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Credits: 3
CIE: 100 Marks
SEE: 100 Marks

1.1 Introduction, Importance of Energy in Economic Growth, Renewable
energy sources - advantages and limitations, Solar Energy: Potential
▸ Renewable energy is a term used to refer to forms of energy that are
naturally obtained from the environment and from sources that can be
replenished naturally.


▸ Energy is highly essential for the growth of the developing and developed
countries. This has direct impact on socioeconomic groups of nations. The
demand of energy varies from country to country. The energy sources
available are classified into two sources of energy.
▸ Primary Resource
▹ The energy sources are available in nature such as coal, oil, wind,
solar, tidal, ocean, biomass : are termed as primary energy sources.
▹ Some of these are directly used for energy supply like burning fuel in
furnaces, transportation purposes etc.


▸ Secondary Resource
▹ Burning of fuel produces heat which is utilized to produce steam in
power plant and the electricity is generated. So heat and electricity are
termed as secondary energy sources

Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Sources
▸ Non – Renewable Energy Sources
▹ The energy sources like coal and petroleum products take million years for
production. These energy sources are going to be exhausted after few years.
These energy sources are termed as non-renewable energy sources.
▹ Renewable Energy Sources
▹ Energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, various forms of biomass and marine
energy(wave & tidal)are Never Exhaustible. These are termed as renewable energy
sources. Geothermal and ocean thermal energy sources are also renewable energy

Importance Of Energy In Economic Growth

Economic development is a policy intervention
with aims of development of:

 Human capital
 Literacy ratio
 Infrastructure
 Health and general welfare of the citizens

Whereas Economic growth is a phenomenon of

market productivity and rise in GDP.

Energy is critical for economic growth as it provides the power and resources needed to drive economic
1. Production of goods and services:
• Energy plays a crucial role in the production of goods and services, which are essential for economic
• Manufacturing industries, for example, rely on energy to power machinery and equipment, while
service industries require energy to power computers and other electronic devices.
2. Job creation:
• Energy-intensive economic activities often require high levels of labor.
• The energy sector itself and other energy-intensive industries create significant job opportunities,
contributing to economic growth.
3. Improved living standards:
• The availability and affordability of energy also affect the quality of life.
• Access to modern forms of energy such as electricity can transform life, and a lack of access to
energy can impact health, education, and overall well-being.

4. Innovation and technological advancements:
• As technology evolves, the need for innovative sources of energy also increases.
• Therefore, investment in research and development of clean and efficient energy sources
can drive technological advancements and propel economic growth.
5. Economic competitiveness:
• Energy is an essential component of global competitiveness and is fundamental to trade
and commerce.
• Reliable access to energy increases the productivity and efficiency of economic activities.

Overall, without adequate and reliable energy supplies, economic growth can be impeded.
Therefore, energy policies that ensure affordability, sustainability, and security of energy
supplies are essential for promoting economic growth.
Need For Renewable Energy Sources

1. Climate Change:
• The global climate is changing due to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.
• RES emits little or no greenhouse gases, making them an essential tool in mitigating
climate change.
2. Energy Security:
• Renewable energy sources are homegrown and abundant, reducing dependence on foreign
oil and increasing energy security.
3. Economic Benefits:
• Investing in renewable energy sources can create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

4. Health Benefits:
• Fossil fuel pollution is linked to respiratory disease, cancer, and other illnesses.
• Switching to renewable energy sources can improve air quality and human health.

5. Resource Conservation:
RES are sustainable, meaning they can be developed without depleting natural resources.

6. Cost Competitiveness:
The costs of RES have decreased significantly in recent years, and in many cases, they are now
cheaper than traditional fossil fuels.

In summary, RES are necessary for our future because they can help address climate change,
improve energy security, create economic and health benefits, conserve natural resources, and
become increasingly cost-competitive over time.
Advantages And Limitations
1. Environmental friendly:
RES do not produce harmful pollutants that can cause harm to the environment or human health.

2. Sustainable:
RES are sustainable because they can be replenished, unlike conventional sources of energy that are

3. Cost-effective:
While the initial costs of installing renewable energy systems can be high, the long-term savings are
often significant, as the fuel source is free.

4. Job creation:
Renewable energy sources can create jobs in various sectors, from manufacturing and installation to
maintenance and management.
5. Energy security:
RES provides energy security by reducing dependency on foreign oil and gas, which can be affected by
price fluctuations and geopolitical instability.

6. Localized energy production:

RES can be produced locally, which means that energy can be generated and supplied to the local
community, reducing the need for centralized power grids.

