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Talent Acquisition and

Total Rewards processes

Prepared By

Omar Sayed Farid Awad

Supervised by

Dr.Haitham Essam
. Company Overview

. Company Vision and Mission

. Company Vision and Mission

. Main departments within the


. External factors that influence

company’s customer base

. Talent Acquisition analysis

. Total Rewards analysis

Company Overview

"Spiro Spathis" was founded in 1920 by a Greek noble

man called Spiro Spathis. Spiro Spathis has made a home
for himself and his family in Egypt, where he moved to
the country at the age of 15 years old, finished his
education, got married and had 4 children, all in Egypt.
Spathis founded a factory where he sought out to
produce a lemon fizzy drink, and that was the birth of
Egypt's first soda brand in 1920. In 1941, the drink won
"The King Farouk" medal in the second qualitative
exhibition of industries, holding first place as the best
product among more than 56 factories in competition.
In 1998, the firm was acquired by another corporate
called "Sabbsa". And it started to decline till the grand
child of Spiro Spathis decided to invade the market once
Company Overview
• The drink - which gained ultimate clout as the go-to Egyptian soda drink - has been on
hiatus for decades, and has finally been revived for summer 2020. And with everyone
going through old family albums and getting nostalgic, what better time for this
beloved relic to make a comeback.
• On top of being queen Um Kolthoum's favorite drink, the drink got major fame that
was being delivered all across Egypt; from Alexandria to Aswan and all the way down to
remote areas in Southern Egypt (tell your grandparents, and they'll definitely get a
glimpse from the past).
• Spiro Spathis can now be found on the shelves of retailers, quick markets and kiosks in
Egypt, with both the original lemon fizz taste and apple flavors. If you're not venturing
outdoors these days, they also deliver straight to your door.
• Spiro Spathis is an up-and-coming beverages and soft water firm in Egypt, that gained
popularity as an alternative to Pepsi and Coca-Cola during a recent boycott. The
company's owner aims to grow the business but worries about the long-term
sustainability of consumer support.
Company Overview
• With recent sales on the rise, boasting a remarkable 300% increase in the
past few months, and a growing customer base due to the boycott of
Pepsi and Coca-Cola, Spiro Spathis Soda Water is well-positioned to take
advantage of this success and solidify its position as a key player in the
industry. Their main goal is to establish themselves as a dominant force in
the market in the coming months, aiming to rank among the top
companies in the beverage industry. To accomplish this, they plan to
expand their market presence by forming partnerships with prominent
restaurant chains, hotels, schools, and universities. Furthermore, they aim
to increase their presence in retail by making their products more widely
available, including placement in smaller retail stores. This comprehensive
strategy is tailored to optimize sales, increase brand visibility, and meet
the growing consumer demand, ultimately strengthening our position in
the market and ensuring ongoing success.
. Company Vision and Mission

Company’s Vision is to blend Company’s Mission is to

the classic with the new in a reintroduce innovative
unique way, becoming a top Egyptian flavors to the market
provider of high-quality, and provide consumers with
refreshing soda water that offers delicious, natural soda water
a healthier choice compared to while also promoting health
traditional soft drinks and sustainability through our
products and business
Company Swot analysis

Strength: Being an Egyptian

brand is the biggest strength Weakness: The products are not
point for any brand at the widely available and the taste is
moment, and the brand's not as good as its American
history and heritage is also a counterparts.
strength point.

Opportunity: The boycott has Threats: Sina Cola could improve their
quality and become a legitimate
provided Spiro with a golden competitor, BIG could do the same and
opportunity to dominate the increase their availability, the people
market, as there is no could go back to buying Pepsi and Coke
competition at this point and which means that sales will receive a
significant drop, but hopefully the brand
the general public is extremely will still hold a bigger place in the market
enthusiastic and encouraging than before.
towards this brand.
Main departments within the organization

The below departments within the organization that have a vital and crucial
impact on increasing the customer base and expanding the market share:

. Marketing: Campaigns focusing on the heritage of the

brand, showing images newspaper clippings of King Farouk
and the royal family and ministers drinking and supporting
the brand, also old clippings from newspaper and
magazine advertisements, reassuring that this is a very old
and respectable Egyptian brand in addition to having
opportunity to feature alongside Ms. Esad Younis, a
renowned TV presenter, on one of Egypt's most popular
talk shows called "Sahbet El Sa3ada." During the program,
they discussed the brand, which is the pioneering Egyptian
brand that introduced soda water.
Main departments within the organization
Sales: Conducting deals with corporations to provide bottles for a weekly/monthly
basis, same thing with hotels and supermarket chains as per the below attached
Main departments within the organization

