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Leaders and Followers

can really only improve

But first…
• Spark and Innovation Hub jobs
• chatGPT
• Task test
Two minute interviews
Week 4 –
Let’s go back!
Your Team Meetings

• Did you have them?

• Debrief previous week’s work?
• Share feedback on process or people?
• Let’s do a two-minute check-in
Feedback can be:
• Planned or Spontaneous
• Praise or Improvement based
(often) (be careful)
• Should always be constructive
• Should always be professional
What’s your comfort level?
• Hands-up, 1-5 fingers for each

• Giving compliments
• Receiving compliments
• Giving constructive feedback
• Receiving constructive feedback
How to give praise well
Constructive Feedback Process

1. Observation
2. Assessment (be careful)
3. Consequences/impact
4. Development
Teammate is often:
1. Late for meetings
2. Missing meetings without notice
3. Distracted during meetings on phone
4. Taking team off-topic during meetings
5. Not replying to messages
6. Not submitting work on time
7. Not submitting quality work
*These are all established norms in contract
Let’s try it

• Constructive feedback (not criticism)

1. Introduce conversation/ context of caring
2. Comment on situation/specific behavior
***Do not LABEL the behaviour (example)
3. Mention impact/ refer to growth
4. Listen carefully to responses (for WHY)
5. Clarify understanding
6. Thank for openness
How to properly RECEIVE feebdack

“LUV” Principles

L LISTEN without defensiveness

U UNDERSTAND (goal is not nec. to agree)
V VERIFY what you heard, with questions.

Then reflect. There may be a kernel of truth…

Solicited vs Unsolicited
• This feedback activity was problem-based or
• Now we will do requested feedback or “solicited”

*Have you ever asked for a performance review on the

360o Evaluations on yourself and teammates

• Worksheets 10%
• Complete
• Share

* You are very good at ______ and you will be an even

better professional if you work on ____________.
Reflection #14
• How did it feel to give and receive feedback in the role play (even
thought it was ‘fake’)?
• Have you had to do this in real life? Explain.
• How comfortable were you giving constructive feedback to
teammates? Expand.
• How comfortable are you receiving both positive feedback
(complaints) and negative feedback (constructive)?
• What feedback did you receive today that you could act on?

• Journals will be collected next week

Tips for your AdTeamProject Plan
• Tiny tasks
• Short deadlines
• People assigned to each
• Frequent mtgs, not just IM chat
• Start AND stop dates
• Check in on each other OFTEN
• Over communicate
Leadership Project Check-Ins?



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