes using Convolutional Neural Network Model: A Transfer Learning Approach using Inception ResnetV2; Saravjeet
Singh; Rishu Chhabra; Aditi Moudgil;2023

The existing system for pot hole detection on roads often relies on manual inspections conducted by
road maintenance crews or local authorities. These inspections are typically sporadic and labor-
intensive, making it challenging to identify and address potholes in a timely manner. Additionally,
some regions may deploy sensor-based systems or cameras mounted on vehicles to detect potholes
automatically. However, these systems may be limited in coverage and effectiveness. Overall, the
current methods for pot hole detection primarily rely on human observation or rudimentary
technological solutions, which may not adequately address the pervasive nature of the problem on

The proposed system for Pothole Detection on roads employs state-of-the-art technology, utilizing
Transfer Learning with the ResNet-50 architecture to enhance accuracy and efficiency. This
advanced system leverages the pre-trained ResNet-50 model, enabling it to learn intricate features
crucial for pothole detection. By capitalizing on Transfer Learning, the model can adapt its
knowledge from a broader dataset, improving its ability to discern potholes across diverse road
conditions. Real-time detection capabilities are enhanced, and false positives minimized, addressing
the limitations of existing systems. Integration with autonomous vehicles is a key feature, allowing
the model to seamlessly interface with autopilot modes, enabling vehicles to autonomously navigate
around potholes. The proposed system not only revolutionizes road safety but also showcases the
potential for cutting-edge technology to mitigate the challenges posed by potholes on global
Algorithm Description: (ResNet 50)
 ResNet stands for Residual Network and is a specific type of convolutional neural network.
 ResNet-50 is a 50-layer convolutional neural network (48 convolutional layers, one MaxPool layer,
and one average pool layer).
 Residual neural networks are a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that forms networks by
stacking residual blocks.
 The ResNet architecture follows two basic design rules.
 First, the number of filters in each layer is the same depending on the size of the output feature map.
 Second, if the feature map’s size is halved, it has double the number of filters to maintain the time
complexity of each layer.

Real-time Detection Module:

 Implements algorithms for real-time detection of potholes from live camera feeds or images.
 Employs the trained ResNet-50 model to identify potholes accurately and promptly.
Alert and Notification Module:
 Generates alerts or notifications when potholes are detected, providing timely warnings to
drivers or relevant authorities.
 Enhances road safety by informing users about potential hazards.

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