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‫ِبْس ِم ِهللا الَّر ْح ٰم ِن الَّر ِح ِمْي‬

Presented By: IQRA ANSAR

Presented to: Miss Hadiqa Malik
Program: BS English
Semester: 4th Morning
Course: History Of English literature: Romantic age-contemporary

The World War II & the

emergence of
contemporary age

World War 2 was a global military conflict that lasted

for nearly 6 years and resulted in heavy losses for all
that were involved all over the world. World War II
thus far, has been the deadliest and bloodiest war to
date. More than 38 million people died by the end of
the war, many of them innocent civilians. It was also
the most destructive war in our current history. The
fighting raged on in many parts of the world, with the
brunt of it being in Europe and Japan. More than 50
nations took part in this war, which changed the world
Causes Of World War II
1) Dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles, by which the First World War came to an end, created more
problems that it solved. The treaty demanded annexation of German territories and creation
of many States. This sowed the seeds of bitterness and conflicts. This treaty was based on
the spirit of revenge and Germany was forced to sign the treaty. Germany started looking for
the opportunity to do away with the harsh treaty. But this was not possible without an
aggressive policy and armaments. Hence, the war became inevitable.
Causes Of World War II
2) Rise of Fascism and Nazism

The rise of extreme nationalism in Italy and Germany in the form of Fascism and Nazism,
respectively contributed to the causes which led to the Second World War. Mussolini
established dictatorship in Italy and opposed the Treaty of Versailles. Italy demonstrated her
imperialistic designs by attacking Abyssinia. In Germany, Hitler wanted to re-establish the
prestige of Germany in the international field. He flouted the military clauses in the Treaty
of Versailles and declared re-armament. Thus, Mussolini and Hitler drove the countries of
the world towards another world war.
Causes Of World War II
3) Policy of Appeasement

Appeasement refers to the policy of conciliating an aggressive power at the expense of some
other country. It means accepting the hostile demands of an aggressive nation to gain peace.
Britain and France followed the policy of appeasement towards dictatorial countries like
Germany and Italy because they felt that the dictators had a real cause of grievance to the
humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
Causes Of World War II
4) Hitler's Invasion of Poland

On September 1, 1939 the German armies marched into Poland. France and
Britain gave ultimatum to Germany. In reply, Germany attacked France. On
September 3, Britain and France declared war against Germany. Thus, the
invasion of Poland marked the beginning of the Second World War.

(a) By the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was divided into two parts in order to
give a land route to Poland upto the sea and Port of Danzig was also given to
Poland. Germany wanted to regain her lost territories.

(b) Poland was accused of committing atrocities against Germans living there.
Causes Of World War II

The US joined the war after Japanese

bombing of Pearl Harbor (December 7,
US Vs Japan

The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over

the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and
9 August 1945, respectively.

On September 2, Japan surrendered and the Second

World War came to an end.

In conclusion, war began when Germany attacked Poland. Little were

known about the time Russia as well moved into Poland on September
1939. Poland was presently isolated between these two war-time associates.

It is intriguing to see what the reactions of the major partnered countries

were to these two periods. At the point when Germany invaded the western
segment of Poland, Britain and France announced war on Germany. When
Russia moved onto eastern Poland, no war was declared by either country.
Emergence Of Contemporary Age

The Contemporary Era. Most historians consider

contemporary world history to have begun after the end
of World War II in 1945. The war brought dramatic
changes to political and social conditions and laid the
foundation for future scientific and technological
Contemporary Period (1945-Today)
After World War II, new trends appeared in English literature. Although poetry was the most
memorable form to come out of World War I, the novel was the form which told the stories of
World War II. This was because mass media, cinema, newspapers, and radio had changed the way
of information and entertainment. There were many writers who wrote about war. For instance,
Henry Greene's novels- Nothing (1950), The End of Affair (1951), and A Burnt- out Case (1961)
deal with war. These novels explore regions of human unhappiness in many different areas of the

Then came Samuel Beckett, best known for his plays, who described interior feelings of lonely
souls in his works. In this regard came his novels Murphy (1938) and How It Is (1961). Similarly,
the novels of George Orwell also possess political intention. As a socialist, Orwell believed in
equality. His famous works are Animal Farm (1945), and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949).

Question 1
Mussolini opposed the Treaty of…….

1. Abyssinia
2. Versailles
3. Germany
4. Czechnoslovakia


Question 2
Hitler invaded Poland in….

1. September, 1939
2. September, 1919
3. October, 1936
4. July, 1942

September, 1939

Question 3
Which of the following was the immediate cause of The World
War II?

1. Japanese Invasion of China

2. Failure of League of Nations
3. Hitler's Invasion of Poland
4. Rise of Fascism and Nazism

Hitler's Invasion of Poland

Question 4
Which of the following was a part of the "Axis Powers"?

1. Turkey
2. Japan
3. Britain
4. Sweden


Question 5
Which of the following was not a part of the "Allied Powers"?

1. France
2. USA
3. Gemany
4. Britain


Question 6
When was the first atomic bomb dropped and where?

1. August 6, 1947; Berlin

2. August 6, 1945; Hiroshima
3. August 8, 1945; Nagasaki
4. August 8, 1947, New Mexico

August 6, 1945; Hiroshima
Short Question/Answers

Question 1
Why did the USA drop atom bombs on the Japanese cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

The USA warned the Japanese people and the government to
stop the fighting and surrender. But when Japan refused to
surrender, the USA dropped atom bombs on the Japanese cities
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Short Question/Answers

Question 2
Mention two important consequences of the Second World War.

Two important consequences of the Second World War were-

1. Defeat of the Axis Powers- The Axis Powers made

remarkable success initially but were defeated by the Allied
2. Formation of the UN- The United Nations Organisation was
established to bring peace and avoid another world war.
Short Question/Answers

Question 3
What made Japan to surrender to the Allies?

Japan surrendered to the Allies after the USA dropped atom
bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
August, 1945.
Long Question

Explain the world war II and

Emergence of contemporary age?
Thank You:)

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