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Quick guide
MMBB new site build

● As we are starting to receive MMBB scope on the day shift, I made this guide of
the most important things you can check to ensure you do a well integration

● If something is not clear let me know and don´t forget to check with your lead if
you have issues
● Last configuration for NR600 was L700/L600 on legacy BB and NR600 on the
● As 5G BB hadn´t GPS we defined the NGS (node group sync) to pass the GPS
signal from Legacy BB through the radio 4449 to the 5G BB

● Data 2
● Data 1
● L700
● NR600
● L600
● Legacy BB LTE ● 5G BB (BB6630)
● On this new configuration we will have L700/L600 on the new 5G BB
● If L700 is already prexisting on the legacy BB, at the end we will move it to the MMBB
● There is no NGS here, instead you Will have the GPS signal on MMBB through a spliter or an
IXR router
● On site Fe still use to connect the data 1 on the legacy BB but is not used any more, all
L700/L600 and Nr600 share the same fiber that go to data2 on the MMBB (ports A for Alpha, B
for beta, C for gamma)
This is good by FEs, because in case of a rollback
you could request radio swap scripts for
4449 ● L700
4449 to let L700 enabled on the legacy BB
● Data 2 ● L600
● NR600

● Legacy BB LTE ● MMBB (BB6630)

● You will need to integrate the new BB6630 as usual, but keep in mind that there
is a new name for the node, it starts with “M” instead of “N”
● Upload the licence to the ENM GUI
● Load the ap to the ENM GUI

● ECI files are starting to be used, but you still may need to use SIF in case they are
not avaiable
● In case you use SIF
After having connectivity you can run all this scripts on MMBB, but the ones in yellow Will fail
until the cells are enabled on the MMBB
● In case you use ECI
after the ASP load the ECI, enroll your node as usual and run the commands for URI alarm

The only two scripts that the ECI don´t run are the ones on yellow because the cells must
be enabled to run them
● Don´t forget to activate the supervisons on the ENM GUI

● As a suggestion in both cases (SIF or ECI) run this baselines after the integration
as the ones on the package are not usually updated

● netconf
● run
● run
● After FE confirms that the 4449 are installed

● Delete the rilinks on Legacy BB for the L700 radios, this is because the radios may get troubles to get enabled
on the MMBB if rilinks are up on legacy BB
Also run the HwSwap baseline
If rilinks on the MMBB are not created use the next script

lt all cr Equipment=1,RiLink=BB-01-C-6-03-Data2
#Create RiLink FieldReplaceableUnit=BB-01,RiPort=C
cr Equipment=1,RiLink=BB-01-A-6-01-Data2 FieldReplaceableUnit=6-03,RiPort=DATA_2
FieldReplaceableUnit=BB-01,RiPort=A fi
FieldReplaceableUnit=6-01,RiPort=DATA_2 gs-
cr Equipment=1,RiLink=BB-01-B-6-02-Data2
● Run your scripts on LTE node,
the last one Will delete L700 on legacy node, as a suggestion run it before CT
as riot may get troubles to get on green for L700 if the cells are still on legacy

Check the GPS is well installed st ptp and st clock

Check on MMBB that the following features are enabled
invlr CXC4012034|CXC4011476|CXC4011018|CXC4012307|CXC4012015
● Unlock your cells on the MMBB L7/L6 (barred and reserved) and NR600 (barred)
and check MME and AMF get enabled
If they don´t get enabled ping the
traffic IP, if there is not response,
TMO has to check it

address > $TRAFFICIP

mcc Transport=1,Router=vr_TRAFFIC

Also check IPs match between LTE and


On MMBB get vr_traffic.*,ad ^address

On 4g get gnb ^ip

//command on the MMBB to know the

GNBid and the ENBid
get ENodeBFunction=1 enbid
Get GNBCUCPFunction=1 gNBId
● Check the termpoints on LTE are enabled comparing the GNBid and the ENBid
St gnb
● //command on the MMBB to know the GNBid and the ENBid
St enb
get ENodeBFunction=1 enbid
Get GNBCUCPFunction=1 gNBId
Do the following checks on MMBB
st sctp ----- check mos are created
get nrcell state ----- check cells are active in service
st UlCompGroup ----- check unlocked/enabled
get VlanPort=ERAN vlanid ---check that is the same number that on LTE BB
pr NRCellRelation= ----- check mos are created
pr nrfreq ----- check mos are created
st bblink ----- check if is created
get . eranVlanPortRef V ---- check there is MO created

Do the following checks on LTE BB

pr gutranfreq ------ check Mos are created
If all is good, ask the ASP to confirm if the riot is ready for CT on L700/L600

IF CT is successful an L700 is a preexisting technology let it unlocked, if is not

successful confirm with the IM the status before thinking to close the site

Don´t forget to check the usual KPIs (fiber levels, BIT error, VSWR, RSSI, delta,
cell availability and percentage of calls successful)
Clean up process

● Is not needed if L700 and L600 are new carriers

● This process Will delete the relation with neighbors sites for the L700 and/or
L600 that was on the Legacy node
● Do it only if the Call test is successful
● If you don´t have the script request it to TCM

● Obtain the ENBid on the LEGACY NODE with the command

get ENodeBFunction=1 eNBId
Clean up
● On the Excel file select you ENM on the tab, and
Obtain the externalENodeBFunctionfrom document
create a filte on columna ENBId
from this link:

● Download the most recent file

● Then you Will have all the nodes that has relations
with yours
● Create a .txt file with all the nodes list

● Upload your script on Filezila, and go to that directory on the ENM on

secure (not on the node, directly on the ENM)

● Finally execute the script with the command below, it Will run the script on all the nodes on the list
Just make sure all is ok
mobatch clean.txt 3TIS733A_E61_EXTERNALEUTRANCELLFDDDELETE_02_ExternalEUtranCellFDD_delete_cleanup.mos

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