Policies and Programs For Agricultural Development

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The Philippines is endowed with abundant agricultural resources,
including a diverse range of crops and livestock such as rice, corn, coconut,
sugarcane, bananas, pineapple, coffee, mangoes, tobacco, and abaca.
Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the country's economy, providing
sustenance and income for a significant portion of the population.

Despite its potential, realizing full agricultural prosperity remains a social

challenge. Efforts have been made to address this by promoting sustainable
practices, modernizing farming techniques, ensuring market access, supporting
smallholder farmers, and tackling climate change challenges. The Philippines
employs a comprehensive approach, involving government initiatives, private
sector collaborations, and community-focused interventions to enhance
productivity, empower rural communities, and increase the sector's resilience and
competitiveness globally. This holistic strategy reflects the country's commitment to
sustainable growth, economic stability, and the well-being of its agricultural
Three-year Agri Development Plan

• Under the leadership of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., the Department of Agriculture (DA) is
initiating the formulation and update of a three-year Agriculture Development Program for 2023-
2025. The program focuses on enhancing agricultural productivity, with priority given to rice,
corn, high-value crops, livestock, poultry, and fisheries. The initiative, guided by Assistant
Secretary Arnel V. De Mesa, extends beyond production to include postharvest and processing,
logistics improvement, market linkages, and research and development. Specific strategies for
achieving rice self-sufficiency by 2025, including inbred and hybrid rice production and irrigation
development, are being devised.
• The plan also targets a significant increase in corn production through double cropping on
700,000 hectares and emphasizes the cultivation and export of high-value crops. Efforts to
repopulate livestock and poultry, implement biosecurity measures, and enhance fisheries
production are underway. Collaboration with agricultural credit institutions and coordination with
other DA units are integral components of the comprehensive Agriculture Development Plan.
The Rice Tariffication Law
• The amendment to the Agricultural Tariffication Act of 1996 (RA 8178) marks a significant
shift in the Philippines' approach to rice importation, moving from a system of
quantitative restrictions (QR) to a tariff-based system. This change aims to address issues
related to limited market supply, price fluctuations influenced by political decisions, and
aligns with the country's commitment to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
• The implementation of rice tariffication is expected to benefit over 100 million Filipinos,
including rice farmers and consumers, by lowering rice prices and curbing inflation. While
rice farmers gain access to more affordable, high-quality rice and receive government
support through the Rice Fund, the impact is mixed for small-scale farmers and farm
workers who may face higher prices outside of the harvest season. The broader societal
impact includes benefits for non-rice farmers, improved food security, and reduced
financial burdens on taxpayers. Overall, the policy shift in rice tariffication aims to ensure
the consistent availability, accessibility, and affordability of the nation's staple food,
enhancing societal welfare and reducing financial strain on vulnerable populations.
Agrikulturang Pilipino (Agri-Pinoy)
• The Agri-Pinoy framework, spanning 2011 to 2016 and beyond, serves as the comprehensive
strategic guide for the Philippines' Department of Agriculture. It integrates principles aimed at
utilizing natural and human resources for agricultural and fisheries objectives while
contributing to national development. The executive summary focuses on four key principles:
food security and self-sufficiency, sustainable agriculture and fisheries, natural resource
management, and local development.
• Agri-Pinoy aims to enhance local resources and productivity to minimize dependence on food
imports, balancing self-sufficiency with global interdependence. Prioritizing sustainable
practices, the framework emphasizes managing natural resources effectively and recognizing
the significance of agriculture and fisheries at the local level within the broader national
context. The Agri-Pinoy checklist outlines broad-based strategies promoting sustainability,
resilience, and partnerships across the entire production-to-consumption spectrum.
Challenges faced by the Department include fostering convergence, professionalism, good
governance, and addressing gaps while building emotional connections.