 IT: Creating a system for online ordering, since consumers can’t find bottles in
stock at regular stores.
The online ordering system should give consumers the opportunity to track their
orders, paying online, receiving email and SMS confirmation after placing each
order, and writing reviews as well.
 HR: Hiring more workforce to work on extra shifts to fulfill increasing orders,
identifying weak points in the production process and providing fast training
programs by experts to improve operations ASAP.
 Operation: The company is currently thriving but they cannot risk spending too
much money on renting new factories until they maintain the current sales
numbers and increase the profit rate.
The best solution is to hire more skilled workers, invest in more machines and
have active shifts 24/7.
External factors that influence demand and positively contribute
to expanding Spiro Spathis' customer base
1. Political: During the brutal attacks on Gaza, citizens started boycotting American and European products and
decided supporting Egyptian products, which benefited “Spiro Spathis”, the company announced their support for
Gaza on their social media accounts and through street banners, to increase support from the public as not just an
Egyptian brand, but as a brand that supports Gaza as well.
2. Economic: Prices must not exceed the price of the competitive American brands, keeping in mind that the
current economic situation in Egypt is not stable and buying a soda on a daily basis is now a luxury not many
people can afford.
3. Social: Nearly identical to the political situation, people are now supporting the brand after boycotting American
and European brands, the company hired ushers to go to cinemas, malls and events to giveaway bottles to
consumers who have never really heard about the brand and to give them an opportunity to find out what it tastes
4. Technology: Enhance the social media marketing efforts on platforms like Facebook and Instagram by
intensifying promotional campaigns. Furthermore, distribute complimentary samples of soda water to influential
figures such as celebrities and bloggers, encouraging them to share their feedback and opinions, thereby
motivating potential customers to make purchases.
5. Demographic: Provide HR training programs for the unskilled labor after having a meeting with department
heads and pin-pointing exactly the faults and errors of the workers that need to be fixed ASAP.
External factors that influence demand and positively contribute
to expanding Spiro Spathis' customer base


The Company should focus all its strength to dominate the marketing by hiring extra
workers and more machines, provide a tool for online ordering, plan for newer flavors to
be available soon, concentrate marketing plans on the fact that this is an Egyptian brand
with heritage and play with the nostalgia factor, campaign with social causes like children
hospitals for example.

Fun Fact:
The unique logo that many people mistake for a fly is actually a bee, which was
inspired by Spiro Spathis’ work in a beehive
Talent Acquisition

Spiro Spathis Company has taken a universal view pointing to

its on-boarding systems in each of its business and is
integrating a method for obtaining new employees adapted
culturally and completely involved more rapidly.

It is vital to note that Spiro Spathis is developing logical

assessment processes and interviewing coordinated with the
company’s core values to enhance the quality of recruiting
metrics in all areas.
Talent Acquisition
How does Spiro Spathis company plan to attract talent?
Ever since, what Spiro Spathis Company has learned is that the Egyptian brand is truly
impressive. What they are mastering is, before they used to fabricate the Spiro Spathis sign
and nearly everyone would gather to the table. In some measures they still do, however
that is not sufficient. The firm needs to provide more concrete ways for people to improve
their careers as well as themselves. How can they influence the firm to pay back to their
There are essential strategies in order to attract talents and they are as follows,‫د‬
• Benefits which are customized
• Training and development (how does the company develop people to enhance their
careers as the company prefers their employees to stay with them)
• Compensation
• Culture. This pertains to establishing an environment where employees can work, learn,
have fun and contribute at the same time.
Talent Acquisition
Let's analyze the talent acquisition strategies of Spiro Spathis and provide recommendations
for enhancing their processes.
1. Employer Branding (EVP) Strategies:
EVP ( Employer Value Proposition ) is the core of the Spiro Spathis brand, an EVP also plays a
crucial role in inspiring and motivating the existing employees, boosting their morale and
ultimately leading to higher retention rates.


