Communication Plan RIX

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& Presentation

Campaign Plan
Ginevra (Gina) Papi
KŪL Team
BRAND: VirtuLand RIX 2028: Where family fun meets comfort

CAMPAIGN’S NAME: Making VirtuLand RIX 2028 a reality

CAMPAIGN’S HEADLINE: “Girls Fams just wanna have fun (and basic necessities)!”

By the last Board meeting of Q4 2024, lead and execute a strategic lobbying campaign directed at the Riga International Airport (RIX) Board to secure a favourable vote
for the implementation of VirtuLand RIX in the new 2028 passenger terminal.

The goal is specific and action- Success can be measured by a It could be achieved in the It is relevant, as VirtuLand aligns with RIX’s strategic A clear deadline is mentioned:
oriented (i.e secure a favourable formal vote indicating support and proposed time-frame with available goal 3 (i.e. To improve passenger and partner the last Board meeting of Q4
vote from the RIX Board via commitment for the resources plus additional financial experience with the help of innovation by improving 2024 (i.e. December 2024).
lobbying efforts). commencement of VirtuLand RIX’s resources and external expertise. the existing services and creating new ones in
implementation by the specified accordance with the wishes and needs of passengers
deadline. Sub-goals’ progress can and customers).VirtuLand addresses the needs and
can be tracked and monitored. wants of families who make up 17% of RIX customer
segment (ACI, 2023).


A strategic lobbying campaign is necessary to address concerns raised about Empathise & discover
VirtuLand's viability after RIX executive management’s initial interest was piqued 1. Understand RIX Board's priorities and decision-making process.
2. Understand target user sentiment towards VirtuLand RIX and family-friendly spaces in airports
on 6 December 2023. Enhancements to the value proposition, showcasing 3. Understand financial viability and feasibility of VirtuLand and its MVP
partnerships, and refining the project roadmap are crucial. To minimise time Define & create
4. Develop and present a compelling narrative for VirtuLand RIX that highlights its benefits for RIX and its passengers
perception, an achievable MVP implementation in the existing terminal should be 5. Build a strong online presence for VirtuLand RIX, generating awareness and support among RIX, target users and the public
highlighted. Successful lobbying will enable RIX to proceed with a procurement 6. Create and distribute compelling content that showcases the benefits of VirtuLand RIX to RIX Board members and other
process for a responsible agency to handle VirtuLand's design, development, and Engage & persuade
implementation. 7. Engage in targeted outreach to RIX Board members, providing them with personalized information and opportunities to
experience VirtuLand RIX firsthand.
8. Engage in targeted outreach to RIX Executive Management members
9. Build partnerships with organisations supporting family-friendly spaces and secure sponsorships
BRAND: VirtuLand RIX 2028: Where family fun meets comfort

CAMPAIGN’S NAME: Making VirtuLand RIX 2028 a reality

CAMPAIGN’S HEADLINE: “Girls Fams just wanna have fun (and basic necessities)!”


Board Members hold the final authority to support the implementation of Executive management can influence the Board and provide support for
VirtuLand RIX in the new 2028 airport terminal. VirtuLand RIX, as well as liaise with the Customer Relations and Service
Management Team (headed by Kristine Ozoliņa) and the Marketing Unit (headed
by Edgars Vilcāns).

Artūrs Saveļjevs Laila Odiņa Normunds Feierbergs Liene Freivelde Vaiva Kirvelaite Agnese Lasmane
Board Member CEO & Chairwoman of Board Member overseeing Aviation Service & Commercial Director, Chief Financial
overseeing commercial, the Board finance, information Business Development and key contact person Officer
business development, technology, cybersecurity, Director, who also (along with Mr Saveļjevs)
marketing & ground infrastructure maintenance oversees the Marketing for the RIX airport city
handling departments & development Unit project

Time Until 25 January 2024 Until 31 December 2024

Budget €0 (two private bus trips to RIX on 21/09 and 29/11) Costs €TBD based on securing pro bono support or not

People & 5 KŪL Team members with expertise in: service design, industrial design, communication design, Pro bono professionals (linked to SDSI, friends, friends of friends) or paid consultants with expertise
Skills journalism, social communication, events management, public relations, sustainable in: (market) research, marketing, financial modelling, law, edu-tech, architecture, commercial indoor
development, UX/UI, AR/VR/MR playground manufacturing and installation

