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Prepared By:

Mohammed Salim
Dunya Beroon
Supervised By :
M-Zozan M. F. Masum

"The Vampyre" is a short story written by John Polidori in 1819. It is considered one
of the earliest works of vampire fiction. The story follows Lord Ruthven, a
mysterious and charismatic nobleman with a dark secret – he is a vampire. Through
the protagonist, Aubrey, the narrative explores themes of seduction, morality, and
the supernatural. Polidori's work has had a lasting influence on vampire literature
and is often associated with the Romantic era.

"The Vampyre" is about Aubrey, a
young person who becomes friends
with the mysterious Lord Ruthven
while traveling in Europe. As they
spend time together, Aubrey realizes
that Ruthven is a vampire. The story
shows how Ruthven's evil deeds
impact those around him, causing
tragic outcomes. It delves into the
darker aspects of human nature, the
temptation of forbidden desires, and
the repercussions of dealing with
supernatural forces.

Theme Characters
"The Vampyre" explores spooky stuff like
"The Vampyre" has two main characters:
vampires and mysterious vibes. It talks about
1. Lord Ruthven: He's a mysterious and
how the main vampire guy, Lord Ruthven,
charming nobleman, but here's the
represents being really bad and corrupt. The
twist – he's secretly a vampire.
story looks at what happens when people give
Ruthven represents how evil can be
in to forbidden desires and face tough moral
alluring, with his charm hiding a dark
side. His character adds to the story's
It also shows how evil can seem attractive, like
themes about morality going bad and
Lord Ruthven being charming even though he's
the problems of living forever.
actually really bad. There's a theme about
feeling alone, especially because the vampire is
2. Aubrey: He's the young and innocent
immortal and kinda cut off from regular life.
main character who becomes friends with
The story connects with the Romantic era's love
Lord Ruthven while traveling. Aubrey is
for complicated characters, portraying Lord
like our guide through the story, showing
Ruthven as this mysterious and brooding
us everything that happens. He starts off
figure. It also talks about how living forever has
fascinated by Ruthven but later figures
consequences, messing with relationships and
out the vampire's true nature. This
the human experience. In a nutshell, "The
mirrors the story's exploration of right
Vampyre" weaves all these themes into a cool
and wrong and the risks of giving in to
story that adds to the world of vampire tales.
forbidden desires.

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