• The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in the Philippines is intensifying efforts to enhance
farmers' and fishers' productivity and earnings by implementing a targeted and direct lending
approach. With a focus on agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) and individual small-scale
farmers, DAR, under Secretary Bernie Cruz's leadership, is emphasizing improved access to
credit through microfinance programs. This strategy, particularly vital during the pandemic,
aims to support farmers facing economic challenges.
• Agricultural credit is a crucial financial pillar, addressing monetary needs throughout various
stages of production and marketing. DAR, in collaboration with the Departments of Agriculture
and Environment and Natural Resources, as well as the Land Bank of the Philippines, works to
extend credit assistance to ARBs, supporting both individual and communal farming ventures.
The DAR's agri-credit and micro-finance programs aim to make financing services accessible,
available, affordable, appropriate, and acceptable to ARBs, relying on comprehensive policy
development and program execution. The overarching goals include enhancing the
creditworthiness of farmers, imparting financial management skills, and improving farm
productivity and income levels.
High Value Crops Development Program
• The High-Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) is a crucial initiative by the Department of
Agriculture in the Philippines, designed to enhance food security, reduce poverty, and promote
sustainable agricultural growth. The program concentrates on improving the production, processing,
marketing, and distribution of high-value crops to elevate income levels, create livelihood
opportunities, and contribute significantly to overall agricultural progress. Aligned with the
Department of Agriculture's broader objectives, HVCDP aims to achieve food security, self-sufficiency,
and economic advancement. The program envisions empowering high-value crops producers and
cultivating a productive farming community.
• HVCDP's goals include increasing production, income, and livelihood opportunities for small-scale
producers while ensuring universal access to affordable, safe, and nutritious food. Key result areas
involve coordinating development interventions, providing support services, facilitating market access,
and actively managing demand and supply situations.The program operates on four pillars: productive
and healthy soil, organized and competent small producers, appropriate technology and support
services, and an enabling legal/policy environment. It targets convergence areas, strategic production
zones, and farm households, focusing on priority commodities like industrial crops, vegetables, fruits,
and alternative staples.
National Greening Program (NGP)
• A government priority, aims to address poverty, promote food security,
environmental stability, biodiversity conservation, and climate change mitigation.
This analysis examines the program's performance at national and regional levels
based on available data from government bodies and recent studies by PIDS. It
highlights the need to improve the NGP by enhancing replanting rates, reporting
on seed survival, and conducting audits to ensure efficiency and transparency in
• Recommendations include boosting replanting rates and reporting seed survival
at national and regional levels, accompanied by audits to ensure program
efficiency and transparency. Additionally, ongoing impact assessments by PIDS
offer further insights for the NGP's remaining years and future reforestation
initiatives, aiming to provide comprehensive recommendations for program
Government Assistance Programs for MSMEs in the
A 12-week program by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
designed to equip business owners with essential skills across various
modules like product development, marketing, and finance.
2. Pondo sa Pagbabago at Pag-Asenso (P3) Managed by SB Corp
This program simplifies loan applications for MSMEs, offering low-
interest rates for loans ranging from PHP 5,000 to PHP 200,000.
3. Small and Medium Enterprise Roving Academy
DTI conducts free seminars to support local enterprises, providing
guidance and advice through expert counselors.
4. Go Lokal!
Launched by DTI, this program grants MSMEs access to markets and
offers training, marketing platforms, and promotional events.
5. Barangay Micro Business Enterprise (BMBE)
Established to promote microbusinesses, BMBE provides incentives like
tax exemption and priority for credit access, benefiting enterprises with
assets below PHP 3 million.
These programs aim to assist MSMEs in their growth and
development, while the government has also introduced measures like
the Innovative Startup Act, providing support through funds, grants,
subsidies, and visas for emerging startup talents.
Land Tenure Services
• The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) in the
Philippines is implemented through two main mechanisms: Land
Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) and Leasehold Operations. LAD
involves redistributing government and private agricultural lands to
landless farmers and farm workers, ensuring their tenure, promoting
social equity, and providing necessary resources for economic
viability. Leasehold operations serve as a non-land transfer scheme,
covering tenanted agricultural lands in retained areas not yet
distributed under CARP and those validly covered by existing laws.
• The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has allocated P42.8 billion for agriculture priority
programs in 2023 as part of the Marcos Jr. administration's drive to elevate agriculture as a key driver
for growth and employment. These programs, led by the Department of Agriculture (DA), encompass
various initiatives like the National Rice Program, National Corn Program, National Livestock Program,
and others, aiming to enhance food security, alleviate poverty, and foster sustainable growth by
boosting farm income and productivity.DBM Secretary Amenah F. Pangandaman highlighted the
administration's strong emphasis on agriculture, emphasizing its pivotal role within the 8-Point
Socioeconomic agenda. Ensuring a substantial increase in farm income and productivity, the allocated
budget significantly boosts essential programs.The National Rice Program receives a notable increase,
doubling its allocation to P30.30 billion from the previous year's P15.78 billion. Similarly, the National
Corn Program, focusing on quality corn and cassava production, secures a budget of P5.02 billion. The
National Livestock Program, aimed at enhancing poultry and livestock sectors, obtains P4.50 billion.
Additionally, budgets of P1.80 billion, P900 million, and P318.47 million have been allotted for the
National High-Value Crops Development Program, Promotion and Development of Organic Agriculture
Program, and National Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Program, respectively. These programs aim to
support high-value crops, promote organic agriculture practices, and boost urban agriculture initiatives
through the Plant, Plant, Plant program.
• Omnibus came from the Latin word which means “for everything”.
It is a proposed law that covers a number of diverse and unrelated
subjects and topics. Moreover, when it refers to bill it is a single
document that
packages together several measures into one or combine diverse
subjects but accepted in a single vote only by a legislature.
• National Land Use Bill (Also in items 8 and 83)
An act instituting a national land use policy, providing the implementing
mechanisms, creating for the purpose the national land use
commission, and appropriating funds therefor
• National Food Authority Reorganization Act
An act reorganizing the national food authority into the national
strategic food reserve corporation and redefining its powers,
appropriating funds therefor and for other purposes
• An Act Rationalizing the functions of DA, DAR and DENR
• Accelerated Irrigation Act 21
An act to promote rural development by providing for an accelerated
program within a six-year period for the construction of irrigation
• Food Safety and Food Labeling Law
• Amendment of the Tariff and Customs Code (Also in item 9)
• Rice Program,
• National Corn Program,
• National Livestock Program,
• National High-Value Crops Development Program,
• Promotion and Development of Organic Agriculture Program,
• and National Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Program

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