Information & • Primary data about key RIX customer segment/potential users’ needs, wants and painpoints, • Brief research report with key statistics, quotes, stories and literature review from our 4-month
including the demand for family-friendly spaces at RIX project
Research • Secondary data about RIX customers’ complaints and online reviews • Data about the positive impact of family-friendly spaces on passenger experience, satisfaction and
• Benchmarking of family attractions in other airports, Vizium and IKEA Riga loyalty
• Knowledge and understanding of RIX mission, vision, strategy & ACI (2023) Customer • Case studies of successful family-friendly spaces in other airports (and their financial outcomes).
Experience Accreditation scheme • Financial projection for VirtuLand RIX, outlining the expected costs and potential returns on
• Knowledge of the scientific literature on airport customer experience and satisfaction, investment (ROI).
shopping and buyers’ behaviours at airports • Market research (families in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland) and community perception
• Initial ideas about potential revenue streams from partnerships, sponsorships & advertising research (Marupe, Riga)

Content & • Pitch presentation delivered on 6/12/23 • Second iteration of pitch presentation to be delivered on 25/1/24
• 2D images of MVP Second iteration of 2D images
Technology • 2D images of VirtuLand RIX 2028

• One-pager handout about the VirtuLand and its MVP
• Cardboard prototype of VirtuLand 2028 • Case study video
• Ideas and Youtube videos of potential games for VirtuLand’s digital playground component • Second iteration of carboard prototype of VirtuLand
• 3D Miniature model of the MVP (physical or digital)
• Digital prototype of game(s) for the digital playground (Figma or Zappar)
• Partnership agreement proposals
• Quotes from potential partners and sponsors endorsing VirtuLand
• Brand visual identity and strategy

Contacts & • Initial meeting and connection with Board member Arturs Saveljevs • Stronger ties to Arturs
Relationships • Two meetings and connection to airport management Vaiva Kirvelaite, Liene Freivalde, • Connect to other Board members and the CFO
Santa Auguste-Šole • Stronger ties to Vaiva and Liene
• Feedback exchange and participation in co-ideation workshop with Kristine Ozolina, Linda • Strengthened connection to Kristine and Linda
Kalniņa • Network of potential partners and sponsors (Baltics and other EU countries).
• Personal friendship with Ilze Salna (RIX’s Head of Press & Comms project manager) via Daiga • Direct communication channel between us and RIX
(KUL Team member)
• Kris Banga (SDSI lecturer & gatekeeper of communication between SDSI and RIX)
Lack of time (for KUL Team) Effectively prioritise tasks and delegate to pro bono or paid consultants

Budget constraints (for KUL Team) Leverage on SDSI network and KUL Team’s personal connections to get in-kind or monetary contribution

Resistance (lack of interest and/or support) from RIX executive management Establish an open communication channel (via email and phone) to provide compelling evidence about the
advantages of VirtuLand for RIX, schedule regular meetings to build rapport and address concerns or reach
out to Board members directly if resistance persist

Resistance from Board member(s) Build strong relationships with influential members and address concerns proactively during engagement,
leverage of power and influence of potential supporters (if in favour of VirtuLand) and/or make use of public
pressure (via mobilising target group and/or local community)

Competing priorities (e.g. other new terminal areas, Rail Baltica, airport city) Keep aligning VirtuLand with RIX's strategic goals to demonstrate its relevance and importance, and
emphasise ROI and positive impact on customer experience

Financial viability concerns Consult financial modelling experts, prepare detailed financial projections to RIX and obtain validation

Sporadic communication and outreach to decision makers and potential supporters between Plan engagement activities and output delivery until December 2024, attend RIX public events, attend
formal interactions (i.e. meetings and events organised by SDSI) industry and trade associations’ events (eg. ACI EUROPE, IATA, LTRK, LAA & Mārupes uzņēmēji)

Difficulty establishing partnerships and finding sponsors Use SDSI, SDN, Erasmus Mundus networks and personal connections to secure preliminary
partnership/sponsorship commitments, communicate clearly and effectively benefits to partners/sponsors

Lack of (potential) target user support and engagement Pilot MVP in current terminal, gather feedback from target users, and communicate and iterate promptly with
them. Consult and partner with Marupe community organisations for comprehensive engagement.

