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Lesson 1: The Nervous System
Describe the parts of the nervous,
endocrine, and reproductive systems,
along with their functions.
Explain the role of hormones involved
in the female and male reproductive
Learning systems.
Objectives Describe the feedback mechanisms in
regulating processes in the female
reproductive system.
Describe how the nervous system
coordinates and regulates feedback
mechanisms to maintain homeostasis.
Do you always
make a good
about decision in your
this! life as a teenager?
What organ
system do you
this! use in making
THINK How do your
about nervous system
How do Connects all body
parts and transmit
system signals from one
work? part to another.
It is a system of
How do cells, tissues, and
your organs that regulates
system the body’s responses
work? to internal and
external stimuli.
The right half of the
How do
brain controls the
your left half of the body.
nervous This means that only
work? left-handed people
are on their right
is a complex collection of nerves
and specialized cells known as
neurons that transmit signals
between different parts of the
SYSTEM it is essentially the body’s
electrical wiring
Consists of: brain, spinal cord,
nerves, and sense organs (eyes,
ears, nose, tongue, and skin)
Major Central Nervous
Divisions System (CNS)
of the
Nervous Peripheral Nervous
System System (PNS)
Main processing
center for the
entire nervous
Central system
Nervous Made up of brain
System and spinal cord
(CNS) Acts as body’s
control center,
and coordinates
body’s activities
The human brain, which
weighs about one kilogram, is
made up of billions of neurons
and a large number of
supporting cells.
Cerebrum-controls activity and
Brain Cerebellum-controls the
posture, balance, and
Brain stem-connects the brain
and spinal cord; controls
autonomic functions such as
breathing, digestion, heart rate,
and blood pressure
The parts of the human brain
which may be grouped as follows:
Medulla oblongata
Brain Where the major processing centers
are found
Cerebrum – highly convoluted gray
matter consists mostly of the cell
bodies of around 10 billion neurons.
The seat of thinking, reasoning, and
the power of imagination.
Two divisions: the left and right
cerebral hemispheres, joined
together by thick band of nerve
fibers called the corpus callosum.
Brain Cerebrum
Four lobes: frontal lobe, parietal
lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital
Left hemisphere has association
areas for language, logic and
mathematical abilities
Right hemisphere contains
association areas for spatial
perception, musical ability, artistic
ability, and emotions
Where the major processing centers
Brain are found
Thalamus – sorts out all information
from the sense organs as well as from
other parts of the brain before relaying
them to the cerebrum.
Hypothalamus – plays a very
important role for homeostasis. It
controls the secretion of many
hormones, regulates blood pressure,
body temperature, responses to satisfy
physiological needs like hunger and
thirst, and controls emotions.
Like the thalamus, it also relays to
the cerebrum information from the
sense organs
It coordinates eye reflexes
It also helps regulate sleep
The medulla oblongata, pons, and
Brain cerebellum of the hindbrain contain
the sensory and motor neurons
between the spinal cord and the
Relay information between the spinal
cord and the brain
Regulate breathing, heartbeat, and
Coordinate walking and other
movements of the entire body
of the
The brain is protected from
Spinal cord mechanical injury by the skull, while
the spinal cord is protected by the
back-bone or spine or vertebral
Serves as the channel for signals
between the brain and the rest of
the body, and controls simple
musculoskeletal reflexes without
input from the brain
Made up of all the
nerves that carry
messages to and from
the central nervous
Peripheral system
Nervous Central Nervous
System System and
Peripheral Nervous
(PNS) System work together
to make rapid
changes in your body
in response to stimuli
Somatic Nervous
Relay information
between skin,
Peripheral skeletal muscles and
Nervous central nervous
System system
(Parts) You consciously
control this pathway
by deciding whether
or not to move
Somatic Nervous System
Reflexes: automatic
response to stimulus
Spinal Nerves –
Peripheral nerves that carry
motor and sensory
Nervous signals between the
System spinal cord and the
(Parts) Cranial nerves –
nerve fibers that
carry information
into and out of the
brain stem
Nervous System
Associated with
Peripheral the involuntary
Nervous control of the
System movements
(Parts) Relay information
from central
nervous system to
Autonomic Nervous
Involuntary: You do not
consciously control this
Peripheral Sympathetic
Nervous System:
Nervous controls in times of
System stress, such as the
flight or fight
(Parts) response
Nervous System:
controls body in
times of rest
Parasympathetic Sympathetic
1. Contracts pupil 1.Dilates pupils
2.Inhibits salivation
2.Stimulates salivation
Peripheral 3. Contracts bronchi
3.Relaxes bronchi
4.Accelerates heartbeat
Nervous 4.Slows heartbeat
5.Inhibits digestive activity
System 5.Stimulates digestive 6.Stimulates glucose released
(PNS) 6.Stimulates
by liver
7.Secretion of adrenaline and
gallbladder nor adrenaline
7. Contracts bladder 8.Relaxes bladder
8.Stimulates sex organs 9.Stimulates ejaculation in
Receiving information about the
environment. Sensory functions
Major register the presence of a stimulus.
of the Taste Chemical substance (molecules,
Nervous Smell compound, ions etc.)

