Questions Tags - Kel 4

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201944500247 3. NOVAL RIZALDI -
Questions Tag is a type of question (questions) in English. Question
tags are also short questions that are often found at the end of a
sentence in a conversation, and sometimes in informal writing.

Questions Tag adalah salah satu jenis pertanyaan (questions) dalam

bahasa Inggris. Questions tag juga merupakan pertanyaan singkat
yang sering terdapat pada akhir sebuah kalimat dalam suatu
percakapan, dan terkadang dalam tulisan yang tidak remis atau
informal writing.
Questions tags are used to find out or check if something

is correct or to ask for consent (agreement)
That was a very good film, wasn't it?
Question tags in negative form like the example above are usually
abbreviated. But in formal conversations sometimes it is not abbreviated.
That's the postman, isn't it? (informal)
You do take sugar in tea, don't you? (informal)
They promised to repay us within six months, did they not? (formal)

Tag pertanyaan digunakan untuk mencari tahu atau memeriksa apakah

ada sesuatu
mengoreksi atau meminta persetujuan
(perjanjian) Itu adalah film yang sangat
bagus, bukan?
Tag pertanyaan dalam bentuk negatif seperti contoh di atas biasanya
disingkat. Namun dalam percakapan formal terkadang tidak disingkat.
Itu tukang pos, bukan? (informal)
Anda mengambil gula dalam teh, bukan? (informal)
Mereka berjanji untuk membayar kami dalam waktu enam bulan,
AThere are formulas and rules that you need to keep in mind when creating question tags.
Among TAGS
them be:
When a statement sentence uses the linking verb "be" (is, am, are, was, ware), hence
question using be.
If the statement sentence uses a primary auxiliary verb (be, do, have) or modal auxiliary verb
(will, would, may, might, can, could, shall, should) then The question uses the first auxiliary
verb (if there is more than one).
If the question sentence uses a main verb other than the linking verb "be" and Without the
auxilary verb, "do/does/did" will be used in Create a QuestionTag.
If the sentence is a prohibition or commandment, then the question begins with "will you".

Berikut adalah rumus dan aturan yang perlu Anda ingat saat membuat tag pertanyaan.
Diantaranya adalah:
Ketika kalimat pernyataan menggunakan kata kerja penghubung "be" (is, am, are, was,
maka pertanyaannya menggunakan be.
Jika kalimat pernyataan menggunakan kata kerja bantu primer (be, do, have) atau kata kerja
bantu modal (will, would, may, might, can, could, shall, should) maka Pertanyaan
menggunakan kata kerja bantu pertama (jika ada lebih dari satu).
Jika kalimat pertanyaan menggunakan kata kerja utama selain kata kerja penghubung "be"
dan Tanpa kata kerja bantu, "do/does/did" akan digunakan dalam Create a QuestionTag.
Question tag = linking verb “be” / auxiliary verb +/- not + pronoun
The question tag is adjusted to the statement that precedes it. When the
declarative sentence uses the linking verb "be" (is, am, are, was, were), the question
tag also uses be. If the declarative sentence uses a primary auxiliary verb (be, do,
have) or modal auxiliary verb (will, would, may, may, might, can, could, shall,
should) then the question tag uses the first auxiliary verb (if there are more than
One). Meanwhile, when the declarative sentence uses a main verb other than the
linking verb "be" and is not accompanied by an auxiliary verb, the dummy auxiliary
verb "do/does/did" is used in the question tag.

Tag pertanyaan = menghubungkan kata kerja "be" / kata kerja bantu +/- not +
Question tag disesuaikan dengan pernyataan yang mendahuluinya. Ketika kalimat
pernyataan menggunakan linking verb “be” (is, am, are, was, were), maka question
tag pun menggunakan be. Jika kalimat pernyataan menggunakan primary auxiliary
verb (be, do, have) atau modal auxiliary verb (will, would, may, may, might, can,
could, shall, should) maka question tag menggunakan auxiliary verb yang pertama
(jika ada lebih dari satu). Adapun ketika kalimat pernyataan menggunakan main
verb selain linking verb “be” dan tanpa didampingi auxiliary verb, dummy auxiliary
verb “do/does/did” yang digunakan pada question tag.
Declarative Sentence Question Tag

