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Menuju Operasi Safe, Productive &

Sustainable dengan Penerapan

Keselamatan Operasi di Smelter

Di presentasikan di FGD – Peningkatan Kepatuhan

Norma K3 Industri Smelter
Jakarta, 27th March 2024
Latar Belakang

Smelter – Legal dan Management


Isi Diskusi Smelter – Process Safety Dimensi dan


Bagaimana mengantisipasi Perkembangan

Industri Smelter yang Aman?

Our Safety Issues in Smelter Industries (Periode 2016 – 2023)
9 of Incident period of
2021 to 2022
Fatality 4
Injured 18

10 of Incident period
25 of Incident period of of 2020 to 2023
2016 to 2023 Fatality 8
Fatality 39 Injured 3
Injured 82
 PT Wedabay Industrial Park (IWIP)
40 orang pusing dan sesak
nafas due to acid Gas leak  Gunbuster Nickel Industry (GNI)
 Indoneisa Morowali IndustrialPark (IMIIP)

6 of Incident period  Virtue Dragon Nickel Industry (VDNI)

of 2020 to 2023
Fatality 3 9 of Incident period of
Injured 3 2015 to 2022
Fatality 7
 Huadi NickelAlloy Injured : NA
Indonesia (HDNI)

Smelter Nickel source : CELIOS, and Trend Asia

Catastrophic Incident di Dunia
13th May 2014, Soma mine disaster took place
in Soma, Turkey. The accident was reportedly ecember 1, 2020: At least
the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and is 18 people were killed by a
the worst mining accident in the 21st century so carbon monoxide leak in
far. 301 people died. the Diaoshuidong
mine disaster in Chongqing

Tailing DAM di Fundao,

Samarco Mineral, Brazil. 19
people are killed and created
worst environment damage
668 km along the ecosystem

July 2, 2020: At least 174

people were killed in a
landslide in the 2020 Hpakant
jade mine disaster, Myanmar

May 30, 2022: At November 25, 2021:

least 12 people were Listvyazhnaya mine disaster in
killed by an Kemerovo Oblast, Russia.
explosion in Smoke from a fire in a ventilation
La Mestiza coal min shaft caused the suffocation of
over 40 miners
, Columbia
Sources taken from several Mine Catastrophic Incident Failures Report.
Memahami Kegiatan Pertambangan yang Terintegrasi

Processing and Refinery (Smelter)

Drying Feed Preparation

Calcination HPAL Process

Smelting Decantation

Converting MHP Precipitate

Product Product
Siapkah Kita dalam Menghantisipasi Perkembangan Downstream Industries sebagai
bagian dari Downstream Enforcement?

Mining Alumina Electrolytic Aluminum Battery Pack Auto Industry

MHP/MSP Cathode/Anode

Intermediate Industries Downstream Mine

Process Smelters : product within chemical
Hydrometallurgy & Industries

Process Safety Requirements due to Hi Tech, Hi-Capex, Hi number Manpower & Skill
Perundang-Undangan dalam Kegiatan Pertambangan & Smelter

UU No. 1 year 1970 UU No. 3 thn 2020 Perubahan atas UU No. 4 thn 2009
tentang Occupational Pasal : 96 – Kewajiban penerapan Keselamatan
Safety dan Health Pertambangan (K3 dan Keselamatan Operasi)

PP No 50/2012 : Safety PP No. 19 /1973 Government Regulation No. 55/2010

Management System, Pasal 4 (2), Safe working supervision in Mining – Supervision in Mining Sector,
19 Sector Article 16,26,27

Series of Ministry Decree issued by Permen ESDM No. 38/2014 Kepmen ESDM NO. 26/2018
Manpower Ministry Mine Safety Management System Supervision & Good Mining Practice
For Safety and Health Requirements in Mining sector

Kepdirjend ESDM No. 185.K/37.04/DJB/2019

Petunjuk Teknis Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pertambangan
Mindsett dalam Pengelolaan
Reactive Process Safety/Operational Safety
Occupational Safety/K3
Multiple fatality

Fatality Major Incident

Assess the effort to Serious Injury Loss Incident

eliminate both
behavioral and process
safety hazards
First-aid Incident Near Miss

Preventive Unsafe Acts and Conditions

Integrity Risks
People risks Man-Machine Risks
Keselamatan Asset/operasi
Observable behaviour Unseen behaviour
Macro Process Pengawasan Menuju Operasi yang Aman &
Design Operation
Phase (incl. Phase

