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Privacy & Data

Prof. Dr. Meltem Huri
● Privacy: The right to control one's personal information and data.
● Data Ethics: It involves the moral principles and guidelines that
govern the collection, use, sharing, and management of data.
● Vital in the digital age where personal data is constantly collected.
● Impacts individuals, businesses, and society at large.
What is Privacy?
Historical Privacy Concerns
● Privacy worries have changed over time as technology has advanced.
● From ancient times and early laws to today's digital era and online
monitoring, the concept of privacy has constantly shifted.
Types of Privacy
● PERSONAL PRIVACY: Personal privacy is the right to protect your personal
information and private life. It prevents others from accessing or using your
information without your permission, ensuring your personal freedom and safety.
● PHYSICAL PRIVACY: Physical privacy is the protection of a person's body,
personal belongings, and physical spaces from unauthorized access, surveillance, or
● INTERNET PRIVACY: Internet privacy refers to measures taken to protect your
online activities and personal information while surfing the Internet.
● DATA PRIVACY: Data privacy is the right of a citizen to have control over how
their personal information is collected and use.
(Popular apps with respect to their collecting
and sharing, 2020)
Key considerations for privacy in the digital world

● Strong Passwords:
○ Use complex and unique passwords for each online account.
○ Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate passwords.
● Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):
○ Enable 2FA wherever possible to add an extra layer of security.
● Data Encryption:
○ Use encryption tools or services for sensitive data.
○ Ensure websites use HTTPS when entering personal information.
● Secure Wi-Fi:
○ Protect your home network with a strong password.
○ Avoid public Wi-Fi for sensitive activities unless using a VPN.
● Regular Software Updates:
○ Keep your operating system and software up to date to patch security vulnerabilities.
Key considerations for privacy in the digital world

● Be Cautious of Phishing:
○ Don't click on suspicious email links or download attachments.
○ Verify the sender's identity before sharing sensitive information.
● Privacy Settings:
○ Adjust the privacy settings on social media platforms and apps.
○ Minimize the amount of personal data you share online.
● Data Minimization:
○ Only provide necessary personal information when signing up for online services.
● Browser Privacy:
○ Use browser extensions that block trackers and cookies.
○ Clear your browsing history and cookies regularly.
● Regular Backups:
○ Back up important data to prevent data loss from cyberattacks.
Key considerations for privacy in the digital world

● Safe Online Shopping:

○ Shop from reputable websites and avoid suspicious online stores.
○ Check for secure payment methods.
● Review App Permissions:
○ Regularly review and revoke unnecessary permissions for mobile apps.
● Location Services:
○ Be cautious when sharing your location with apps and services.
● Cloud Security:
○ Use strong, unique passwords for cloud storage accounts.
○ Enable two-factor authentication for cloud services.
● Identity Theft Protection:
○ Consider using identity theft protection services if available.
Key considerations for privacy in the digital world

● Public Profiles:
○ Be mindful of the information you share on social media profiles.
○ Avoid sharing personal details like your full address or phone number.
● Online Banking Security:
○ Use secure and reputable online banking services.
○ Monitor your bank accounts for unusual activity.
● Educate Yourself:
○ Stay informed about the latest privacy threats and best practices.
● Regularly Monitor Your Digital Footprint:
○ Perform a web search on yourself to see what information is publicly available.
○ Request the removal of outdated or inaccurate information.
● Report Suspicious Activity:
○ If you suspect a privacy breach or cybercrime, report it to the relevant authorities or service providers.
The Facebook - Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal
● The Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal is a data breach in which Cambridge
Analytica began collecting personally identifiable information from approximately 87
million Facebook users in 2014.
● The data was used to influence voter opinion on behalf of the politicians who hired them.
● Following the breach, Facebook publicly apologised and stated that Cambridge Analytica
had collected the data inappropriately
○ Mark Zuckerberg apologized for the Cambridge Analytica issue, describing it as a 'problem,' 'mistake,' and
'breach of trust. Other Facebook officials referred to it as a 'data breach,' claiming that individuals who
participated in the information quiz had agreed to share their data. On March 25, 2018, Zuckerberg
published a personal letter in various newspapers, apologizing on behalf of Facebook.
Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal
Why Privacy Rights are Important
● Privacy rights prevent the government from unnecessarily monitoring people's
activities unless there's a valid reason, like protecting national security.
● Privacy rights ensure that organizations cannot use individuals' personal information
without their explicit consent.
● Privacy rights establish consequences for those who unlawfully obtain or misuse
personal data, promoting accountability.
● Privacy rights empower individuals to manage what personal information they share,
particularly on the internet.
● Privacy rights maintain trust by safeguarding personal data and ensuring
repercussions for those who breach privacy agreements.
January of 2021;
● WhatsApp sent a new contract to users
● WhatsApp warned that those who do not accept the new contract and data
● sharing rules by 8 February will have the application deleted from their
● phones.
● Users downloaded Telegram, Signal, Bip in their mobile phone.

