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• “Machine Learning enables a Machine to Automatically

learn from Data, Improve performance from an Experience

and predict things without explicitly programmed.”
• In Simple Words, When we fed the Training Data to
Machine Learning Algorithm, this algorithm will produce a
mathematical model and with the help of the
mathematical model, the machine will make a prediction
and take a decision without being explicitly programmed.
• Also, during training data, the more machine will work
with it the more it will get experience and the more
efficient result is produced.
Steps in designing the Learning system
1. Choosing a training experience

Task P good Training

1. Direct Feedback 2.inDirect Feedback
To which the learner will control the sequence of training

Play by
Supervisor own
help Supervisor
partial help
2. Determine the Target Function
• the type of knowledge that needs to be
learnt is determined.
Direct ::Let ChooseMove be the target function
and the notation is
• ChooseMove : B→ M
3.Determine the Target Function
• w0 through w6 are numerical coefficients, or
weights, to be chosen by the learning
• Learned values for the weights w1 through
w6 will determine the relative importance of
the various board features in determining the
value of the board
4.Choosing an Approximation Algorithm for the Target

• In order to learn the target function f we

require a set of training examples,
• each describing a specific board state b and
the training value Vtrain(b) for b.
• Each training example is an ordered pair of the
form (b, Vtrain(b))

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