7. Low maintenance costs:

RES require little maintenance, unlike conventional power plants that require ongoing and expensive

8. Diversification:
Using renewable energy sources helps to diversify the energy mix and reduce the risk associated with
relying on a single source of energy.
Advantages And Limitations
1. Intermittency:
• RES like solar and wind are intermittent in nature i.e they rely on specific weather conditions, such
as sunshine and wind, to generate power.
• This can make them unreliable and difficult to predict without energy storage systems.
2. Storage costs:
• The cost of storing energy generated by renewable sources, such as batteries, is high.
• Storage solutions are needed to provide reliable, uninterrupted power when renewable energy
sources are not available.
3. Land use requirements:
• RES may require significant amounts of land to generate sufficient energy, making it difficult to
locate in densely populated areas.
4. Upfront costs:
• The initial cost of setting up renewable energy systems can be high, making it difficult for some
communities or businesses to access.
Solar Energy : Potential

Solar energy is the radiation from the Sun capable of producing heat, causing chemical
reactions, or generating electricity.
▸ In addition to being free as a source of energy, energy from the sun is practically
limitless. The surface of the Earth receives solar energy at an average of 343 W/m2.
▸ India is endowed with vast solar energy potential. About 5,000 trillion kWh per
year of energy is incident over India's land area with most parts receiving 4-7 kWh
per sq.

Solar energy has enormous potential as a clean and renewable source of energy, and here are
some of the reasons why
1. Abundance:
• Solar energy is available in abundance, with vast amounts of solar radiation reaching the
Earth's surface every day.
• The amount of energy available from the sun in one hour is more than the entire energy
demand of the world for a whole year.
2. Less expensive:
• The cost of solar energy is rapidly declining and is now one of the least expensive sources of
electricity in many parts of the world, even without subsidies.
3. Environmentally friendly:
• Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source, which means it produces no harmful
emissions or pollution, unlike fossil fuels.
• It is an environmentally friendly source of energy that can help combat climate change.
4. Easily deployable:
• Solar panels can be deployed quickly and easily, even in remote areas, where there is no access to
the electricity grid.
5. Scalable:
• Solar energy is scalable and can be easily expanded, as demand increases, by adding
more solar panels or solar power plants.
6. Low maintenance:.
• Solar panels have a long lifespan and require very little maintenance over their lifetime,
which reduces operation and maintenance
7. Diverse applications:
• Solar energy can be used to generate electricity, heat water, and power homes,
commercial buildings, and industries, making it a versatile and flexible source of energy.

In sum, solar energy has the potential to be a significant source of clean energy that can meet
the world's energy needs sustainably, affordably, and while reducing the impact on the

1.2 : Solar Energy : Present utilization, solar constant
Solar energy is being utilized in various ways across the globe, primarily by capturing the sun's
energy using solar panels and converting it into electricity. Here are some of the present applications
of solar energy
1. Residential use:
Solar panels are being extensively used in homes for heating water and generating electricity, which
helps in reducing energy bills and carbon footprint.
2. Commercial and industrial use:
Commercial and industrial establishments are increasingly using solar panels to generate electricity
and meet their energy demands, which reduces their dependence on the grid and lowers their energy
3. Agriculture:
Solar pumps are being extensively used in farming, especially in rural areas in India, to irrigate lands
and help farmers reduce their dependence on diesel generators.
4. Transportation:
Solar power is being used to power electric vehicles, including cars, buses, and railways.
Solar-powered cell phone towers have become increasingly prevalent, particularly in rural and
remote areas, where access to the grid is limited.
6. Military and emergency services:
Solar-powered systems are being used by the military and emergency services to provide power to
bases, equipment, and facilities in remote locations.
7. Large-scale solar power plants:
Many countries are building large-scale solar power plants that can generate electricity for the grid,
which is distributed to homes, businesses, and industries.

Overall, the use of solar energy is expanding rapidly across the globe and has a significant role to
play in meeting the growing energy demands sustainably while reducing the impact on the

Solar constant
▸ The solar constant is a fundamental value representing the average solar irradiance
received by the Earth's atmosphere per unit area, typically measured on a surface
perpendicular to the Sun's rays at a distance of one astronomical unit (AU) from the

▸ It's essentially a measure of the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's outer
▸ As of recent data, the value of the solar constant is approximately 1361 watts per
square meter (W/m²). However, this value can vary slightly due to factors such as
solar activity, Earth's orbital variations, and atmospheric conditions.
▸ The solar constant serves as a reference point for understanding the energy balance of
the Earth's climate system and is used in various scientific disciplines, including 24
1.3 Simple energy calculations of Solar Radiation, Pyranometer and
Let's say you want to calculate the amount of solar energy received on a flat surface during a sunny day. You have
the following information:
▸ Solar irradiance: 1000 watts per square meter (W/m²)
▸ Surface area: 10 square meters
▸ Duration of sunlight: 6 hours