● China-based social media platform TikTok was fined 345 million euros for violating
data privacy rules.
● According to the Irish commission's research, Tik Tok removed the access restriction
for users aged 13 and under, allowing them to access every video.
● It was warned that this situation poses a risk to children under the age of 13.

How to Breach Privacy in the Digital World?
● Hackers want data from which they can make a profit in some way.
● This can translate into bank access, social security information, addresses, and
anything that can be used to verify your identity or manipulate your online behavior.
● Once they’ve obtained this information, hackers can then impersonate you online
(and sometimes in person) to gain access to new loans, your existing finances, tax
refunds, identity, credit cards, and even medical information.
● In some instances, hackers will use your personal info to attempt to blackmail you or
to access and gain control of your devices
● The Yahoo data breach in 2013 was a significant cybersecurity incident that affected
one of the largest internet companies at the time, Yahoo Inc.
● The breach, which was disclosed by Yahoo in September 2016, involved the
compromise of user data belonging to approximately 3 billion Yahoo user accounts.
First American Corporation (2019)
● The First American Corporation data exposure incident in 2019 was a significant
security lapse that exposed the sensitive personal and financial information of
millions of individuals.
Wattpad (2020)
In June 2020, Wattpad experienced a major data breach that exposed nearly 270 million

The data was initially sold before being widely distributed on a public hack forum. c

The incident resulted in the exposure of extensive personal information, including names,
usernames, email and IP addresses, genders, birthdates, and password hashes stored as
Data related terms…
● Data Collection: Digital systems gather large quantities of user data, which
can include personal information, location data, and browsing history, leading
to privacy concerns.
● Data Storage: It's vital to safeguard stored data against breaches and
unauthorized access to uphold privacy standards.
● Data Sharing: When sharing user data with third parties for advertising and
marketing, it's important to handle data responsibly and obtain informed
● Data Retention: Limiting the duration for which data is kept reduces privacy
Data related terms…
● Data Anonymization: Making data anonymous while still keeping it useful for
analysis helps protect privacy.
● User Consent: It's crucial for users to give informed consent, with choices to
agree or disagree, to protect their privacy.
● Privacy Policies: Clear privacy policies are important for organizations to
explain how they handle data.
● Regulations: Laws like GDPR, KVKK, and CCPA set rules for how data
should be handled to protect people's privacy.
How Can you Protect Your Data?
● Back up your data
● Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication
● Be aware of your surroundings
● Be wary of suspicious emails
● Install anti-virus and malware protection
● Protect your device when it's unattended
● Make sure your Wi-Fi connection is secure
Data Ethics in the Computer Environment
● Responsible Data Use: Using data in a responsible manner involves respecting
people's privacy and obtaining their consent.
● Transparency: Organizations should openly communicate how they gather,
store, and utilize data.
● Unbiased and Fairness: Ensuring that data analysis and algorithms are fair
and free from biases is crucial.
● Data Security: Protecting data from hackers and unauthorized access is vital
for ethical data management.
Data Ethics in the Computer Environment
● Data Ownership: Data ethics consider who owns data and the rights users have
over their own data.
● Accountability: Both organizations and individuals should take responsibility for
their actions regarding data.
● Minimization: It's ethical to collect only the data necessary for a specific purpose,
rather than gathering excessive information.
● Beneficence and Non-Maleficence: Data usage should aim to benefit individuals
and society while avoiding harm.
● Ethical AI: Establishing ethical guidelines for AI and machine learning is crucial,
focusing on transparency, accountability, and fairness.
● Balancing Innovation and Privacy: It's hard to find the right balance between
advancing technology and protecting privacy.
● Global Regulations: Meeting various privacy regulations around the world can be
● Ethics in AI: Creating ethical guidelines for AI and machine learning is a
continuous challenge.
● Data Monetization: Making money from user data raises concerns about fairness
and consent.
● Cultural Variations: Ethical norms and privacy preferences differ across cultures.

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