4- EVP
Talent Acquisition

We will evaluate the EVP strategies employed by Spiro Spathis and

assess their effectiveness in attracting and retaining top talent:

a- Assess brand messaging:

- By getting feedback from employees every month through surveys, They can see how
employees feel about the company culture, values, and growth opportunities.
- They can chat with employees in focus groups to learn more about how they see the
company as an employer.
- Reading through Glassdoor reviews can give them an idea of what people outside the
company think of their employer brand.
- Analyzing employee turnover rates and the number of qualified applicants for open
positions to assess the attractiveness of the employer brand.
Talent Acquisition

B- Evaluate differentiation in employer branding efforts:

- Showcasing Spiro Spathis' special company culture, values, and employee perks in their
recruitment materials and messages.
- Sharing stories from current employees who love working here and can vouch for the
great work environment and chances for growth.
- Creating specific employer branding campaigns that focus on their local roots,
sustainable practices and community involvement to make them different from bigger
Talent Acquisition

C- Measure the effectiveness of the employer value proposition:

- Keeping track of how many people are applying for jobs with them to see how interested
they are in working here.
- Watching how many offers we make that are accepted so they can see if their
compensation and benefits packages are appealing to potential hires.
- Checking on how many employees stick around and doing exit interviews to find out what
might be affecting their decision to stay or go.

2- To examine its recruitment process, let's look at the methods used for sourcing,
screening, and selecting candidates, as well as analyze any strengths or weaknesses that
may be identified.
B. The Employee Recruitment and Selection Process:

Job analysis Specification of people/task - Requirements of jobs

Human Resource Planning Specification of human resources - Requirements

Recruitment A pool of qualified candidates

Initial Screening A smaller pool of qualified candidates

Selection New Employees

B. The Employee Recruitment and Selection Process:

Orientation Understanding of Company - Departmental policies, procedures - And benefits

