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Department Of Computer

Guided By: Presented By:

 Mrs.J.Gunasundhari,Mcom S.Karuppasami
Assistant Professor Reg No:C1S39616
Department Of Computer S.Saravana Kumar
Science Reg No:C1S39624
The aim of ‘Hotel Management System’ is to automate
its existing manual system by the help of
computerized equipment and full-fledge computer
software, fulfilling their requirements so that their
valuable date can be stored for a longer period with
easy accessing and manipulation of the same. Basically
the project describes how to handle good performance
and provide better services to clients. This project can
lead to error free, secure, reliable and fast
management system. This system will help the
organization in better utilization of resources.

The Hotel Management System has been designed to
override the problem of existing manual system. This
web application is supported to eliminate and in some
case reduce the hardship faced by manual system. The
application is reduced as much as possible to avoid
errors while entering the data. Its also provide message
while entering invalid data. No formal knowledge is
required for the user to operate this system. Overall we
said that Hotel Booking Management System is user
In Hotel Booking Management System we use PHP
and MySQL Database. This project keeps the records
of booking, clients and hotel services. Hotel Booking
Management System has two module i.e. admin and
User Modules:
1. Home: It is a welcome page for users.
2. About: It is a about us page of website.
3. Services: In this section, users can view services
provided by organization.
4. Room: In this section, user can view details of room
which is available in the hotel.
5. Gallery: In this section, user can view gallery of
6. Book Room: In this section, user can book the
hotel room by registered himself with hotels.
User Modules:
7. Contact: It is a contact us page where users can
send the queries to hotel.
8. Sign Up: Users can register through sign up page.
9. Login: It is login page.
10. My Account: After registration user can have their
own account where he/she can update profile, change
password, recover password and view booking details
of hotel room.
Admin Modules:
1. Home: In this section, admin can briefly view the
total new booking, approved booking, Cancelled
Booking, Total Registered users, total read enquires
and total unread enquires.
2. Room Category: In this section, admin can
manage category (add/delete).
3. New Room: In this section, admin can manage
4. Page: In this section, admin can manage about us
and contact us pages..
5. Booking: In this section, admin can view new,
approved, canceled bookings and also give a remark.
Admin Modules:
6. Reg Users: In this section, admin can view the
detail of registered users.
7. Enquiry: In this section, admin can view and
maintain the enquiry.
8. Search: In this section, admin can search enquiry
and booking details with the help of his/her mobile
number and booking number respectively.
9. Reports: In this section admin can view the
enquiry details and check booking details in a
particular period.
The main objective of the Hotel Management System
project is to manage the details of Hotels, Rooms,
Services, Payments, and Booking. This Hotel Booking
Management System will definitely reduce the time,
energy and money wasted in manually searching the
details of the booking and registered users. With the
help of this software, all the services and users can be
properly channelized.
Existing System:
The present scenario offers manual data entry. A lot of
time is wasted in creating the reports as well as
maintaining them. In case, if any query arises to get
the information about the booking, queries and
registered users, the whole report is re-typed or
Xeroxed. This seriously affects the authentication of
the system. This Hotel Booking Management System
is totally outdated and involves high risk of ambiguity
and redundancy.
Proposed System
The proposed Hotel Management System is to have
everything completely automated and computerized.
The software is very easy to use and manage even for a
non technical person. The redundancy and ambiguity
will be removed by assigning every booking a unique
number (i.e Booking Number).
Software Requirement
Software Used : XAMPP , Notepad++ , Google Chrome
Client Side Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript ,
Server Side Technologies: PHP
Data Base Server: MYSQL
Operating System: Microsoft Windows/Linux
FrontEnd Technologies Used
HTML(Hypertext Markup Language)
CSS(Cascading StyleSheet)
Bootstrap(Library of HTML,CSS and Javascript)
BackEnd Technologies Used
PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor)(Server Side Language)
Data Flow Diagram(DFD)
Data Flow Diagram(DFD)
ER Diagram
User Login Page

This web application involves almost all the basic
features of the online hotel management system. The
future implementation will be online help for the
users and chatting with website administrator.

This Application provides a computerized and

automated version of Hotel Booking Management
System which will benefit the hotel companies and
their users.

It makes entire process online and can generate

reports. It has a facility of user’s login where users can
view their booking details.

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