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New Deal in Louisiana

How effective was the New Deal in addressing Louisiana’s economic

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What was the New Deal and how did it change over time? Take Notes Here:
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) was elected president of the United States in the fall of 1932. Before taking
office in March 1933, he formed a “brain trust” of economists, social scientists, and progressive reformers
to implement a plan to benefit people affected by the economic problems of the Great Depression. During
his first 100 days in office, FDR released the first programs of his “New Deal.” Even though he
emphasized relief for the poor, these first programs tended to benefit large businesses more than
struggling citizens. The failure to solve the problems of everyday people gave rise to controversial figures
like Father Charles Coughlin and Louisiana’s US Senator Huey P. Long. Both wanted more radical action
for the people than was proposed in the New Deal. Responding to their criticism, FDR worked to expand
his initial programs during the period of the “Second New Deal” in 1935–36. Still, FDR and his advisors
always saw their efforts as emergency measures, not permanent programs. Despite this view the New
Deal represented to many Louisianans, at the time and afterward, a commitment of the federal
government to help struggling people.
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How did the New Deal provide relief for the unemployed in Louisiana during the Take Notes Here:
Great Depression?

One quarter of American adults were unemployed in the winter of 1932–33, and FDR was committed to
providing relief through his New Deal programs. This relief came in the form of financial assistance and
public works programs, which were given high priority. The primary program for relief distribution was
the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA). FERA worked through state-level offices to give
out clothing, food, medicine, and cash to eligible struggling families. Other agencies directly employed
workers on federally funded construction projects around the country. Notable among these were the Civil
Works Administration (CWA), Public Works Administration (PWA), and Civilian Conservation Corps
(CCC). Workers employed on such projects included architects, engineers, mechanics, and day laborers.

In Louisiana, as elsewhere, these relief efforts had an immediate impact. By January 1934 FERA was
providing aid to around 400,000 Louisianans (almost 20 percent of the state’s population). By March of
that year, Louisiana had spent $32 million on federally funded state projects. The CWA, a temporary sub-
agency of FERA, paid out close to $15 million for wages and materials. The CCC developed
reforestation, erosion-fighting, park-building, and road construction projects in the state and eventually
employed more than 42,000 young men, including more than 8,000 Black Americans. Kisatchie National
Forest and the early state parks system, for example, were almost entirely CCC creations.
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How did Huey P. Long affect the efforts of the New Deal in Louisiana? Take Notes Here:
Conflict between FDR and Louisiana’s strongman, US Senator Huey P. Long, undercut the effectiveness
of relief in the state. Long wanted to eventually become president and saw FDR as a potential rival. He
therefore wanted to prevent FDR’s administration from interfering in Louisiana politics and worked to
limit the New Deal’s influence in Louisiana. As a result FDR gave funds to Long’s political opponents,
the “anti-Longs.” While other states received a major increase in federal money during the mid-1930s,
leading to a surge in public employment and building, aid to Louisiana stalled. (In fact, fewer than three
dozen Public Works Administration (PWA) construction projects were fully authorized before Long’s
assassination in September 1935.) In August 1934 the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
temporarily stopped providing relief to the state. This action threatened Long’s popularity and he
eventually complied with a mandate to establish a public welfare department. Although beloved by the
state’s working classes, Long’s death actually brought them and Louisiana a greater share of the New
Deal’s benefits. Leaders who came after Long realized that supporting New Deal programs would help
their popularity. Governor Richard Leche and New Orleans Mayor Bob Maestri dropped Long’s
controversial Share Our Wealth program and fully supported FDR and the New Deal. In return FDR
promised significant federal dollars for public works in Louisiana. In this “Second Louisiana Purchase,”
FDR bought the political support of the state’s leaders. Louisiana thus experienced the most New Deal
benefits between 1937 and 1940, rather than earlier in the decade as in other states.
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What kind of public works did the New Deal fund in Louisiana? Take Notes Here:
Among the most active agencies at work during this era in Louisiana history was the Public Works
Administration (PWA). By mid-1939 the PWA had spent more than $79 million on various projects.
Barksdale military base, near Shreveport was expanded by the PWA. Charity Hospital and the Huey P.
Long Bridge, both in New Orleans, were built through the PWA program. The program also was
responsible for the construction of classrooms, offices, shops, and other facilities at Louisiana’s major
colleges and universities. The PWA built more than four hundred structures in the state and renovated
many more, including civic buildings, community centers, courthouses, and airports.

