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Applying Newton’s Second Law

draw,and andlabel
Choosexxor ory-axis
directionof ofmotion
motionas aspositive.
Newton’slaw lawfor
FFxx==mmaaxx FFyy==mmaayy
1. A net force of 4.2 x 104 N acts on a 3.2 x 104 kg
airplane (including mass of pilot) during takeoff. What is
the force on the plane’s 75-kg pilot?
First we find the +
F = 4.2 x 104 N
acceleration a of F = ma
m = 3.2 x 104 kg

F 4.2 x 104 N
a  4 a = 1.31 m/s2
m 3.2 x 10 kg
To find F on 75-kg pilot, assume same acceleration:

F = ma = (75 kg)(1.31 m/s2); F = 98.4 N

2. The driver of car moving with a speed of 54.0 km/h sees a child standing in the
middle of the road. The driver immediately applies the brakes to bring the car to rest
in 5 s, just in time to save the child. The mass of the car is 1040.0 kg and the mass
of the driver is 60.0 kg.
(i) Find the magnitude of the retarding force (assumed constant) on the vehicle?
(ii) How far was the child from the car when the brakes were applied?.
vo = 54.0 km/h vo = 15 m/s Fc = (1100)(3) = 3300 N
v = 0 km/h v = 0 m/s
t=5s v = vo+at x = vot+(1/2)at2
mc= 1040.0 kg
a=(v - vo)/t
md= 60.0 kg
x = (15)(5) +(1/2)(-3)(5)2
a=(0 - 15)/5
a=? a= -3 m/s2
x = 37.5 m
3. A body of mass 2.0 kg is acted upon by two perpendicular forces 4.0 N along
x- axis and 3.0 N along y-axis. Find the magnitude and direction of acceleration
of the body.
F2 = 3.0 N
Given: Find Fnet
m = 2.0 kg
Fx= 4.0 N  x

2.0 kg F1= 4.0 N

Fy= 3.0 N

 = tan-1(Fy/Fc)
4. A cricket ball of mass 150.0 g is moving with a velocity of 12.0 m/s and is hit by a
bat so that the ball is turned back with a velocity of 20.0 m/s. The force of the bat
acts for 0.01 s. Find the average force exerted on the ball by the bat.

m = 150.0 g
v0 = 12.0 m/s
v = -20.0 m/s
t = 0.01 s
5. An object of mass 2.0 kg starts from rest and slides down an inclined plane
80.0 cm long in 0.50 s. What net force is acting on the object along the
inclined plane?
6. Two objects of masses 5.0 kg and 3.0 kg are connected by a string passing over a pulley
as shown in figure below. Find
(i) the acceleration of each mass
(ii) the tension in the connecting string when the masses are released
(iii) through what distance does the 5.0 kg mass fall in 0.3 s after the
m2 =3.0 kg
masses are released. (Neglecting the mass of the string and assume
pulley to be frictionless)
m1 =5.0 kg
7. Two blocks of masses m1 = 5.0 kg and m2 = 6.0 kg are connected by a light string passes

over a light frictionless pulley as shown in figure below. The mass m 1 is at rest on the

inclined plane and m2 hangs vertically. Find the magnitude and direction of the force of
friction on the 5.0 kg block

m1= 5.0 kg

30o m2 = 6.0 kg
8. Four nurses in a hospital lifted a patient by gripping the bed sheet on which the patient
was lying upward. If 250.0 N force upward is exerted by each nurse and the patient had
an upward acceleration of 0.51 ms-2 , what is the weight of the patient?
14. An object with mass m1 = 5.0 kg, resting on a frictionless horizontal table , is
connected to a cable that passes over a pulley and then is fastened to a
hanging object with mass m2 = 10.0 kg , as in figure.

Find the acceleration of each object and the tension in the cable.
Example 7: A cart and driver have a mass of 120 kg.
What force F is required to give an acceleration of 6
m/s2 with no friction?
1. Read problem and draw a sketch.
Diagram for Cart:
n F
W +
2. Draw a vector force diagram and label forces.
3. Choose x-axis along motion and indicate the
right direction as positive (+).
Example 7 (Cont.) What force F is required to
give an acceleration of 6 m/s2?
4. Write Newton's Law equation for both axes.
Diagram for cart:
m = 120 kg
n F
W +
ay = 0 Fx = max; F = ma
Fy = 0;n-W=0 F = (120 kg)(6 m/s2)
The normal force n
is equal to weight W F = 720 N
Example 8: What is the tension T in the rope below
if the block accelerates upward at 4 m/s2? (Draw
sketch and free-body.)

 Fx = m a = 0 (No info)
a x

 Fy = m a =ma

10 kg
T - mg = m a
a = +4 m/s 2

mg = (10 kg)(9.8 m/s) = 98 N

T +
m a= (10 kg)(4 m/s) = 40 N

mg T - 98 N = 40 N TT == 138
138 NN
Example 9: In the absence of friction, what is the
acceleration down the 300 incline?
n + n
mg sin 600 mg cos 0
W 300


 Fx = m ax

a = (9.8 m/s ) cos 60

mg cos 600 = m a
2 0

a = g cos 600 aa == 4.9 m/s

4.9 m/s 22

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