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Relation of Political Science to Other

Branches of Learning
“No precise and definitive boundaries can be
placed around a subject as comprehensive as
political science”
An analysis of the causes and factors that
influence the state’s growth and
development makes it necessary for political
writers to rely an historical facts.
It shares many points of common interest with
other social disciplines.

It jointly concerned with the fact that economic conditions affects the
organization, development activities of states.

It is very useful for those aspects related to external political problems,

frontiers or boundaries, national power and trade relations.

Politics is an inescapable attribute of human relations and behavior.


The science of man that deals with his physical characteristics, the origin
and development of races, and with the culture and beliefs of mankind.

A well-spring of knowledge to students who are interested in knowing

how man acts and behaves to achieve popular steem.

Political theories about the origin of the state, individualism, democracy,

communism, the separation of governmental powers, etc.

Numerical data are collected and eventually presented in a usable and

understandable form, scientific methods in gathering and evaluating data.

Deals with the principles of reasoning and interference.


The former is the study of the State and government, whereas the latter
is the study of law.

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