Calculation: To find the total solar energy received, you would multiply the solar irradiance by the surface area and the
duration of sunlight.
▸ Total Solar Energy = Solar Irradiance × Surface Area × Duration of Sunlight
▸ Total Solar Energy = 1000 W/m² × 10 m² × 6 hours
▸ Total Solar Energy = 60,000 watt-hours (Wh) or 60 kilowatt-hours (kWh)
▸ So, in this scenario, the total solar energy received on the flat surface during the 6-hour period would be 60 kWh.
▸ This calculation is a simplified representation, as it assumes constant solar irradiance throughout the day and neglects
factors like the angle of incidence, atmospheric conditions, and efficiency losses in energy conversion systems (such
as solar panels). However, it provides a basic understanding of how solar radiation can be quantified for energy-
related calculations. 25
Solar Energy : Pyranometer and Pyrheliometer
Pyranometers and pyrheliometers are instruments used for measuring solar
radiation and are commonly used in the study of solar energy. Here's how they
• It is a device used to measure the amount of solar radiation received on a
horizontal surface.
• It measures the global radiation or total solar radiation, which is the sum
of the direct and diffused radiation.
• Pyranometers have a hemispherical sensor that measures the irradiance.
• It is a sensor that is designed to measure the solar radiation flux
density(in watts per meter square) from a field of view of 180 degree.
• The name Pyranometer has a greek origin. ‘Pyr’ : fire and ‘ano’: above
Solar Energy : Pyranometer and Pyrheliometer
Construction of Pyranometer
The main parts pyranometer are:
• Protective Glass Cover is a dome shaped glass attached at the top
for the direct and diffused radiation to enter. Its viewing angle
remains 180 degree.
• Black body absorbs the heat from solar radiation.
• Thermopile is a sensor with a hot and cold junction which senses
heat and converts into electrical signal.
• Thermocouple is formed when number of thermopile are
connected in series.
• The two types of pyranometers are:

Thermopile pyranometer Photo diode based pyranometer

Used to measure total flux density of solar radiations at It is known as Silicon pyranometer.
180 degree varying angle.
Measures radiation between 300nm to 2800nm. Used to detect the segment of solar spectrum between
400nm to 900nm 27
Solar Energy : Pyranometer and Pyrheliometer

Working of Pyranometer
• When direct and diffused solar radiation strikes on black absorber plate it absorbs heat from solar
radiation and gets heated.
• Thermopile has two dissimilar metals whose one part is connected to black body and other part to
reference or cold junction.
• Thermopile operates when temperature difference occurs between 2 junctions and an induced emf is
received at output.
• Potentiometer at output measures the value of induced emf. The values obtained are used to calculate
the intensity of solar radiation.

Solar Energy : Pyranometer and Pyrheliometer

• It is a device used to measure the direct normal irradiance
(DNI) or the amount of solar radiation received from the sun
when it is directly overhead.
• Pyrheliometers measure the direct beam radiation that is not
scattered by the atmosphere.
• They have a flat plate sensor that is aligned towards the sun.
• It is used with a solar tracking system to keep the instrument
aimed at the sun
• A pyrheliometer is often used in the same setup with a
pyranometer. 29
Solar Energy : Pyranometer and Pyrheliometer

Construction of Pyrheliometer
The main parts pyrheliometer are:
• Hollow tube consist of a protective lense attached at the top
of the tube.
• Black absorber plate is placed in the depth of tube which
absorbs the heat.
• Thermocouple is a type of sensor that senses the heat and
converts into electrical energy is attached to the black body.
• Sun tracker continuously monitors the sun and also detects
the weather conditions.
Solar Energy : Pyranometer and Pyrheliometer
Working of Pyrheliometer
• When direct solar radiation strikes on the black absorber plate through the lens and
tube, one junction of thermocouple remains attached with black absorber plate and
other junction is taken as reference junction or cold junction.
• Strip S2 is connected to external circuitry consisting of voltmeter, ammeter and
• When solar radiations do not strike on black absorber plate galvanometer shows zero
• When direct solar radiation strike on black absorber plate, one junction of
thermocouple connected to black body gets heated due to which temperature
difference occurs in thermocouple and so emf is induced. Hence galvanometer shows
• When the strip 2 is turned on current flows in circuit, the values of current and
voltage are measured using ammeter and voltmeter. Based on the measured values the 31
Solar Energy : Pyranometer and Pyrheliometer



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