Placement Optimal match of employee talents - Requirements

Training Competence to perform present or - Future Job requirements

Feedback regarding past and - Present job performance supervisor/

Performance Appraisal subordinate plans for the future
Talent Acquisition

2- To examine its recruitment process, let's look at the

methods used for sourcing, screening, and selecting
candidates, as well as analyze any strengths or
weaknesses that may be identified.
Sourcing Methods:
1. Spiro Spathis company may use
various sourcing methods to attract
potential candidates. These methods
could include:
a- Online Job Portals: Posting job
advertisements on popular job portals
and career websites can help reach a
wide audience of job seekers and using
social media platforms such as LinkedIn to
connect with a wide pool of potential
candidates quickly. The example provided
here is a post on LinkedIn seeking a Junior
b- Recruitment Agencies: Collaborating
with recruitment agencies can provide
access to
a broader talent pool and assistance in
identifying suitable candidates.
Using multiple sourcing methods particularly those on online job boards increase the
chances of attracting a diverse range of candidates with different skill sets and
backgrounds. It also allows the company to reach both active and passive job seekers.
Relying too much on digital platforms might mean missing out on great candidates who
prefer more traditional ways to apply.
2. Screening Methods:
After sourcing candidates, Spiro Spathis company needs to screen them to identify the
most qualified individuals. Common screening methods include:
a. Resume/CV Review: Reviewing applicants' resumes or CVs to assess their
qualifications, work experience, and skills.
b. Technical Assessments: Administering technical assessments or tests to evaluate
candidates' knowledge and skills relevant to the job requirements.
Screening methods like resume/CV reviews and interviews help evaluate candidates'
qualifications and initial fit for the role. Technical assessments provide a more objective
measure of candidates' abilities.
Depending solely on resume/CV reviews and interviews may not provide a
comprehensive evaluation of candidates' capabilities. It's possible to overlook talented
individuals who may not have an impressive resume or perform well in interviews.
3. Selection Methods:
Once the screening process is complete, Spiro Spathis company needs to select the most
suitable candidates. The selection methods may include:
a. In-person Interviews: Conducting face-to-face interviews with shortlisted candidates to
assess their interpersonal skills, cultural fit, and overall suitability for the organization.
b. Reference Checks: Conducting reference checks to verify the information provided by
candidates and gather insights from their previous employers or professional contacts.
c. Assessment Centers: Utilizing assessment centers where candidates participate in
various activities and simulations designed to assess their skills, teamwork, problem-
solving abilities, and leadership potential.
In-person interviews, reference checks, and assessment centers provide a more in-depth
understanding of candidates' competencies, personal qualities, and potential fit within
the organization.
Selection methods like in-person interviews and reference checks rely heavily on
subjective judgments, which can introduce bias. Assessment centers can be time-
consuming and resource-intensive.
Assessing the induction and orientation programs in place and their effectiveness in integrating
new employees into the company culture of Spiro Spathis company is crucial for ensuring a
seamless onboarding process. Let's delve into this topic and evaluate the programs and their
1. Induction Program:
The induction program at Spiro Spathis company refers to the initial training and
orientation provided to new employees. It aims to familiarize them with the organization,
its policies, procedures, and work environment. To assess its effectiveness, several factors
should be considered:
a. Onboarding Materials: Review the quality and comprehensiveness of the materials
provided to new employees, such as employee handbooks, company policies, and
relevant documents. Assess whether they effectively convey the necessary information.
b. Company Culture Integration: Evaluate how well the induction program emphasizes
the company's values, mission, and culture. Consider whether it helps new employees
understand and align themselves with the organization's core principles.
c. Introduction to Colleagues: Assess whether the program facilitates introductions to key
team members, managers, and other employees. This can contribute to building
relationships and fostering a sense of belonging
d. Role Clarity: Determine if the induction program effectively communicates the new
employees' roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This clarity is crucial for them to
understand their positions within the company.
2. Orientation Program:
The orientation program focuses on providing specific job-related training to new
employees. It helps them acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their
roles effectively. To assess its effectiveness, consider the following:
a. Training Content: Evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of the training materials
provided during the orientation program. Assess whether they adequately cover job
-specific skills, processes, and tools then consider the methods used to deliver the
training, such as classroom sessions, e-learning modules, or on-the-job training. Assess
whether the delivery methods are engaging, interactive, and effective in transferring
knowledge and skills.
2. Orientation
2. Orientation Program:
b. Mentorship and Support: Determine if the orientation program assigns mentors or
provides support systems to new employees. Having a designated mentor or support
network can help new employees navigate challenges and integrate into the company
more smoothly.
C. Performance Expectations: Assess whether the orientation program clearly
communicates performance expectations and provides feedback mechanisms. This clarity
is essential for new employees to understand how their performance will be evaluated
and to receive constructive feedback.
The following areas have been pinpointed as opportunities for improvement
that warrant consideration:
- Interactive and Engaging Training: Incorporate interactive elements, such as workshops,
group activities, and simulations, into the training programs. This approach fosters active
learning, engagement, and better retention of information.
- Reviewing their onboarding and orientation programs to make sure they're helping new
employees settle in and grow.
- Continuous Learning Opportunities: Extend the orientation program beyond the initial
onboarding period. Offer ongoing learning opportunities, such as workshops, webinars, and
access to online resources, to support the professional development of new employees.
Recommendation to the company on how they can enhance talent acquisition processes:

a- Starting a referral program

where current employees can get
rewarded for bringing in good
candidates from their networks.
b- Utilizing technology such as AI-
driven recruitment tools can
streamline the process of finding
top candidates, making it faster
and more efficient compared to
traditional methods of manually
collecting resumes through mail
or kiosks. This example
demonstrates how technology like
AI can effectively filter resumes,
saving time and effort and
assisting in selecting the right
candidates for specific roles
- Offering flexible work options to attract and hang on to good talent,
especially when there's a lot of competition.

- Implement a standardized interview process that includes behavioral

and competency-based questions. This approach provides a more
objective assessment of candidates' skills, experiences, and cultural fit.

- Partnering up with schools or pro organizations to set up pipelines for

recruiting talent, like internships or co-op programs.

- Starting a mentorship program that pairs new hires with senior

employees to help them grow and stay with the company.

- Including diversity and inclusion in the recruitment process to give

everyone a fair shot and boost innovation and decision-making within the
Analysis of Total Rewards Structure

When it comes to the way Spiro Total Compensation

Spathis structures their Total

Rewards program, they are making Compensation System
efforts to provide the best for their
employees to keep them on board Indirect
compensation Direct
and also to attract new ones compensation
through the following: Services and
Protection Perquisites
Pay for Time Not
• Regularly compare these Programs Medical
insurance Life
Worked Vacations Recreational
facilities Car
Base pay Merit pay
Holidays Sick leave
offerings to what other insurance Disability
income Pension
Jury duty Financial planning
Low-cost or free
companies in the same industry Social Security meals

are providing, to make sure Salary Wage

they're keeping up with the
competition in terms of Incentive Pay
Deferred Pay
Savings plan
attracting and retaining talented Commission
Piece rate Stock
individuals. Profit sharing Stock
option Shift purchase
differential Annuity
Analysis of Total Rewards Structure

Direct compensation

Offering competitive pay is the number one contributor to

attracting and retaining talent based on the employee education,
title and grade
Performance bonuses:
Bonuses tied to performance metrics
incentivize and reward high achievers.

