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Vacuum cleaning reference flows and process tree

The vacuum cleaner has a lifetime of 10 years, being used 3 hours a month over these
10 years. It is composed of 5 kg plastic, 2 kg steel for its main body. The hose weights
an additional 0.8 kg made of plastic flexible that needs to be changed after 5 years of
use. The vacuum cleaner has a power usage of 1200W.
The functional unit is 1 hour of vacuum cleaning
Use the enclosed powerpoint form to fill the following information:
a) What are the reference flows (=limit the reference flows to what you really pay for) for
a functional unit of 1 hour of vacuum cleaning (2pts)
b) Add key environmental parameters that are directly affecting the reference flow (2pts)
c) Draw the detailed process tree related to this functional unit (taking into account all
data provided in the problem) and put in each individual unit process box of the process
tree the amount used per functional unit (the amount of intermediary flows per FU)
Reference flows and key environmental parameters
To make your life easier to compare with the answer keys, I have now selected a functional
unit of 1 hour of vacuum cleaning (only one scenario) : keep your reference flows simple,
only what you directly buy!

1 hour of
Process Tree: vacuumcleaning
Plastic hose hose

Plastic Vacuum
1 hour of vacuum

Steel body

HEPA Filter Electricity

1/360 =

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