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Science 7

L e a rnin g Mo du le fo r Mo n da y
• Earthquakes occur when
Quick Recap! tectonic plates move.

• Magnitude is the release of

• Intensity measure the shaking
in a certain location.

• Ground Displacement
• Landslide and liquefaction
• Tsunamis
Have you witness a tsunami in real life?
On March 11, 2011 a 9.0 magnitude earthquake off the Pacific coast of Japan
generated a tsunami. This series of ocean waves sped towards the island nation with
waves reaching 24 feet high. The result was devastation and utter destruction.
Towns were engulfed by water and swept away. Farmland was flooded. Tens of
thousands of lives were lost. The National Police Agency reported damages to
hundreds of roads, bridges, and more than 100,000 buildings. The surging water
flooded rivers and destroyed harbors.
You can watch the video:
Learning Objectives

a. Describe tsunami
b. Explain how tsunamis are generated
c. Explain the importance of learning
about tsunami
Activity time!
In this activity, you will make your own
tsunami. And Answer the guide questions
on ½ crosswise.

Materials needed
• Container
• A piece of plywood or plastic panel
• Toys, pieces of rocks or anything that
would represent as houses.
Procedure Shoreline

1.Create a shoreline at the end of the

2. Pour water into the container.
3. Submerge another piece of cardboard or
plywood in the water.
4. Allow the water to settle, then after a
couple of minutes, lift the cardboard and
observe the outcome.
5. While lifting the plywood/cardboard, push
it downwards and observe the effects.
Guide Questions
1.What was formed in the water as the plywood uplifted?

2.How did the downward push of the plywood affect the water and objects?

3.What does the movement of the water represent? How about the object/s?

4. What can you conclude from this Activity in relation to tsunami?


It is a series of ocean waves that sends surges of water

onto land and causes widespread destruction.

Tsunami is a Japanese word that means “ wave in the

harbor” pronounced as “soo-nah-me”.
However often misnamed as Tidal waves, tidal
waves are caused by the gravitational interactions
between the Sun, Moon, and Earth. Meanwhile
Tsunami is caused by a violent seafloor movement
associated with earthquakes , underwater landslide
and volcanic eruptions. But the most common cause
is earthquakes.
How does Tsunami waves
For better understanding copy and paste the link on your browsers
Characteristics of Tsunami
In deep ocean, tsunami waves may appear less than three feet high and
it travels at 500 miles (805 kilometers) an hour- about as fats as a jet
airplane . However tsunami waves are far apart from each other(often
hundreds of kilometer long), which is why they generally passed
unnoticed at deep sea.

• As the waves approach to the shoreline and enter shallower water, tsunami
waves slow down. The reduced distance between them causes the waves to
draw closer together. Consequently they begin to gain more energy and
It’s Quiz time
Instruction: Answer the following questions below and Write
you answers on a ½ crosswise and, pass it on THURSDAY.

1.What is tsunami?
2.How do earthquakes generate tsunamis?
3.In the deep sea what speed do the tsunami waves have?
4.What happens to the waves as they enter shallow water?

5. What is the importance of learning /studying about tsunamis?


On another ½ crosswise, write the hazards and impact of


Pass it on Thursday

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