System Touch Physical or mechanical stimuli that

interact with the skin
Sight Light Stimuli
Hearing Perception of sound
Produced by the nervous system
Major based on the stimuli perceived by the
Functions sensory motor.
Examples: movement of muscle
of the such as withdrawing hand from hot
Nervous stove, and neutral control of glands in
System the body such as production and
secretion of sweat glands in the skin to
lower body temperature.
Types of Muscle Sample Response
Skeletal Muscle Contracts/move skeleton
Cardiac Muscle Influenced as heart rate increases
Major Smooth Muscle
during exercise
Contracts as the digestive system
Functions moves food along the digestive tract

of the
Nervous Responses

System Voluntary InInvoluntary

-conscious -contraction of the smooth
-Contraction of skeletal muscles, regulation of cardiac
muscles muscles and activation of glands
-governed by the somatic NS -governed by the Autonomic Ns
Stimuli that are received by the
Major sensory structures are communicated
to the Nervous System where the
Functions information is processed. Stimuli are
of the compared with integrated with other
Nervous stimuli, memories of the previous
stimuli or the state of person at
System particular time. This leads to the
specific response that will be
What is
about Homeostasis?
-is a term which means
maintaining a constant
What is internal environment
-was first applied in 1965
by a French Physiologist
named Claude Bernard
Things needed to be
kept constant in our
Homeostasis It is very important to
keep our body
temperature the same at
around 37 C.o
Things needed to be
kept constant in our
Homeostasis We also need to keep the
sugar level in our blood
constant along with the
levels of ions (also known as
electrolytes and water)
Things needed to be
kept constant in our
Homeostasis Our blood pressure needs to
be carefully monitored along
with the number of wastes in
the blood such as CO2, and
Process where the
brain uses either
NEGATIVE hormone or nervous
FEEDBACK system to send a signal
to the part of the body
that can fix the
A loop from which body
takes a stimulus then
respond to it accordingly by
NEGATIVE brining the body back in the
FEEDBACK normal levels.
MECHANISM Involves hypothalamus
(part of brain that is
responsible for
What makes the
THINK Nervous System
Nerve cells, or neurons,
Types of for transmitting
Cells make messages from one part
up the of the body to another.
Nervous Supporting cells for
System protecting and assisting
Basic unit of structure
and function in the
nervous system.
What is Carries electrical
NEURON? messages called impulses
throughout the body.
 A nerve is an organ containing a
bundle of nerve cells called neurons.
of a
Cell body which contains
Structure the nucleus
and Nerve fibers
 Dendrites, the shorter, thinner, more
Function numerous and highly branched. It relay
of a signals towards the cell body.
 Axon, the longer and thicker with fewer
NEURON branches. It conduct signals away from
the cell body, either to another neuron or
to an effector.
Sensory neurons carry impulses to
the brain or spinal cord.
Motor neurons carry impulses from
the brain or spinal cord to the
Types of a muscles.
NEURON Associate neurons, or interneurons,
at the central nervous system
integrate data from sensory
neurons and then relay commands
to motor neurons.
Types of a

