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RNC V3 Dimensioning


 RNC Hardware Dimensioning

 RNC Interface Dimensioning
Dimensioning process Introduction


Traffic Profile


Transmission Type C

Interface Bandwidth

Default Parameter

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RNC hardware classification

According to the function, there are three kinds of RNC boards,

including processing boards, interface boards and auxiliary boards

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Processing board dimensioning

 The capacity of processing board is listed in the table as follows :

Index RUB

Backup method 1+1 1+1 Load sharing

PS throughput(Mbps) - - 130

CS Erl (Erl) - - 3000

BHCA (K) 2000 500 380

Cell 1000 - 250

Online users(K) 18 6 3.4

There are two types of processing boards: RCB2 is used for processing control plane
data and RUB is used for user plane data.
a.According to the logic function, RCB2 is divided into two types, CMP and DMP. CMP is
responsible for system global control, 1+1 backup, DMP is used for signaling processing,
Load sharing. All of the control plane traffic sharing DMP.
b.130Mbps is default PS capacity of RUB, and the maximum capacity of RUP is 450
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Processing Board Dimensioning

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Interface board dimensioning

Interface Board number

=MAX(Equivalent Bandwidth/ throughput per Interface Board , port
number/ port number per Interface Board ,
node b number/ node b number per Interface Board )

Interface Board Limitation Factor

DTA 32 E1 / 30 Node B/ 800K CID setup and delete
DTI 32 E1 / 190 Node B
SDTA2 4 CSTM-1 / 90 Node B / 300Mbps (DL)/ 800K CID setup and delete
SDTI 2 CSTM-1 / 190 Node B / 220Mbps (UL+DL)
APBE 4 STM-1 / 300Mbps (DL)/ 90 Node B/ 800K CID setup and delete
GIPI4 2 GE / 300 NodeB (with 1588) / 1800MbpsDL/3600Mbps (UL+DL)

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Auxiliary board dimensioning

• The configuration principle for auxiliary board is based on the below table

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 RNC Hardware Dimensioning

 RNC Interface Dimensioning
Bandwidth of Iub Interface

 BIub = BIubCS+ BIubPS + BIubSig

 BIubCS = TCS *(1+RIub) / (1-CIubCS) / (1- RelayT)
 BIubPS = TPS * Rd*(1+RIub) / (1-CIubPS) / (1- RelayT)
In which:

Blub/ BIubCS/ BIubPS/ BIubSig: Bandwidth of
lub/IubCS/IubPS/ IubSig

TCS: Total throughput of CS

CIubCS /CIubPS: Transmission overhead for CS /PS service

RIub: Iub Interface macro diversity factor

RelayT: Transmission redundancy

TPS: Total throughput of PS

Rd: Ratio of DL

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Bandwidth of Iub Interface

 BIubSig= BIubUuSig + BIubNodeBSig

 BIubUuSig = (BIubCS+BIubPS) * Rsig
In which:

BIubSig/ BIubUuSig/ BIubNodeBSig/ BIubCS/BIubPS : Bandwidth of Iub
interface Signaling/ Uu Signaling / NodeB Signaling / CS throughput/PS

RSig: Signaling percentage of the traffic. Default value is 1%

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Bandwidth of Iu Interface

 BIuCS = BIuCSData + BIuCSSig

 BIuCSData =TCS/(1-CIuCS) / RelayB
 BIuCSSig = BIuCSData * RSig
In which:

BIuCS: Total bandwidth of IuCS

BIuCSSig: Bandwidth of IuCS interface signaling throughout

BIuCSData: Bandwidth of IuCS interface data throughput

TCS: Total throughput of CS

CIuCS: Transmission overhead for voice and video calls services

RSig: Signaling percentage of the traffic

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Bandwidth of Iu Interface

 BIuPS = BIuPSData + BIuPSSig

 BIuPSData = TPS* Rd /(1-CIuPS) / RelayB
 BIuPSSig = BIuPSData * RSig
In which:

BIuPS: Total bandwidth of IuPS interface

TPS: Total throughput of Packet data service

CIuPS: Transmission overhead for Packet data service

BIuPSSig: Bandwidth of IuPS interface signaling throughout

Rd: Ratio of DL

 The transmission bandwidth of Iur is set as 9% for Iub


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