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How to Improve India’s Education

Basic Computing In
Rural Areas
On one hand, India is a land of IT giants;
on the other, rural India is completely
digitally ill-equipped.

In a situation like this, the first change that

the education system must bring forward is
to start free computing classes for skill
development in rural areas.

Only then will rural India move in the

same pace as that of the urban Digital
India and the country will embark on
the journey of development.
Gender Neutral Education
The Indian education system has always
favored men over the fairer sex. The major
change that must be brought about is to
involve women in the same.
Pioneer women in these fields should be
given due encouragement and appreciation.

Particularly subjects that are now

considered to be the strength of men alone
(like carpentry, engineering, etc.) should be
made more accessible to women.
Teacher Training
Teacher education TE (TE) or teacher training refers to the policies,
procedures, and provision designed to equip (prospective) teachers with
the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills they require to perform
their tasks effectively in the classroom, school, and wider community.

In such a situation, giving them

India has a very periodic training will not just ensure
good quality of that they are updated with the
dedicated teachers. changing times
However, the sad fact
here is the fact that after This will also improve the
they join this service, entire education scene of the
they receive little or no country by leaps and bounds.
Remove the Reservation System

The reservation It misses out on This results in not And also fosters a Removal of the
system in India has many just personal loss massive loss to reservation
been so obsessed opportunities for for certain people the nation's system will
with providing the the ones who but also brain economy. ensure equal
best of actually deserve drain for the entire opportunities for
opportunities to the same country all
the reserved
Make Sports Compulsory

One of the main reasons for the alarming rise in suicide amongst
students in the country is the fact that they cannot handle stress.
That in turn is because they are subjected to too much mental
By making sports compulsory it can be ensured that all the
students indulge in some sort of some physical activity.

This will lead to their mind performing better and enable

them to grasp their theory lessons well.
To the Prime Minister
I write this letter to express my deep concern over the problem of students’ increasing carelessness and disinterest in the
education. There are many factors that have led to this problem of students’ disinterest in education. The orthodox education
system is to be blamed. The image of studies and education has been made so repulsive by the system, that children are always
finding excuses to avoid it. Education is more an exploration than slogging for passing examinations, tests, and handing in
assignments. However, the current system is such as education appears to be a burden. Hence, the students feel repulsive
towards it. The schools and teachers must not corrupt the joy giving pursuit of education by putting unnecessary burdens of rules
and regulations on the students. The teachers must intrigue the students towards the charms of education. Learning and gaining
knowledge is an adventure. Teachers must expose and reveal to the students the thrill involved in it. The classroom learning must
be more interesting than the bunking experience.The most burdensome aspect of the education system is the burden of so many
books and paperwork on students. I just wonder why can’t the schools make the education system paper-free! Education should
be imparted through Computer Assisted techniques. From class-room teaching to homework assignments, it should be totally
computerized. For security purpose, there must also be foolproof system to track students’ commuting to the school. There is
already technology available. The sensors in the identity cards send an automated SMS to the parents confirming the arrival of
their children at the school. Besides, the teachers must make the learning experience very thrilling at school. Education actually is
much more charming and intriguing than the temptations of distractions, all that is required is the revelation of the magic in
it.Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper I appeal to the concerned authorities and the education policy makers to
look into the problem and take prompt actions to plug the gaps.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,

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