Vocab Jenifer and 15 Useful Word Yogi Gunawan R

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15 Useful words -

By : Yogi Gunawan Ramdani

How To Describe a







warm and inviting





1. Stunning 3. Eclectic
-extremmely impressive A combination of different styles and
- extremely beautiful elements

Example : Example :

you look stunning in that dress He has eclectic taste in music

The museum is stunningly beautiful The architecture in this neighborhood is very

2. Spectacular
4. extraordinary
beautiful in a dramatic way, very
impressive - Unusual

example : - very special

the fireworks were spectacular last night Example :

You’re making extraordinary progress in your
That was an extraordinarily difficult test.
5. Scenic 7. Intricate
- With beautiful views, Complicated and very detailed
Example :
- Impressive Views Her wedding dress has intricate details
Example :
8. Exhilarating
We took a scenic drive a long the coast
Makes you feel excited, happy, emotional,
Let’s take the scenic road on the way home
6. Symmetrical Example :
- Even and balanced, I had an exhilarating run in the forest
- Both sides are the same The roller coaster ride was exhilarating
Example :
Her face is attractive and symmetrical
The four building are symmetrical
9. warm and inviting 11. bustling
You want to be there, you feel welcome Noisy, Crowded
Example : Example :
You decorated your living in warm and New York is a bustling city
inviting way

12. Striking
10. Precise Noticeable surprisingly beautiful
Accurate, Exact, paying attention to detail Example :
Example : She is Strikingly beautiful
Please make sure that your measurement is The scenery is strikingly
precise I was struck buy it
NB : To strike ( strike – struck – struck)
13. Captivating 14. Picturesque
Very interesting, holds your attention Beautiful, like a picture, scenic
Example : Example :
The architecture and the views are truly We visited a picturesque little town
captivating We have a picturesque view from our hotel

15. Ancient
Historical, from the past, very old
Example :
Jerusalem is an ancient city
The museum hold a lotof ancient art
Describing location places
around town preposition of
Next to

Across from


Around the corner from

Scene 1
A : Where is the restaurant
B : It’s next to the bank.
Scene 2
A : Where’s the supermarket?
B : It’s across the movie theater.
Scene 3
A : Where’s the school?
B : It’s between the library and the park.
Scene 4
A : Where’s the post office?
B : It’s around the corner from the hospital.
Scene 5
A : Excuse me, is there a laundromat in this neighborhood?
B : Yes, there’s a laundromat on main street next to the supermarket .
A : Thanks very much.
B : You’re welcome
1. Scene 6
A : Excuse me, can I ask you a question?
B : Sure.
A : I’m new here, is there a post office nearby?
B : Yes there is, there’s a post office on Jefferson street across from the police
A : I see, and where’s the police station?
B : It’s between the school and the movie theatre
A : Oh, is there a movie theatre in this neighborhood?
B : Yes there’s a wonderful movie theater here.
A : And where is it?
B : It’s next to the police station.
A : And the police station is across from the police station, right?
B : Yes that’s right.
A : And it’s on Jefferson street?
B : Uh-huh.
A : Hmm, where,s Jefferson street?
B : You are new here.
A : Yes I am.
B : Jefferson street is around the corner from this building.
A : Oh.
B : Tell you what, I’m on my way to the library, just come with me.
A : Oh thank you.
B : No problem
A : So there’s a library in this neighborhood?
B : Yes, there’s a fantastic library in this neighborhood
A : It’s across from the new bakery
B : Oh is there a bakery new ball?
There is – There Are in The
City Conversation 2
What can you tell me about your hometown? I come form Manchester. It’s big city but I
don’t live in the center. I live in a part of the city called didsbury. It’s about eight
kilometers south of the center of Manchester.
Do you think that didsbury is a good place to live? Yes it is. I like it.
So you like didsbury? Yes it’s small but there are a lot of facilities and things to do. There’s
a good library. I’m a student at the city college. So the library so important. There’s also a
great park I like to have lunch there.
In the evening what can you do in didsbury? There are great coffee shops and restaurants
you can eat a lot of different food Spanish Chinese Italian. I like Italian food and on
Saturdays I go to a place called pizza palace with my friends because it’s cheap.
Dialog Jenifer Aniston Movie
Scene A
Scene A
A : “I don’t feel I need to remind you that this network has been
very good to you over
the years. We have always shown you personal and professional respect.
I never anticipated we would be met with such utter disrespect and
insubordination in return. This network has very right to terminate you
immediately. You have placed us in an impossible situation. You have
done something unforgivably selfish. And for what? To what end? I find
myself wondering if we can even trust you with the privilege of being on
air for The Morning Show.”
B : “Are you done?”
Vocabulary Scene 1