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was established during the second New Deal of 1935. The
WPA spent more than $80 million on roads, bridges, water and sewerage systems, parks, playgrounds,
public housing, and other projects in Louisiana. The WPA also oversaw a variety of relief and work
activities like hot-lunch, library, and bookmobile programs; educational and vocational classes; and
literacy drives. The WPA is perhaps best remembered for the Federal One program. This program
established the Louisiana Writers Project, the Louisiana branch of the Federal Art Project, and similar
programs in music and theater. These agencies were some of the most creative and politically left-leaning
of the New Deal. They employed writers, historians, musicians, artists, and actors to create art that
expressed appreciation of American regional cultures.
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How did the New Deal reform agriculture in Louisiana? Take Notes Here:
Public Works Administration (PWA) and Works Progress Administration (WPA) projects are the most
well-known New Deal programs today. However, reforms in agriculture had a larger impact on Louisiana.
The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) changed rural life in Louisiana permanently,
especially in the rice and sugar industries. It created a system that favored large-scale, commercial
agricultural operations over traditional small farms. The AAA program gave large-scale agricultural
operations government support and market stability.

Under the AAA, cotton farmers were incentivized to reduce production by limiting their total acreage.
This decrease created an artificial shortage that then led to higher market prices. Prices for cotton went
from under five cents a pound in 1931–32 to thirteen cents in 1934. In addition the federal government
paid farmers rent for their unused land. By the end of May 1936, cotton growers in Louisiana had
received more than $30 million in rent payments. Further, farmers were also able to profit by planting the
unused acreage with other crops or using it for animal pastures. Throughout the 1930s large-scale farmers
diversified their crops, mechanized their operations, and reduced their dependence on hand labor. This led
to an increase in agricultural income in the state. In 1929 agricultural income was $170 million. In 1932
agricultural income had decreased to $59 million. By 1937 agricultural income had risen to $130 million.
This success led to the creation of the modern farm system supported by federal funds.
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(Continued) How did the New Deal reform agriculture in Louisiana? Take Notes Here:
Unfortunately, the AAA program disrupted the lives of many of Louisiana’s sharecroppers and farm
laborers. Landowners receiving federal rent payments were required to share them with their tenants. A
half-share tenant would be given half the check amount and so on. However, most landowners kept the
entire check. Many tenants were either moved off the land entirely or reduced to day laborers.

Eventually, the US government attempted to fix the plight of these poor farmers through the programs of
the Resettlement Administration and later the Farm Security Administration (FSA). The FSA gave small
farmers low-interest loans for land, equipment, and stock purchases. It also set up several community
farm projects like Crew Lake in northeastern Louisiana and Terrebonne in the southern part of the state.
However, these efforts did little to change the lives of most rural folks in Louisiana.

The New Deal helped stabilize the US economy and gave people a sense of purpose. These are its greatest
achievements. Some New Deal programs were tremendous successes, but there were also many failures
and unintended outcomes. Most importantly, FDR created the framework for a powerful federal
government that expanded its size during the coming world war and in the decades after. But FDR was
unable to solve many of the deep inequities found in 1930s American society. Those problems were left
for later generations.
Identifying Claims and Supporting Evidence
Instructions: Identify a Claim the Author Makes
Look back through your notes When considering the New Deal, it can be protruded that the New Deal may not have been the best
and identify one claim from for some of the other areas, but in Louisiana it was quite effective in addressing the problems of
the reading. List the claim Louisiana. Thus, the New Deal, though not perfect, in the end, helped America and Louisiana as a
here and then list the whole. Lastly, we need to recognize that it was not only Roosevelts fault for any failures, as there
supporting evidence from the were opposing forces and people.
text in the boxes below.

Supporting Evidence Supporting Evidence Supporting Evidence

By the date of January By the date of mid 1939, By the end of May 1936,
Reading Summary: 1934, FERA was providing the PWA had spent more cotton growers in
The New deal was a controversial topic with many failures aid to around 400,000 than $79 million on various Louisiana had received
and successes, though ultimately leading to the benefit of
the people in America as a whole. President Franklin Louisianians. projects. For example, more than $30 million in
Roosevelt proposed the idea of a New Deal Legislation and
from there, he begun. He began creating many new
programs and policies relating to relief, reform, and
Barksdale military base, rent payments.
recovery. For example, he created public works projects,
social security programs, agricultural benefits, etc.
near Shreveport was
Furthermore, it is important to notice Huey P. Long as he
was a force that opposed the effectiveness of the New Deal. expanded by the PWA.
It had provided relief and new ways to help people and the

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