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Prof. Cheonhoo Jeon

Circuit Theory Slide 1

Week Topic Week Topic
Magnetically Coupled Networks /
W1 Introduction and Basic Concepts W9
Steady-State Power analysis

W2 Resistive Circuits W10 Steady-State Power analysis

W3 Nodal and Loop Analysis W11 Polyphase

W4 Additional Analysis techniques W12 Variable Frequency Network

Capacitance and Inductance / First-

W5 W13 Variable Frequency Network
Order Circuits

W6 Second-Order Circuits W14 Laplace Transform

W7 AC Steady-State Analysis W15 Laplace Transform

AC Steady-State Analysis / Mid-
term exam
※ Schedule could be adaptively changed.
※ Class 1 분반 ( 수 13-15 교시 , 금 1-3 교시 ), 2 분반 ( 수 16-18 교시 , 금 10-12 교시 )
※ 수업 대체 : 4/10( 수 ) 선거  6/17( 월 ), 5/15( 수 ) 석가탄신일  6/19( 수 )

Circuit Theory Slide 2

Grading Policy
• Attendance (10%)
 Until 1 absence, no problem 
 From 2 absence, 2% deduction per each
 3 tardy == 1 absence
 ‘F’ grade if more than 5+1 absence (> 5) 

• Homework (20%)
 HW (# of HW is to be determined later, but might be 3~4ea)

• Mid-term (35%)
• Final (35%)

Circuit Theory Slide 3

• Textbook
 Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 12th Edition (J. David Irwin)

• Cheating
 Zero tolerance on cheating → ‘F’ grade
• Contact *HW 질문 , 수업관련 , 등 자유롭게

 이러닝 “문의 게시판” 활용

 Office Hour : 월 (17:00~18:00) / 제 2 공학관 307 호
 내선 : 031-8005-3616

 기타 : 대학원 랩실 제 2 공학관 401-1 호

Circuit Theory Slide 4

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