Sharing a portion of profits with employees can boost morale and

promote a feeling of collective ownership.
Analysis of Total Rewards Structure
Indirect compensation
Health insurance:
is a benefit that employers offer to employees to help cover the costs of medical
expenses, including doctor visits, hospital stays, prescription medications, and
other healthcare services. This benefit can provide employees with access to
quality healthcare and financial protection against unexpected medical costs.
Employees are allowed to seek medical attention or visit a hospital in case of a
medical emergency or health issue. In such situations, employees are required to
cover the initial expenses themselves, and the company will reimburse them later.

Rent / Residence Facility:

is given by company to those employees who are from out of town/city and their
rent is paid by company and this is made specifically for the factory workers who
worked in remote areas.
Analysis of Total Rewards Structure

Indirect compensation
• Transportation allowance refers to a monetary benefit provided to cover the costs
incurred by an employee for commuting or traveling to and from work or for business-
related travel. The purpose of this allowance is to help employees cover their
transportation expenses, such as fuel, public transportation fares, or vehicle
maintenance costs. The amount of allowance varies from job to job depend on status
of job.
Employee recognition programs:

• Employee recognition programs are initiatives that acknowledge and reward

employees for their contributions, achievements, efforts and any extra tasks did. These
programs can take various forms, such as awards, vouchers, certificates, or public
• Covering dependents: Spiro Spathis benefits to you and your eligible family members.
Extended family members, such as grandchildren, are not eligible for coverage unless you are
their legal guardian or have adopted them
Here’s a look at who is eligible for coverage:
Must be your legal spouse for federal tax purposes
Your spouse Your domestic partner (same sex or opposite (Including state recognized common-law spouses)
sex) Must complete the plan’s affidavit of domestic

Your children, including:

• Biological children
• Legally adopted children (or children placed
for adoption)
• Stepchildren
Must be under age 26
• Foster children
• Children for whom you or your spouse are
the legal guardian
• Children of same-sex or opposite sex
domestic partner

Children named in a Qualified Medical Child

Support Order (QMCSO) Employee (not spouse) must be required to provide coverage from the PepsiCo plan

• Child is unmarried and does not have other medical coverage available through his/her own
• Child lives with you for at least half of the year
Physically or mentally disabled child who is age 26 or older
• Child is disabled on or before his/her 26th birthday
• Child is dependent on you for financial support
• The claims administrator determines that your child is disabled
When is a salary increase letter created?
Let’s take a look at the various situations where the Spiro Spathis company decides to
make a salary increase:
Annual performance reviews:

Linking salary increases to performance outcomes is a tangible and measurable

way of tracking how well an employee has met their key performance indicators
(KPIs). A salary increase letter is also a great way to say well done and thank you,
with an attached reward, adding more recognition and value to the
overall employee experience.

Merit-based increases:

Employers may reward employees with a salary increase for exceptional work
performance, achievements, or contributions that go above and beyond their
normal job duties. This does not necessarily need to align with a performance
When is a salary increase letter created?
When an employee is promoted to a higher position, a salary increase letter is
given to reflect the new responsibilities and the higher level of compensation
associated with the new role. It is a measurable way to ensure the employer and
the employee agree on the new job scope, aligned with the new compensation
and benefits.
Job changes:
A salary increase letter formalizes the change if an employee transitions to a
different role within the company that warrants a higher salary.
Cost of living adjustments:
To accommodate inflation or changes in the cost of living, employers might
provide salary increases to ensure that employees’ earnings are sufficient to meet
their needs.
Market adjustments:
Companies may adjust salaries to align with the current market rates for specific
roles to remain competitive and retain talent.
Spiro Spathis, like many other companies, typically conducts a comprehensive analysis of total
compensation to assess its competitiveness in attracting and retaining employees. Here are some
general steps that companies often follow in this process:
1. Market Research: Spiro Spathis would gather data on industry compensation benchmarks and
trends. This involves collecting information from various sources such as salary surveys, industry
reports, and consulting firms specializing in compensation analysis. The data would encompass
relevant job roles and geographical locations.
2. Job
Job Evaluation:
Evaluation: Spiro
of its
its job
job roles
roles to
to determine their
determine their
relative value and importance withinthe
importance within theorganization.
hierarchy and job grading, which serves as
3. Compensation Surveys: Spiro Spathis may participate in or purchase compensation surveys
specific to its industry. These surveys provide detailed information on how other companies in the
same industry structure their compensation packages, including base pay, bonuses, incentives, and
- Investigation of Job Evaluation Methodology and Job Grading System:

