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The Evolution of

Traditional to New Media

Lesson 2
Activity 1: Determine the period when the following types of
media emerged throughout the four ages in history. Choose the
letter of the correct answer inside the box. Use a separate sheet of
paper for your answer.
A. Pre-Industrial Age C. Electronic Age
B. B. Industrial Age D. Information Age
A. 1. Telegraph
B. 2. YouTube A. 9. Facebook
C. 3. Cave painting B. 10. Clay tablet
D. 4. News paper C. 11. LCD Projector
E. 5. Transistor Radio D. 12. Blog
F. 6. Internet Explorer E. 13. Papyrus in Egypt
G. 7. Typewriter F. 14. Telephone
H. 8. Television G. 15. Motion picture
• People discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged
weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron. (hunting
and gathering)

• petroglyphs and pictographs
-the earliest form of
Example forms of Media:
Cave paintings (35,000 BC)
Clay tablets in Mesopotamia (2400 BC)
Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC)
Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC)
Dibao in China(2 century)
Codex in the Mayan Region (5th century)
Printing press using wood blocks (220
INDUSTRIAL AGE (1700s to 1930s)
• The people used the power of steam,
develop machine tools, established iron
production, and the manufacturing of
various products(including books through
printing press)
Example Forms of Media: Telegrapgh
Telephone (1876)
Type writer (1800)
Printing press for Mass Production
Motion Pictures (1900s)
Electronic Aged (1930s to 1980s)
• The invention of the transistor ushered in
the electronic age. People harnessed the
power of transistors that led to transistor
radio, electronic circuits, and the early
computers. In this age, long distance
communication became more efficient.
Example Forms of Media:
• The internet pave the way for faster
communication and the creation of social network.
People advanced the use of the microelectronics
with the invention of personal computers, mobile
devices, and wearable technology. Moreover,
voice, images, sound and data are digitalized. We
are now living in the information age.
NEW AGE (1900s-2000s)
• Web Browser: Mosaic (1993) Internet explorer(1995)
• Blogd: Blogspot(1999) Wordpress(2003)
• Social Network: Frienster(2002), Multiply 2003, Facebook(2004), Instagram
• Microblogs: Twitter(2006), Tumblr(2007)

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