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• USE: Habits and STH true in present or always. For
• I go to the hospital.
• I am forty-three years old.
• The human body contains 206 bones.
How to formulate sentences in Present Simple?
• Positive: I go to the school on Fridays.
• Negative: She does not play videogames.
 SHE/HE/IT: do -› does (+ not if it´s negative)
 VERB: you don´t need to add “S/ES” in negative sentences
(She does not plays videogames X )
• Question: Do you like to play/playing soccer?
 What, Where, When, Who and How (Question Words)
Where do you live? -› I live in Chicago. Do you like it? -› Yes, I do!
Let´s practice!
1) Analyze the next sentences. Remark the Subject, Main Verb, Auxiliary Verb,
Object and the Question Word if it has. Remember that auxiliary verbs are
Do/Does, Have/Has and Verb “to be”. And make the answers as your likes.
a) Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?
b) Do you like watching TV? / Do you like to watch TV?
c) Where do you live?
d) Do you know Melissa? Do you know how old is she?
e) Do you have any brothers?
f) Who is your favorite child?
Remember ALWAYS answer with the same tense and with the AuxVerb.
2) Complete the sentences.
a) I __________ watching films (not like)
b) I __________ homework on Saturdays (do)
c) He __________ football (not play)
d) She _________
e) My child ________ a lot. I´m exhausted! (play)
f) They _________ to the school together (go)
g) I _________ any money (not have)
h) My cat _________ a lot! (eat)
i) It ___________ today, so I can´t go out… (rain)

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