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Standards, and
Professionalism, Standards,
and Accountability

• America's Future Video


• Definitions
• Professional Airmen Videos
• Nuclear Stewardship Case Study

Profession: a calling requiring specialized knowledge

and often long and intensive academic preparation

Professional: characterized by or conforming to the

technical or ethical standards of a profession; exhibiting
a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike
manner in the workplace

A good/accurate description of the profession

of arms?
• Behaviors/qualities of professionals:
• Demonstrate high personal/professional standards*
• Sacrifice for others – put others’ interests ahead of theirs*
• Behave line:atWhat
ethically you do does not
all times*
•make you
Take the a road,
high professional; how you
even if not personally do it
• Listen empatheticallydoes.
and well*
• Demonstrate accountability/integrity
• Commit to continuous self-improvement
• Model behaviors expected in the profession
• Display high levels of competence
• In control of their emotions
Standards & Accountability

Standards: Those morals, ethics, habits…

established by authority, custom, or an individual as
• Uniformly known
• Consistently applied
• Non-selectively enforced
~ Former CSAF Gen Ronald Fogleman

Accountability: The state of being accountable,

liable, or answerable.”
Professional Airmen:
Maj Christy Wise

• Maj Wise Video

Nuclear Stewardship

• Cross-country flight with nuclear warheads

• Accidental nuclear trigger shipment to Taiwan
• Missileer cheating scandal
• Repeated inspection failures
Your Decision

• Will you choose to be a professional daily?

• Will you be an example for all Airmen?
• Will you align your attitudes and actions to our Air
Force and Space Force Core Values?
• Will you align your personal standards with our
foundational competencies?
• Will you be a leader of character?

• Definitions
• Professional Airmen Videos
• Nuclear Stewardship Case Study
Professionals inspire those around them to be
better and achieve more. Seeing others
demonstrate a behavior makes it seem like
something we can do too – this is the power of

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