Dilution of VirtuLand's core concept due to RIX-driven changes that may compromise the Keep involving families in design and testing to put their needs and wants at the heart of VirtuLand and
needs and preferences of target users create an optimal user experience

Technical and operational implementation issues Conduct thorough testing of digital and interactive elements, address safety, supervision, and operational
timelines, and involve technical experts at all stages

External socio-political circumstances (man-made and natural disasters, pandemics, wars, Closely monitor socio-politico-economic developments in the Baltics and Europe


1) Understand RIX 1.0 Identify the key decision-makers on the To inform the lobbying A comprehensive €0 13/12/23 27/12/23 KUL Team (all members) In progress
Board's priorities Board, their interests and concerns. campaign strategy by document outlining the
gaining insights into the RIX identified priorities and
and decision-making Board's key priorities and decision-making steps of
process 1.1 Identify the factors that are most likely decision-making the RIX Board.
to sway the Board's decision and analyse procedures.
Board’s past decisions.

1.2 Identify and map Board’s potential

influencers within RIX, their interests and

1.3 Identify and map all key stakeholders.

2) Understand target 2.0 Collate a brief research report with key To build a more robust A detailed report €TBD 10/01/2024 Q1 2024 KUL Team (2.0 and 2.1, all Not started
user sentiment statistics, quotes, stories and literature proposal to share with and highlighting target user members)
present to decision makers sentiments and
towards VirtuLand review from our 4-month project. and potential supporters preferences regarding External pro bono or paid
RIX and family- VirtuLand RIX and family- market researcher (2.2)
friendly spaces in 2.1 Review literature/collect data about the To tailor VirtuLand RIX to friendly spaces.
airports positive impact of family-friendly spaces on meet user expectations and
passenger experience, satisfaction and preferences, enhancing
overall user satisfaction and
loyalty. proposal robustness.
2.2 Conduct market research (families in
Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and Finland) to
complement our research report.



To assess the economic A comprehensive financial €TBD 10/01/24 Q2 2024 KUL Team (3.0, all Not started
3) Understand 3.0 Put together case studies of successful viability and feasibility of viability and feasibility members)
implementing VirtuLand in report for VirtuLand 2028.
financial viability family-friendly spaces in other airports (andthe new 2028 RIX terminal External pro bono or paid
and feasibility of their financial outcomes). in order to build a more financial analyst/modellist
VirtuLand robust proposal for Board (3.1 and 3.2)
3.1 Produce and present a detailed financial approval.
plan for VirtuLand, outlining the expected
costs, funding sources, revenue streams
and potential returns on investment (ROI).

3.2 Produce and present a detailed financial

plan for VirtuLand’s MVP, outlining the
expected costs, funding sources, revenue
streams and potential for piloting and
gathering feedback.

3) Understand To assess the economic A comprehensive financial €TBD 10/01/24 Q1 2024 Not started
financial viability viability and feasibility of viability and feasibility
implementing VirtuLand’s report for VirtuLand’s MVP.
and feasibility of MVP in the existing RIX
VirtuLand’s Minimal terminal in order to build a
Viable Product more robust proposal for
(MVP) Board approval.



4) Develop and 4.0 Create, test and refine clear and To create a persuasive and A detailed strategy €0 20/12/23 17/01/24 KUL Team (all members) Not started
present a compelling persuasive sets of campaign messages compelling story that document (including key
emphasises how VirtuLand messages, visual story and
narrative for highlighting the benefits of VirtuLand (for RIX positively impacts RIX blueprint) to better
VirtuLand that both RIX and passengers). and enhances the passenger showcase the unique
highlights its experience to appeal to the benefits of VirtuLand to
benefits for RIX and 4.1 Create, visualise and share a storyboard Board, potential supports the Board.
its passengers for VirtuLand. and other stakeholders

4.2 Create, visualise and share a service

blueprint of VirtuLand.

5) Build and share a 5.0 Develop, launch and share brand visual To increase visibility and A robust online presence €TBD 10/01/2024 Q1 2024 KUL Team (Julian & Derya) Not started
strong online identity. support for VirtuLand RIX with increased awareness
through effective online and support, measured or
presence for channels, engaging RIX, through website traffic,
VirtuLand RIX, 5.1 Create, launch and share webpage. target users, and wider social media engagement, External pro bono or paid
generating stakeholders so that the and public sentiment graphic designer
awareness and 5.2 Reserve, populate, launch social media Board and potential analysis.
support among RIX, handles. supporters notice efforts.
target users and the



6) Create and 6.0 Develop, deliver and share updated To present a persuasive case A set of high-quality €0 20/12/23 25/01/24 KUL Team (all members) Not started
distribute pitch presentation to be delivered on for VirtuLand RIX to key content pieces
decision-makers and (presentations, videos, AR
compelling content 25/01/24 based on priorities and interests stakeholders, emphasizing prototype, 3D miniatures)
that showcases the of Board and Exec management. its positive impact. effectively showcasing
benefits of VirtuLand RIX benefits, to
VirtuLand to RIX 6.1 Create better 2D images of MVP and be distributed to the RIX
Board members and VirtuLand to be used in presentation Board and stakeholders.
other stakeholders materials.

