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Starling Force and Pathophysiology

of Oedema

Group Name: The Avengers [A]

By: Abikesh Neupane

• To Elucidate
• Starling force
• Pathophysiology of edema
• Correaltion of specified topic with PBL session
Starling Forces
The primary forces that determine whether fluid will move
out of the blood into the interstitial fluid or in the opposite
• Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure
• Interstitial fluid pressure
• Capillary plasma colloid osmotic pressure(Oncotic)
• Interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure
• Starling Equilibrium : Amount of
fluid filtering outward from the
arterial ends of capillaries almost
exactly equals the fluid returned
returned to the circulation by
absorption through venule end.
Pathophysiology of Edema
• Excess accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space and serous body
• Causes
1. Increased capillary pressure
2. Decreased plasma proteins
3. Increase capillary permeability
Histamine and other immune products
4. Blockage of lymph return
Pitting and Non-Pitting Edema

• The excess fluid that builds up in pitting edema is mainly


composed of water.
• Non-pitting edema is typically associated with conditions
affecting the thyroid or lymphatic system, and the resulting
fluid build-up can be composed of a variety of substances,
including proteins, salts, and water.
• Angioedema is non-pitting edema that involves swelling localized to the
subcutaneous and submucosal tissues.
• causes urticaria, also commonly known as hives, is a skin reaction characterized
by wheals(raised skin rashes).
• The underlying mechanism typically involves histamine or bradykinin.
• Histamine-mediated angioedema is a commonly encountered condition in
emergency departments.
• The most well-characterized mechanism of histamine-mediated angioedema is a
type I hypersensitivity reaction.
Corelation with the PBL case
• Trigger 1: Swelling ( may be edema)
• Trigger 2: Allergic reactions (type of hypersensitivity) may have
caused wheals over the chest and abdomen
• Trigger 3: Confirmation of Agioedema
• Trigger 4 : Diphenhydramine (antihistamine drug)
• Trigger 5: Clinical improvement
Question to the audience !
• Q. Which of the following is related to edema mechanism?
a. Lymphatic obstruction
b. Increase Hydrostatic pressure
c. imbalance in oncotic pressure
d. inflammation
e. all of them

• Guyton and Hall text book of medical

• Robbins and cotran Pathologic Basis of

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