Radiatii Ionizante

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Cârlig Sergiu
• Radiații ionizante
• Radiații nucleare
• Doza absorbita
• Doza efectivă
• Valori critice
• Protejare
• Energia unei cuante
• Radiații ionizante  100 nm
• Radiațiile nucleare provin din dezintegrarea

• Doză absorbită (Gy)

• Doză echivalentă / efectivă (Sv)
Spectrul electromagnetic
What is ionizing radiation?
• Ionizing radiation is radiation with enough energy that to remove tightly bound electrons
from the orbit of an atom, causing that atom to become charged or ionized.
• Here we are concerned with only one type of radiation, ionizing radiation, which occurs in
two forms: waves or particles.
• There are several forms of electromagnetic radiation, which differ only in frequency and
• heat waves
• radio waves
• infrared light MicroWave
• visible light
• ultraviolet light
• X rays
• gamma rays.
• Longer wavelength, lower frequency waves such as heat and radio have less energy than
shorter wavelength, higher frequency waves like X and gamma rays. Not all electromagnetic
(EM) radiation is ionizing. Only the high frequency portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum, which includes X rays and gamma rays, is ionizing.

gray (Gy):

•The new international system (SI) unit of radiation dose,

expressed as absorbed energy per unit mass of tissue.
•The SI unit "gray" has replaced the older "rad" designation.
•1 Gy = 1 Joule/kilogram = 100 rad.
•Gray can be used for any type of radiation (e.g., alpha, beta,
neutron, gamma), but it does not describe the biological
effects of different radiations.
•Biological effects of radiation are measured in units of
"sievert" (or the older designation "rem").
•Sievert is calculated as follows: gray multiplied by the
"radiation weighting factor" (also known as the "quality
factor") associated with a specific type of radiation.
𝑥 1/ 2
𝐼=𝐼0 2
Lecturi înainte de somn

• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_(unit)
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionizing_radiation
• https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/basic-ref.html
• https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC59
• https://

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