6.2 Shoot and share case study video.

10/01/24 Q2 2024
6.3 Create, share and test 3D Miniature
model of the MVP (physical or digital).

6.4 Adjust and test carboard prototype of


6.5 Create, test and share digital prototype

of game(s) for the digital playground (in
Figma or Zappar).

6.6 Draft and send partnership agreement


6.7 Gather quotes from potential partners

and sponsors endorsing VirtuLand.



7) Engage in 7.0 Schedule individual meetings with To establish a direct and Positive engagement and €TBD 25/01/24 Q4 2024 KUL Team (all members) Not started
targeted outreach to Board members (ideally via exec personalized connection support from RIX Board (transport
with RIX Board members, members, measured costs) RIX staff providing
RIX Board members, management) to build rapport, present offering tailored information through responsiveness, secretarial support to
providing them with VirtuLand details, address concerns and get and firsthand experiences to feedback, inquiries, and Board members
personalized feedback. garner support for expressions of interest.
information and VirtuLand RIX.
opportunities to 7.1 Network and approach Board members
experience at events, talks, seminars, workshops etc.
VirtuLand RIX
firsthand 7.2 Arrange opportunities for Board
members to experience the ethos of
VirtuLand firsthand (eg. VIP Tour of Vizium
in Ventspils, field trip to start-ups to try
AR/VR/MR technology, meeting potential
partners and sponsors).

8) Engage in 8.0 Foster open communication channels To communicate the Positive engagement and €0 10/01/2024 Q4 2024 KUL Team (all members) Not started
targeted outreach to for ongoing dialogue with Vaiva and Liene benefits of VirtuLand RIX support from RIX Executive
directly to RIX Executive Management, evidenced
RIX Executive and follow up with them regarding 6 Management, addressing by internal discussions and
Management December presentation via email. any concerns and building expressed support.
members. 8.1 Conduct a virtual/in-person briefings internal support.
and Q&A sessions for Executive
Management members based on their
priorities and interest and to gather their
8.2 Keep Exec Management informed about
the progress of VirtuLand via email.



9) Build partnerships 9.0 Reach out to potential partner To establish collaborative Early commitments or €0 10/01/24 Q3 2024 KUL Team (all members) Not started
with organisations organisations to discuss collaboration via partnerships with signed partnerships
organizations sharing a agreements and secured
supporting family- email / phone call. commitment to family- sponsorships, measured by
friendly spaces and friendly spaces, securing the number of
secure sponsorships 9.1 Reach out to potential sponsors via sponsorships to enhance partnerships formed and
email / phone call . VirtuLand RIX's the financial support
implementation acquired.
9.2 Schedule meetings with potential
partners to negotiate and discuss mutual
benefits, collaboration details.

9.3 Schedule meetings with potential

sponsors to negotiate and discuss package
collaboration details.


• ACI (2023) ASQ departures and passenger satisfaction report: RIX airport performance Q2 2023. Data shared confidentially with SDSI.
• ACI (2023) ACI World’s airport customer experience accreditation brochure. Available at:
• LMA (2023) SDSI and Riga airport: pioneering collaboration. Available at:
• One Works (2023) Riga airport passenger terminal extension. Available at:
• One Works (2023) Rail Baltica station at Riga International airport. Available at:
• Passenger Terminal Today (2023) Interview: Laila Odina. Available at:
• Regional Gateway (2023) View from the Top: Riga aiport’s CEO. Available at:

• RIX (2023) Corporate governance. Available at:

• RIX (2023) RIX airport city. Available at:
• RIX (2023) Strategy. Available at:

Personalised avatars were created using the Bitmoji app owned by Snap Inc.
Photos of RIX Board members and executive management were retrieved from LinkedIn and RIX’s website.
Bard Experiment by Google was used to proofread and improve the clarity of the campaign plan’s text.

Communication & Presentation | Assignment #1 | Ginevra (Gina) Papi | KŪL Team

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