Design Phase Construction Phase Operation Phase

•Technology Selection •Construction Risk Assessment •Process Hazard Assessment (PHA)
•Detail design and Standard •Construction Supervision •Procedure & Instruction termasuk Molten
References •Construction Methodology Material Protocol
•Material selection •Commissioning and Testing •Specification material
•Preliminary Process Hazard •Kompetensi Tenaga Kerja •Competency and Authorization
Assessment (PHA) •Communication & Awareness
•Incident Management
•Emergency Preparedness (incl. Containment
Strategic Pillar Menuju Operasi Smelter yang Aman

PP No. 50 tahun 2012 Pasal 4 (2) : Setiap Industry Beresiko Tinggi
(High Risk industry) di minta untuk menyiapkan spesifik Safety
System Organization Management System
Smelter Industry dapat di kategorikan sebagai salah satu Industry
beresiko Tinggi dalam rangka mendukung industry hilirisasi.

Pertanyaan : Apakah Safety management system saat ini sudah

Behavior memadai dalam mendukung spesifik industry beresiko tinggi ini?
Contoh Specific Safety Management System

Risk Assessment to al Mine

Activity that potential impact to Hazard & Risk Assessment
Personal Safety process in process safety


Produce Material Unwanted Events

Mine Safety Produce
(MUEs) for Process safety & Very
Management Critical Activity
high risk Consequency
Creating Fatality Prevention
Program Established Planning for Critical
Through Major Hazard Standard as Management Control of those
critical control management for MUEs
Personnal Safety For Operational Safety
Challenges for Smelters Operations
(incl. Phase

Construction Phase (Incl.

Commissioning phase) Operation Phase
•Construction phase is very critical due to numbers •Creating standard and instruction
of workforce and time period during construction is •Established competencies process for the workforce
limited. •Established process Hazard control and Its safety measure
•Manpower background : from non-industrial •Management of change process including Subtile change
background •Mechanical Integrity for complex equipment could lead to
•During this phase, all management process and its operational failure
workforce is mandatory to follow all the Safety •High Numbers of Safety measure creating loss focus
instruction and protocol (Following defined •Behavior toward operational discipline
standard sett) instead of creating a culture.
•Process Optimization to stable operation
SYSTEM – Adoption existing PSM to Mine Safety Processing and
Downstream Industries?
SYSTEM – PSM dalam Pertambangan dan Pengolahan Pemurnian
Processing plant
• Resiko utama pada Pre- Risk Identification (identify High
Dryers + Coalmill Plant
procedures & Hazard Operational Process) ->
standards saat ini Output HHOP
Kilns • “habits become
accepted process”
• Doc & perubahant
Off gas (ESPs & Baghouse)
dk terupdate Process Risk Review
• Complacency
Furnaces • Can’t keep
depending on luck…

• Kelalaian
PSI –Process Safety Information
Utilities Management
Boiler Operation
• Diperlukan Operating Emergency
Tindakan :Technical, Procedure/Manual Prepardnes &
Acid Plant Capability, Response
List of Critical
Governance serta
Logsitic Culture elements of
PSM untuk perubahan Management of
Fuel handling and storage
Critical Control Management - Process

Process Critical Control

Management…....(ref. Health &
Safety Critical Control Management,
ICMM 2012)

Kenapa Hal ini Sangat

Risk Management : Focus pada Major Hazards

• Analysis the risk with BowTie method Critical Control Management KPI
• Review Existing barrier and Protection for Mobile Equipment Requirements Model (Expectations
• Implement Critical Control Management Level), consists of :
Site : VNC Unit: 220 Bo wtie # : BTA # 1
1. LO C fro m a ut o c la v e re le a sing
Mue : Re la te d Critic a l Co ntro l Na m e : Pre St a rt -up Sa fe t y Re v ie w Critic a l Co ntro l # : VNC - CC1
e ne rg y

CC re la te d O b je c tive s: Critic a l Co ntro l Sta tus:

Pro c e d ure is use d t o c o nfirm t he syst e m is re a d y t o st a rt -up sa fe ly a nd e q uip m e nt is c o nfig ure d fo r p urp o se d o p e ra t io n. Pa rtia lly Imp le me nte d

Critic a l Co ntro l Pe rfo rm a nc e Re q uire m e nts to m e e t Ac tivitie s tha t c a n b e c he c ke d to ve rify the c ritic a l
Ac tivitie s tha t c a n sup p o rt o r e na b le the c o ntro l
Ob je c tive s c o ntro l p e rfo rm a nc e
1. Pro c e d ure is e xe c ut e d e v e ry t im e syst e m is re t urne d 1. Pro c e d ure m ust ha v e c rit ic a l st e p s d e fine d ; 1. De fine KPIs t o a ssure a d e re nc e t o t he p ro c e d ure ;
int o se rv ic e ;
2. Crit ic a l st e p s m ust b e sig ne d o ff a s c o m p le t e d ; 2. No p a st d ue o n c rit ic a l p ro c e d ure s re v ie w ;

