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Yr 7 APP – LAT AF 1c

Thinking Scientifically
Use simple or abstract models and scientific evidence to decide and explain
how a torch works..

How does a torch work?

Make an educational poster to explain

how a torch works.
What Happens in a Circuit?

• What would happen in the
circuit when you close the
• What would happen if one
cell was removed?
• What would happen if both
cells were removed?
• What would happen if the
lamp were broken?
A Model of a Circuit
• Analogies help us to understand difficult things.
• This castle and mine diagram is an analogy of an electric

The Castle Analogy

The castle needs fuel for light and

The mine provides coal for the
The trucks collect the coal on tracks.
What do you think represents:
The castle uses the coal and the
the cell?
empty trucks return to the mine.
the wires?
the lamp?
the switch?
the current?
the energy in the circuit?
Timeline of Models of Electricity

Early scientists There is one type of Discovery of Electron

believed that there (1839) (1897)
were different types Michael Faraday finished a set J.J. Thompson discovered
of electricity including of experiments that helped him the particle called an
static, animal and to understand that there was electron. This is the
one type of electricity.
battery electricity. negative particle that carries
However, other scientists
disagreed with him. energy around an electric
Discuss: circuit.
How has our scientific ideas of electricity changed?
What has caused these changes?
Why don’t we have a definitive answer?

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