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French Culture and Civilisation

Class Objective
To study more about France
Concept A : Do you know where France is
located ?
La France est un pays d’Europe de l’ouest.
( France is a country in Western Europe )

La France est le troisième plus grand pays en

( France is the third largest country in Europe )

La France est grande et belle.

(France is largest and beautiful country )
Concept A : Do you know where France is
located ?
La Capitale de la France –C’est Paris.
(The capital of France is Paris )

Paris est la ville Lumière et la ville de la mode.

(Paris is the city of lights and the city of fashion)
Concept B: Learning about the country
France and the things it is famous for
1. Les pays voisins de la France sont:

(the neighbouring countries of France are)-

La Belgique(Belge)
La Suisse(Switzerland)
Le Luxembourg(Luxembourg)
2.La France est connue pour ses Fromages
(France is famous for its cheese),

ses parfums(perfumes)

Ses monuments(monuments),etc.

La france est connue pour les ‘beaux Arts’ aussi.

(France is known for its fine arts also)
3. Les fromages célèbres(famous) de la France
sont(famous cheeses of France are) –le camembert,le
brie ,le gruyère.

4. Les monuments célèbres de la France sont (the

famous monuments of france are)-

La cathédrale de Notre Dame, le Musée du Louvre, le

Sacré-Coeur , le panthéon et la tour Eiffel.
5. À Paris ,il ya beaucoup de couturiers célèbres
comme (In Paris, There are a lot of famous
dressmakers like) Coco Chanel, Christian Dior etc.

6. La monnaie de la France est l’euro (the currency of

France is the euro)
Les villes françaises sont(the cities in France are)-

Marseille, Lyon,Nice,Toulouse.
Concept C: Do you know ?
The French flag has three prominent colours-bleu,
blanc ,rouge.

There are over 600 types of cheese found in France.

France is the largest wine producer in the world.

French long bread is called ‘la baguette’.

La tour Eiffel(Eiffel tower) was built in 1889 by Gustave

Practice A : Choose the correct answer
1. La monnaie française est

2. Une ville française est _______(Lyon/londres/Rome)

3. La France est le _______(premier/ quatrième/


4. Un pays voisin de la France est______(L’italie/L’

Algérie/le Pakistan)
Practice B : Name the following
1. Des villes françaises

2. Les pays voisins de la France

3. Les fromages français

4. Les couturiers français

Self Assessment
Good- I was able to understand the culture and civilisation
of France and pronounce well in French . My
pronunciation was perfect.

Fair – I was able to answer a few questions about the

culture and civilisation of France but I am still confused
about others. My pronunciation was not perfect for all.

Bad- I was not able to answer any question related to the

culture and civilisation of France . I am not able to
pronounce any expression taught today.

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