How do these
neurons work if
about someone taps you
this! on the shoulder?
 Receptors in the skin sense touch or
How do other stimuli.
these  Sensory neurons transmit the touch
neurons message.
work if  Information is sorted and interpreted in
someone the brain. A response in determined by
taps you on  Motor neurons transmit a response
the message to the shoulder muscles.
shoulder?  The shoulder muscles are activated,
causing the head to turn.
How is an impulse
about transmitted?
A neurotransmitter is released…
at the synapse between the axon of
the sensory neuron and the dendrites
of the associative neuron in the spinal
How is an cord,
impulse at the synapse between the axon of
transmitted? the associative neuron and the
dendrites of the motor neuron, and
at the point where the motor neuron
ends in the muscle (the effector).
Lesson 1: The Nervous System
A Nervous
Explain how the body
processes are
Objective controlled through the
1. Create a team of 8 to 10 persons and
compete with the other groups in your
Procedure: 2. Among the members of the group,
assign students who will represent the
following parts: Brain, Organ, Sensory
Neurons, and Motor Neurons
3. Have the “Brain” stand at one end of
the classroom, and the “Organ” at the
other end near the blackboard.
4. Let three to four members
Procedure: representing “Sensory Neurons” stand
and line up between the “Brain” and the
“Organ.” Another set of three to four
members representing “Motor
Neurons” will stand and line up facing
the “Sensory Neurons.”
5. Refer to the following illustration to
see how you will position yourselves in
the game

6. Your teacher will show a card to the
first member of the group, which is the
“Organ.” Each card will depict a
Procedure: situation of a stimulus affecting an
7. The “Organ” must pass the message
to one “Sensory Neuron” by whispering.
8. Each member who receives the
message must relay it to another until it
reaches the last “Sensory Neuron.”
9. Let the last person in the “Sensory
Neuron” group run to the “Brain” to
communicate the message that was
transmitted from the “Organ.”
10. The “Brain” must think of a reaction
to the stimulus presented and pass
this response to the “Motor Neurons.”
Procedure: 11.Each member of the “Motor Neuron”
group who receives the response
from the brain, must relay it to another
until it reaches the last person in
the group.
12.The “Organ” will receive this
response through the “Motor Neurons”
and run quickly to the board to write the
Procedure: response.
13. The team with the most acceptable
answer and the shortest time of trip
will win the game
Q1. How does the brain receive the
information from the receptor?
Q2. What does the brain do as soon as it
receives the information?
Guide Questions: Q3. How is the message from the brain
sent in response to the stimuli?
Q4. How will you differentiate the
sensory and motor neurons based on
their functions
Q5. Based on the simulation activity,
explain how information travels in the
nervous system.
Q6.Why does the damage in the
Guide Questions: nervous system cause paralysis of the
Q7. What public health care programs in
your locality are geared towards dealing
with health issues concerning the
nervous system?
Q1. The brain receives the information through the
sensory neurons that transmit the message from one
neuron to another.
Q2. As soon as the brain receives the information, it
processes the message and come up with a response to be
Answers sent through the neurons.
Activity #2 Q3. The message from the brain is relayed by the motor
neurons that transmit the message from one neuron to
another going to the effector.
Q4. The sensory neurons transmit impulses from the
receptor to the brain while the motor neurons transmit
impulses from the brain to the effector.
Q5. Information travels in the nervous system through the
neurons that transmit the impulse. The sense organ
receives the message, and the information is sent by the
sensory neurons to the brain. The brain then processes the
information and sends a response through the motor
neurons to the organ, gland or muscle.
Answers Q6 Any damage in the nervous system affects the function
Activity #2 of other body parts, since messages are not properly
transmitted throughout the body.
Q7. Answers may vary depending on the students’ locality.
Some examples of public health care programs that deal
with the nervous system are National Mental Health
Program, Epilepsy Camp, Universal Health Care,
RabiesPrevention and Control Program, and many others.

QUIZ # 1

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