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★ Explain ways to conserve
our resources
★ Infer how human can reduce
damage to the environment
Coursebook: Conservation Page 48 -
State some reasons why we
should try not to cut down
Conservation ways and means to
conserve and preserve our planet
We share the earth with millions of other organisms. If we are not
careful, many of our activities make it difficult for them to
There are many things that we can do to make sure that other
species (kinds) of organisms have suitable habitats to live in.

Taking care of the environment, and helping other specie to

survive, is called conservation.
Reducing Pollution
It’s very important to try not to pollute the
environment. For example:
★ We have stopped using CFCs - this will allow the
ozone layer to recover.
★ We should try to burn less fuel, so that less carbon
dioxide is added to the atmosphere.
★ We can bury rubbish in carefully constructed
landfill sites - as the rubbish rots, it produces a gas
called methane, which can be collected and used as

1. What is conservation?
2. Explain how the landfill
site shown in the diagram
helps wildlife to survive.
Preserving Habitats

We must try not to destroy the habitats of plants and

animals. Each species has adaptations that help it to
live in a particular habitat. If we destroy the habitat,
for example by cutting down trees, then some
species may not have a suitable place to live. They
may become extinct.
We can make nature reserves and other protected
areas, where people are not allowed to do any harm
to the environment or to the animals and plants that
live there.
Define conservation!
State one way to
Construct a mini poster conserve our
for reducing pollution environment.
and preserving habitats
3. Describe two reasons why we should try
not to cut down forests (if you can only
think of one reason, look back to page 44-
4. Think of a habitat near to your school, or
where you live, that is under threat from
human activities.
a. Describe the habitat.
b. Explain why it is under threat.
c. Suggest what could be done to protect
the habitat.
a r y
Su mm

★ Conservation means looking after the

environment so that animals and
plants can live there.
★ Reducing pollution and preserving
habitats are important ways of looking
after the environment
Make an account through
different sources of information
about conservation of animals
Conserving giant
Workbook Pg. 32-33
What is environmental

How to reduce pollution

preserving habitats?
Explain why giant
pandas are in danger
of becoming extinct

Make an account based

from sources of
What is extinction of
animals How can we help
solve issue about this?

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