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Konsulta Package Provider


(A subsidiary of LabX)
Why Konsulta?
Why Konsulta?

1. In the old system, a beneficiary comes to

the clinic/doctor, and have himself checked.
2. The clinic/doctor files, charges PhilHealth,
and waits for reimbursement.
3. Due to voluminous tasks, reimbursement
takes a while.
4. Resulting to delay on the clinic/doctor’s
Why Konsulta?

1. Now, with KPP, PhilHealth hopes to correct

this practice.
2. With KPP, the clinic/doctor is paid in
advance following a prescribed procedure.
3. With KPP, the beneficiary is confident that
he can avail of the primary services
because he is enrolled for the entire
What are Konsulta Services?
What are Konsulta Services?

Primary care includes the following services:

•Consultation and case management for conditions that
“can be managed by a primary care physician and team”
•Provision of individual health education
•Assisting beneficiaries in accessing services in
subcontracted or partner facilities
•Referral to specialty and higher-level care institutions
What are Konsulta Services?

The following laboratory and diagnostic

examinations may be provided by Konsulta
providers, as needed:
•Complete blood count
•Sputum microscopy
•Fecal occult blood
What are Konsulta Services?

•Pap smear
•Lipid profile (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol)
•Fasting blood sugar
•Chest x-ray
•Hemoglobin A1C
What are Konsulta Services?

Konsulta package may provide the ff drugs and medicines

as needed:
• Amoxicillin
• Co-Amoxiclav
• Nitrofurantoin
• Ciprofloxacin
• Clarithromycin
What are Konsulta Services?

•Fluid and electrolytes:

• Oral rehydration salts
• Prednisone
• Salbutamol
• Fluticasone + Salmeterol
• Paracetamol
What are Konsulta Services?

• Gliclazide
• Metformin
• Simvastatin
What are Konsulta Services?

• Enalapril
• Metoprolol
• Amlopidine
• Hydrochlorothiazide
• Losartan
What are Konsulta Services?

• Aspirin
• Chlorphenamine
Konsulta Benefits To You?
Konsulta Benefits To You?

Streamlined Process
Advance payment streamlines your administrative
process. It eliminates the need for individual
billing and payment processing after the
appointment, saving time and resources.
Konsulta Benefits To You?

Guaranteed Revenue
Receiving payment in advance ensures guaranteed
revenue. This reduces the risk of non-payment or
delayed payments, which can be a challenge in
healthcare billing.
Konsulta Benefits To You?

Improved Cash Flow

Advance payments improve your cash flow by
providing funds upfront. It allows you to cover
operational expenses, invest in equipment or staff,
and maintain financial stability more effectively.
Konsulta Benefits To You?

Enhanced Focus on Patient Care

By reducing billing-related tasks you can focus
more on delivering quality patient care. This can
lead to improved patient satisfaction and
Konsulta Benefits To You?

Creative in Financial Planning

Paying in advance allows for better financial
planning by knowing the exact cost of the medical
service upfront and can budget accordingly. This
helps avoid surprises and allows to allocate funds
What Are The Steps?
What Are The Steps?

1. Come Up with a List (Monthly – to be

submitted every 15th of the following month)
What Are The Steps?

2. Promote
What Are The Steps?

3. Conduct the consultation

What Are The Steps?

4. Repeat (for the next 5 years)


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