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Project Update Dashboard – Government Approvals

• Project Objective: Taking Government approvals

for the project

Day 48 of 60 • Project Time: 60days

• Project Updates: Progress is well. FFIC approvals

are cleared. 4 Tasks have been completed.

• Project Risks: Due to some problem we are over

FFIC Approvals on budget of $6200. 3 Tasks are at risks of meeting

• Next Steps: Head to the verification office to sign
the document.
Project Update Dashboard – Mobile App

• Project Objective: Developing a Mobile App

Iteration 4 • Project Time: 60days

• Project Updates: Beta testing is done. All planned

work is completed. Product is ready for review.

Next Product • Project Risks:No risks at that point. Everything is


Release: Tomorrow • Project Next Steps: Beta testing of the product also
extension of the product outside the initial user base.

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