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Understanding the Dynamic Interaction between Student Between

Students' Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

A p a g , B i a ti n g o , B o k i n g o , E t u l l e , F u e n t e s , H e r m o s o , L u c i o n , M a g s a l a y, P a d u a , Z a f r a

Introduction Based on the table, the majority of customers expressed a strong

agreement (rated 4 on the scale) regarding their expectations of
Satisfaction of customers is an important factor for service quality from the students in Swedish massage. This
indicates that the overall quality of service provided by the In conclusion, this study examined the satisfaction of customers
any type of massage. Research has shown that customer
students in Swedish massage fell below customer satisfaction regarding the service quality of students in Swedish massage. The
satisfaction is significantly correlated with the quality of
levels. In summary, customers were less satisfied than they had findings revealed notable differences between customer expectations
service of the massage therapist. Swedish massage has
expected with the service quality offered by the students. and perceptions across all dimensions of service quality. Overall, the
many benefits, such as relaxing customers, reducing pain,
perceived service quality fell short of customers' expected levels. The
stress, and improving blood circulation. To prevent health
service quality gap model, SERVQUAL, was utilized to assess these
problems, people need to take time off on a regular basis to
gaps between expectations and perceptions. The presence of a
relax and pamper themselves.
positive gap indicates customer dissatisfaction, suggesting that the
actual performance of the students did not meet customer
expectations. These findings highlight the need for improvements in
Objective the service quality provided by students in Swedish massage to
bridge the gap and enhance customer satisfaction.

The aim of this study is to measure the customer satisfaction

with the service quality of the students in
Swedish massage Acknowledgement
Specifically, it aimed to: We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mrs. Janeth Cantore, our Practical
1. Determine the level of service quality of the students in research II and Inquires, Investigation and immersion teacher for her never-ending
Swedish massage in terms of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness,Based on these findings, it can be concluded suggestions, criticisms, feedbacks, opinions and insight, for the improvement of the
researchers throughout the study. We would also like to express our sincerest gratitude
assurance, and empathy. that 73% of customers are satisfied with the to the participants of this study, including the students who perform the massage and
2. Determine the level of customer satisfaction with the quality of service of the students in Swedish their customers, for their support and willingness to share their experiences with us.
service quality provided by the student in Swedish massage. Without their contributions, this research would not have been possible. We would also
massage and 27% of the Customers are highly like to thank our colleagues and advisors for their valuable insights and feedback during
3. Determine the relationship between service quality and the
level of customer satisfaction with the service quality provided by satisfied with the service quality provided by the
the research process. Their guidance and expertise were indispensable in providing
context and clarity to our study. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the support of all
the students in Swedish massage. students in Swedish massage. the individuals who contributed, supported and took part until the final draft of this study.

Results We are grateful for the opportunity to engage in this important investigation and
contribute to the knowledge regarding to this study.
N Mean Me
ntage The relationship between the service quality of
Expect the students and customer satisfaction in Swedish References
Tangibilit 15 3.32 4 4 10.4 83% massage can be described that factors such as the All H. v. N. &mand, (2018) Then of Service Quality Branding and Promotion on Purchase MCU rempital Business a
Mart 2127/2018 31.12 Rangon (2022) The Relationship Between Service Quality, Customer Satsaction and Brand Loyalty
y 7 www.dv 2015 E-Service Quality ps://www.rica/293148,5vice Quatty A Meta-A
15 3.39 4 4 9.02 84.7
students' skills, professionalism, attentiveness, Cheney (2022) What are the health bene of Samassage // of swedge Hunter (2002) 5 ways a cute
interaction can your business tp// Interaction-can-impo Kuter (2018) What is Customer
15 3.30 4 4 10.8
communication, and overall customer experience play Satshton www.Teshworks contcater-cloud-peical-cars-schware/customer-faction-definition-brog/ Litrianty A. & Yaar (2010)
fact of Quality of Service on Cuction PT PLNP Rayon Jawi Pontian Scent of A M. Pakur (2014). The Service Quality
15 3.30 4 4 7.23 82.5
% a significant role in shaping the perception of service Dimensions that Custom.com2071-105/11/4 Me (2017) Custom of Quanty and www.rechgas.8588 Customerspion of
Service Quality and t Purwan, ND. Sugon & rings (2014) Analysis of the infance of Service Quality and Canary Image on
Empathy 15 3.275 4 4 10.3
75% quality and subsequently influencing customer Custer Sattiction and Lyalty (CS PT. PLN Pars Rayon Malang City June of a Sys Enginearing and Management 325.
htps://www.accept Ray S, & Sayawars 5 (2018) oct of Service Quality on Customer Satisticton PT PLN Tegal Kos
ion satisfaction. Therefore, a positive relationship exists Competive Marketing al, 2 ct of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
Customer Delight and Customer Loyalty Study on LPDD
Tangibilit 15 2.965 3 3 10.5 74.1
y 4 25% between the service quality of the students in
Reliabilit 15 2.7325 3 3 13.5 68.3
y 48 125
Swedish massage and the level of customer CONTATCT
15 2.95 3 3 10.8
satisfaction. Enhancing service quality can contribute INFORMATION
15 2.8825 3 3 11.8
to improved customer satisfaction and potentially lead
Empathy 15 2.60 3 3 13.0
65% to customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth
recommendations. 0991-852-7635

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