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So what is population
• Population growth is the increase
in the number of humans on
Earth. For most of human history
our population size was relatively
stable. But with innovation and
industrialization, energy, food,
water, and medical care became
more available and reliable.
What is density
• Density-dependent limiting factors cause
a population's per capita growth rate to
change—typically, to drop—with
increasing population density. One
example is competition for limited food
among members of a population.
Density-independent factors affect per
capita growth rate independent of
population density.
• The population of a country or area
grows or declines through the
interaction of three demographic
factors: fertility, mortality, and
migration. To project future
population, demographers make
assumptions about how the current
rates of births, deaths, and
immigration and emigration will
change in the future.
Increase of population
• Factors affecting population growth
include fertility, mortality, and, in
animals, migration—i.e.,
immigration to or emigration from a
particular location. The average
change in a population over time is
referred to as the population
growth rate.
The three factors
affecting population
1.Birth Rate

2.Death Rate


• the number of live births per

thousand of population per year.

• the ratio of deaths to the population of

a particular area or during a particular
period of time, usually calculated as the
number of deaths per one thousand
people per year.
• Human migration is the movement of
people from one place to another with
intentions of settling, permanently or
temporarily, at a new location.
• The movement often occurs over long
distances and from one country to
• Subtracting the death rate from the
birth rate calculates the natural
population change, and subtracting
the number of immigrants from the
number of emigrants calculates net
Causes of population decline

• The size and demographics of the

population change when: fewer
children are born; families with
children move to larger towns and
cities; young and better-educated
people move to larger towns and
Q1. Why does population growth
have a big impact on the world

Q2. What are the three factors of

population growth

Q3. What is density

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