Job Analysis Job Evaluation Pay Equity

The Job Evaluation methodology used by Spiro Spathis to develop their Job Grading system
is a combination of Qualitative and Quantitative methods which are Job classification
qualitative and Point-factor quantitative methods. The qualitative methods are usually
faster while the quantitative methods are more objective and take into account required
skills and responsibilities. The below is a brief explanation of each of the methods.

Evaluation method Description

Jobs are ranked based on a pre-determined grade comparison. An example

classification is a CEO, vice president, director, manager, and operator. This is a
Job classification
pre-determined ranking that many organizations use. Grades are created among
job families (e.g., marketing, HR, sales)

Jobs are assessed on required know-how, problem-solving abilities, and

Point-factor method accountability. Each factor is assigned points and the total number of points
indicates the job’s ranking.
Point-factor method
Of all job evaluation methods, the point-factor
method is probably the best known. On a high
level, the steps for this approach are as
1- Jobs are listed
2- Evaluation factors are defined
3- Scoring degrees on these factors are determined
4- Per job, points are allocated for each factor
5- A wage structure is defined
6- Adjustment of the existing wage structure
The result is a spread of points and a salary
range per job, similar to the image below. Any
outliers can be calculated and need to be dealt
with on an individual basis.
The job evaluation process: 4 steps
The job evaluation process involves four steps. These steps are planning and diagnosis,
design & development, validation & modeling, and communication & roll-out.
The impact of job evaluation on salary scales and pay equity:

• Establishing equitable salary scales

• Enhancing pay equity among job families

• Aligning compensation with market rates
• Promoting transparency in pay decisions

* Conclusion
Job evaluation is vital for fair and equitable compensation in organizations. By
effectively applying job evaluation methods and overcoming common challenges, HR
managers can create a transparent, market-aligned compensation structure.
This approach not only ensures internal equity and competitiveness but also fosters an
environment where employees feel valued, contributing significantly to the
organization's success.
- Areas of Improvement in Total Rewards Processes:.
- Conduct regular surveys and focus groups to gather feedback from employees on their
satisfaction with the Total Rewards structure and identify areas for improvement.
- Explore opportunities to personalize Total Rewards offerings to better meet the diverse needs
and preferences of employees at different career stages and levels.

- Recognize that employees have diverse needs and preferences. Provide flexibility in the total
rewards programs to accommodate different employee demographics, life stages, and personal
circumstances. For example, consider offering flexible work arrangements, personalized benefits
options, or rewards programs that cater to specific employee segments.

- Enhance communication channels and transparency around total rewards programs. Ensure that
employees have a clear understanding of the value and components of their total rewards
package. Regularly communicate updates, changes, and the rationale behind decisions related to
compensation and benefits. This fosters trust, engagement, and a sense of fairness among

By focusing on these areas of improvement, Spiro Spathis can enhance their total rewards
processes, increase employee satisfaction, and ultimately drive better business outcomes.
- Recommendations to Enhance Total Rewards Strategies:
- Develop a Total Rewards philosophy that clearly defines the value proposition offered to
employees and aligns with the company's employer brand and strategic objectives.
- Introduce Flexible work arrangements: They allow employees to have more control over when
and where they work. These arrangements can help employees balance work and personal
responsibilities, leading to increased job satisfaction and well-being.
- Providing the employees with a medical card to be used directly without any upfront payment for
medical expenses.

- Invest in technology solutions, such as Total Rewards platforms or digital communication tools, to
enhance the accessibility and visibility of compensation and benefits information for employees.
- Conduct regular benchmarking studies and market analysis to stay abreast of industry trends
and ensure Spiro Spathis' Total Rewards offerings remain competitive and attractive to top talent.

- Introduce Employee volunteer programs: They encourage and support employees to engage in
community service and charitable activities. These programs may offer paid volunteer time off,
organize volunteer events, or provide opportunities for employees to support causes they care
about. Engaging in volunteer work can strengthen employee morale, team cohesion, and social
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