3. De fine re sp o nsa b ilit ie s a ssig ne d fo r e a c h t a sk fo r 3. St ruc t ure p e rio d ic re v ie w s o f c o m p e t e nc y inc lud ing fie ld
ind iv id ua l w ho e xc e c ut e p ro c e d ure s d e m o nst ra t io n;

4. Tra in a nd c e rt ific a t e ind iv id ua ls w ho p e rfo rm ing t he t a sk; 4. Insure t ra ining a nd c e rt ific a t io n fo r ind iv id ua ls w ho e xe c ut e
t he t a sk;

5. Im p le m e nt a p ro c e d ure using a sp o t c he c k p ro g ra m ;

Ta rg e t Pe rfo rm a nc e fo r Critic a l Co ntro l:

1. Pro c e d ure s a re up d a t e d a c c o rd ing t o t he re q uire d re v ie w ;
2. Co m p e t e nc y v e rific a t io n m e e t s sc he d ule a s d e sig ne d ;
3. No unc e rt ifie d p e o p le c a n p e rfo rm t he t a sks;
Critic a l Co ntro l Pe rfo rm a nc e Trig g e r fo r Shutd o wn, Re vie w o r Inve stig a tio n:
Inv e st ig a t io n - 1) Inc id e nt s re sult ing fro m no t fo llo w ing t he p ro c e d ure ; 2) p ro c e d ure s o v e rd ue fo r re v ie w ;

• Performance Requirement expectations

• Activities need to ensure Critical control
working properly.
• Activities required to check/audit the
Critical control performance
• Target Performance for Critical Control
Contoh Technology Base untuk Safety Critical Risk Control

Molten Metal High Pressure

Automation Trip system
Access Control Burner Management

Adopted : PT Vale Indonesia, Critical Control Engineering toward safe & Reliable Operation, 2020
Commisioning Operasi Perawatan

Prosedur Prosedur
Inpeksi dan pengkondisian
Critical Hot/cold testing
bekerja di Tanur Tanur

Procedures Procedure Prosedur

heating-up dan
sebagai Safety Start-up plant Feeding System Cooling Down

Critical Risk Emergency

penanganan Prosedur
Protocol test Logam Cair Testing

Prosedur Akses

Prosedur dalam

Adopted : PT Vale Indonesia, Critical Control Engineering toward safe & Reliable Operation, 2020
Organization - toward Safe Smelters Operations :
Line of Defend Organization

Risc Loss/impact
1 os 2 3

1st Defence Line 2nd Defence Line 3rd Defence Line

Operate Safely Check & Balance Auditing (AUDIT)

Ensure the operational ● Establish standards, Ensuring process for

process in safety manner, Indicators & management fulfilment of Policy and
including ensuring Asset control Instruction
integrity and Performance of ● Check for implementations
facilities of Standards
● Deviation treatment and
Leadership & Behavior Development – menciptakan Operational
Discipline pada Smelter Operation

Banyak program yang disiapkan di lapangan oleh

organisasi dalam rangka transformasi safety culture

A safety Culture diawali dari Leadership : Setting True

Commitment, Peduli, Dukungan Keuangan, and Visible
Leadership as a result is Felt Leadership.

No matter how good system in Place, if lack of

Operational Discipline, then the result of
Implementation will be low. (adopted : DSS solution at senior
Leadership Development, 20214)

Adopted : Rob Fisher, 2012, Key To Improving work Methods and Instructions

Legal and Supervision perspective : sangat direkomendasikan untuk membentuk instruksi khusus
1 dalam penerapan specific Safety Management system untuk Smelter dan Turunan nya, Sistem ini
harus di mapping dan fit atas kebutuhan process saat ini.

Menuju Operasi Smelter dan hilirisasinya, tidak hanya saat phase Operational, melainkan
2 diperlukan pengawasan yang baik dimulai dari Design phase dan Construction Phase.

Mengelola Keselamatan Smelter tidak hanya mengelola K3/Occ Health and Safety TETAPI
3 termasuk pendekatan Operational Safety/Process Safety

Safety Management System yang baik tidak men-garansi safety performance. Hal ini tergantung
4 dari penerapan Operational discipline. Pengelolaan Resiko harus mengacu ke SYSTEM dan

5 Organizational Responsible
Mengelaola Business dimulai dari Mengelola

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