01 02 Anticipated 03

04 Utter 05 Insubordination 06 Terminate you

in return
07 Has very night 08 Unforgivably 09 Are you done
Over the years Network
Network Over the years
Network refers to an The expression over the
organization that has year means during many
television stations and years of the existence of
broadcasts through one more something.
Anticipated Utter
To anticipate refers to Utter is used to emphasize
imagining or expecting the intensity of a noun,
that something will similarly to how you can use
happen. In other words, the adjectives complete or
to foresee something. extreme for the same effect.
Insubordination Terminate you
in return To terminate
The noun
something means to
insubordination means
end something; to
refusing to obey
finish it. In a different
orders from people in
context, to terminate
authority. And if you do
someone can mean to
something in return for
kill that person.
what someone else
has done for you, you Has very night
do it because they did Refers to having the power to
that thing for you. do something while still being
completely legal or fair that you
do it.
Unforgivably Are you done
Refers to being in a The phrase are you
way that you cannot done? Is used when
forgive. asking a person if he or
she has finished doing
Dialog Jenifer Aniston Movie
Scene B
Scene B

A : “I’m sorry?”

B : “The part you guys never seem to realize is that you don’t have the power anymore.

The news division is held up by my show. And the only thing keeping us afloat is me. Because guess what? America
loves me. And therefore, I own America. It seems pretty fucking simple, but so easy for you guys to forget.”

A : “Are you actually trying to justify your action—”

B : ”You’re not listening! I don’t need to justify anything. You all so convinced that you are the rightful
owner of all of the power that it doesn’t even occur to you that someone else could be in the driver’s seat. And so— so,
we have to just gingerly step around your male egos in order to not burst this precious little bubble. Well, surprise! I’m
bursting it. We are doing this my way. Because, frankly, I’ve let you bozos handle this long enough. Not the apology you
were expecting?”
Vocabulary Scene 2

01 02 03

04 Guess what 05 Own 06 Rightful owner

07 Occur to us
you 08 Inn the driver’s 09 Gingerly
Held up seat

10 Bubble 11 Bubble 12 Bozos

Division Held up
A division (or a department, To be held up, in this sense,
for example) is a part of an is to not fall apart or
organization/company become unsuccessful.
responsible for a specific
area or type of work. Guess what
Is an informal expression
Keeping us afloat used before you give
To anticipate refers to someone very good news, or
imagining or expecting tell them something that they
that something will will be excited or very
happen. In other words, to surprised about.
foresee something.
Own Rightful owner
She means she has power or If you are the rightful owner
influence over it.. of something, you are the
legitimate (or true) owner of
something. This adjectives
is more commonly used in
situations where there’s a
Occur to you dispute for something, and
To anticipate refers to different people are
imagining or expecting claiming the same title or
that something will object.
happen. In other words, to
foresee something.
In the driver’s
seat Burst
If you say that someone is in To burst is to break open or
the driver’s seat, you mean apart suddenly like to burst
that they are in charge; they a balloon or a bubble like
hold the control of a situation this.
or place. Bubble
Referring to a good or
Gingerly fortunate situation that is
Gingerly means in a way Gingerly isolated from reality or
that is careful or cautions, unlikely to last (like an
A bozo is a stupid person,
similar to carefully or illusion).
or that behaves like a fool
and does not care about
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Important for the next class

Science Read today’s lesson Do exercises 1 and 2

Music Bring instrument Practice song

Language Read book Do grammar exercises

Maths Do calculation Learn lesson

Do not forget

Tasks Subjects
● Translate text ● English
● Paint mural ● Art
● Do spelling homework ● Language
● Do exercises 4 and 5 ● Maths
Student Attending M T W T F
Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

Student 5

● Ask lesson
● Correct homework
● Send homework for
Ask homework to:

● Student 1
● Student 2
● Student 3
● Student 4
● Student 5
Today’s Tasks

● Do science exercises
● Paint mural
● Do spelling homework

● Do science exercises
● Paint mural
● Do spelling homework


Weekly planning
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
08:00 | Go to class 17:00 | Study for Friday 10:30 | Relax time

16:30 | Do homework 18:00 | Maths class 19:00 | Piano Lesson

Thursday Friday Saturday

08:00 | Breakfast 07:30 | Review for exam 11:00 | Do homework

09:30 | Music class 11:30 | Science test

13:30 | Lunch with mum 17:30 | Go to Sarah’s 10:00 | Plan next week
Monthly planner

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su

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5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

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First semester 2021

January February March

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Second Semester 2021

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Write your homework
Monday - 5th april, 2021

Science Do science homework



Art Draw a mural

Write your homework

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Read to book Do Science Draw Translate text Play piano

Study Maths Study Music Exercise 1

Do grammar
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
8:00 - 8:30 Music Science Language English Science

8:30 - 9:00 Art English Maths Music Art

9:00 - 10:00 Language Maths Science Art Language

10:00 - 10:45 Lunch

11:30 - 12:30 Maths Art Music Language Music

12:30 - 13:30 Science Music Art Maths Maths

Part 1
1. Link it:
a. Is a gas giant and the biggest planet Venus
b. Has a beautiful name, but it’s hot Mars
c. Despite being red, is a cold place Jupiter

2. Write the missing data:

Mass Diameter Gravity

100 355 ?
Part 1I
3. Describe Venus: It’s the second planet in the Solar System
and It has a beautiful name

4. Make a list of synonyms of the given word:

Planet ? ? ?

? ? ? ?


Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune

Despite being Jupiter is a gas It’s composed Neptune is the
red, Mars is a giant and the of hydrogen farthest planet
cold place biggest planet and helium from the Sun

Mars Saturn Jupiter

Despite being It’s composed Jupiter is a gas
red, Mars is a of hydrogen giant and the
cold place and helium biggest planet
The slide title goes here!

Do you know what helps you make your point clear?

Lists like this:

● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!

And the audience won’t miss the point

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A picture is worth a
thousand words
A picture always reinforces
the concept
Images reveal large amounts of data,
so remember: use an image instead
of long texts
Awesome Words
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest Venus is the second Despite being red, Mars
to the Sun planet from the Sun is a cold place

Saturn Neptune Jupiter

It’s composed of Neptune is the farthest It’s a gas giant and the
hydrogen and helium from the Sun biggest planet

32% 60% 88%

Mercury Neptune Saturn

Mercury is the closest Neptune is the farthest Saturn is a gas giant and
to the Sun from the Sun has several rings
This is a map

It has a nice name, but
It’s terribly hot
Earths is the Sun’s mass

24h 37m 23s

is Jupiter’s rotation period

is a very long distance
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom that
someone important said and can make the
reader get inspired”
—Someone Famous
This can be the part of the presentation
where you can tell a funny anecdote
This is a graph

Mars 40%
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place Neptune 35%
Neptune is the
Saturn 25% farthest from the Sun

It’s composed of
hydrogen and helium

To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link,

change the data and paste the resulting graph
here, replacing this one

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest Venus is the second Despite being red, Mars
to the Sun planet from the Sun is a cold place
Need more columns of text?

Mercury Mars
Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars
to the Sun is a cold place

Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second It’s a gas giant and the
planet from the Sun biggest planet
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Helena James
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John Doe
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 Creative composition with books flower
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 Front view stack books with one open

 Top view books with copy space
 Friends attending online class together
 Front view science elements with chemicals assortment
 High angle science elements
 Front view science elements arrangement lab
 Scientist working with chemical substances
 Cute girl science lab
 Front view girl scientist posing with lab coat safety glasses
 Mathematics with numbers copy space
 Math colorful rulers supplies calculator
 Maths with numbers stationery school items
 Colorful statistical pie charts
 Girl studying maths
 Girl making calculation
 Apple books pile near chalkboard
 Colorful math numbers with calculator
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 Dirty color palette watercolour
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 Close up paintbrush watercolor paint
 Easel watercolor paint
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 Science elements with chemicals assortment
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