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● A : “ we,ve got resource, lobbyists, worldwide connections And very
important, insurance.”
● B : ”Insurance is Key”
● A : “All we need now are the super-est superheroes. It needs you three.
Come on! Help me make all Supers legal again!
● B : “This sound Great! Let’s get this going. What’s my first Assignment?”.
● A : “that enthusiasm is golden. Now hold on to it.”
1. Resource 3. Worlwide connections

Refer to everything valuable that a The third thing mentioned in an attempt to

company has, such, as equipment, convince them. Worldwide is used to
employess, technologhy, and so on. refer to things that exist or happen across
the globe.
2. Lobbyist 4. Insurance
A lobbyist or loby group is a person or The final argument to convince them to
group who try to influence politicians or take the job
influential groups to change a law to
benefit that lobby group.
VOCABULARY 7. Assignment
SCENE A He wants t know what his mission will be.
It’s means every job or task a boss or a
5. Key teaecher gives you to do.

It means that it’s fundamental or really

important 8. Golden
Golden refers to anything that is made of
gold. Golden means is valuable that it is,
important, or advantageous.
6. Legal
9. Hold on to
Legal is a term used to refer to anything
connected with the law his enthusiasm, this means that he wants
him to continue being enthusiastic
about the job he’s offering.
● A : ”But for our first move. Well, Elastisgirl, is our best play”
● B :” Better than me?. I mean, She’s good. Really, a credit to her ..You know. You know!
● A :”With great respect ..Let’s not test the whole ‘insurance-will-pay-for-everything’ idea…
On the first go ‘round, okay?
● B :”wait a minute. You’re saying what? I’m messy?”
● A :”Well, Evelyn did a cost-benefit analysis… Comparing all your last five years of crime
fighting before going underground. And elastisgirl’s numbers are self-explanatory.”
● B :”Well, it’s not a fair comparison! Heavyweight problems need heavyweight solutions.”
● A :”Of course! We’re gonna solve kinds of problems together. After the perfect launch with
● C :”So what do you say?”
1. Move 3. Better
the business context, is a strategic action When comparing two things.
towards an objective.

2. Best 4. Credit
On the other hand, is used when one Means to recognize their work, and show
option stands out from all others. they deserve being praised.
5. with great respect 7. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
Is a polite way of disagreeing with what Is something done by companies to
someone said. evaluate if a projects is worth pursuing.

6. Go ‘round 8. underground
this context, is when you do something, Literally means below the surface.
or when you try to do something.
9. Self-explanatory 11. Launching
It means that it is obvious and doesn’t Is the process of introducing a new product
need explanation or illustration. into the market for ccutomers to buy.

10. heavyweight
It means that it’s important.
● 1. Excuse me, do you know where the train station is?
● Scuse me, dyjuh know where the train station is?
● 2. Excuse me, would you happen to know where the train station is?
● scuse me, wouldjyuh happen to know where the train station is?
● 3. Excuse me, I’m looking for the train station. Do you know where it is?
● scuse me, I’m lookin’ for the train station. Djyuh know where it is?
●Walk straight up the road for about three
GIVING DIRECTION hundred metres.
-Veer left = little bit to left
●Ex :
●1. No, sorry. I don’t know where it is. You ●Go straight up the road and then you’ll heve
might have to ask someone else veer left
●2. Yes, it’s about a five minute walk from -Veer right = little bit to Right
here (describe ..) ●Ex :
●- Go along. ●Follow this road for a hundred metres and
●Ex : Go along the road for about a hundred then veer right
metres = Follow the road -Go past = when you go futher than a
●- Follow the road. particular point.
●Ex : -It’s on your left/right
●Follow this road for hundred metres ●Ex :
●Follow th road until you get to a really big ●The train station is on the/your left
insection ●The train station is on the/ your left hand
●- Go straight up the road side
●The train station is on your right /on the right
Yeah, it’s about a five minute walk
from here. Just go straight up this road
and when you get to the inter section,
turn left. And then follow that road
along for about …about two hundred
metres. You will walk past a Chinese
restaurant and then the train station
will be on your right hand side
● On the compass face as abbreviated
initials. When the compass is used,
A compass is an instrument used for
the rose can be aligned with the
navigation and orientation that shows
corresponding geoghrapic dirctions.
direction relative to the geogrhapic
For example : the “N” mark on the
cardinal (or points). Usually, a diagram
rose points northward.
called a compass rose shows the
direction :
North North East
South South East
East South East
West North West

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