1. Linking verb “be” 1. idem

2. primary auxiliary verb 2. idem
do, (be,have) atau modal 3. dummy auxiliary verb
auxiliary verb (will, would, (do, does, did)
may, may, might, can, could,
shall, should)
3. verb selain
linking verb “be”
(eat, learn, move, etc)

Pronouns are adjusted according to the subject of the statement (antecedent), in terms of number
(singular, plural), person (first person, second person, third person, and gender (female, male,
Pronoun disesuaikan dengan subject pada bagian pernyataan (antecedent), dalam hal number
(singular, plural), person (first person, second person, third person, dan gender (female, male,
Actually the formation of questions tags depends on what type of sentence we use, whether the
sentence is positive (positive sentence) or negative sentence (negative sentence).

Sebenarnya pembentukan questions tag tergantung jenis kalimat apa yang kita gunakan, apakah
kalimat positive (posititive sentence) ataukah kalimat negatif (negative sentence).

1. Positive Sentence (kalimat positif)

If the sentence we use is a negative sentence, then the questions tag must be post
You're the new secertary, aren't you?
Tony can speak Frech, can't he?
2. Negative Sentence (kalimat negatif)
If the sentence we use is a negative sentence, the question tag must be positive.
You didn't speak to Luke, did you?
You're not the new secertary, are you?

3. Kalimat positif (kalimat positif)

Jika kalimat yang kita gunakan adalah kalimat negatif, maka tag pertanyaan harus post
Anda adalah secertary baru, bukan?
Tony bisa berbicara Frech, bukan?
2. Kalimat negatif (kalimat negatif)
Jika kalimat yang kita gunakan adalah kalimat negatif, tag tanya harus positif.
Anda tidak berbicara dengan Luke, bukan?
Anda bukan secertary baru, bukan?
Besides being able to be used in positive and negative sentences, question tags also can be used
for Imperatives sentences. Question tags The one used for the sentence imperatives is will/won't,
will/won't, can/can't, can/can't, for example :
Give me a hand, won't you?
Shut up, can't
Based on the general rule, positive question tags can
following a negative sentence. Vice versa,
Negative question tags can follow positive
Question tags consist of a main verb (if without auxiliary) or auxiliary
the first verb (if it consists of the main verb and one or more
auxiliary) and the subject (pronoun) taken from the main sentence.

Selain dapat digunakan dalam kalimat positif dan negatif, tag pertanyaan juga dapat digunakan
untuk kalimat Imperatif. Tag pertanyaan Yang digunakan untuk kalimat imperatif adalah will/won't,
will/won't, can/can't, can/can't, misalnya:
Bantu aku, bukan?
Diam, tidak bisa
Berdasarkan aturan umum, tag pertanyaan positif dapat
mengikuti kalimat negatif. Sebaliknya
Tag pertanyaan negatif dapat mengikuti kalimat positif.
Tag pertanyaan terdiri dari kata kerja utama (jika tanpa tambahan) atau bantu
kata kerja pertama (jika terdiri dari kata kerja utama dan satu atau lebih
auxiliary) dan subjek (kata ganti) diambil dari kalimat utama.
negative sentence, positive question negative sentence, positive question
tag tag

Ahmad didn’t come late, did he? Ahmad came late, didn’t he? (Ahmad
(Ahmad tidak datang terlambat kan?) datang terlambat kan?) The man is
The man isn’t stingy, is he? (Pria tsb stingy, isn’t he? (Pria tsb pelit kan?)
tidak pelit kan?) You haven’t finished You have finished your homework,
your homework, have you? (Kamu haven’t you? (Kamu telah
belum menyelesaikan PR-mu kan?) menyelesaikan PR-mu kan?) They will
They won’t attend the seminar, will attend the seminar, won’t they?
they? (Mereka tidak akan menghadiri (Mereka akan menghadiri seminar
seminar kan?) kan?)
1.Kalimat positif – Question tag
negatif I’m going to drive a bike,
aren’t I?
Saya akan mengendarai motor, kan?
Lizzie and Rudi are twins, aren’t
Lizzie dan Rudi adalah saudara
kembar, kan?

2.Kalimat negatif – Question tag

positif: I’m not angry, am I?
Saya tidak marah, kan?
Lizzie and Rudi aren’t twins, are they?
Lizzie dan Rudi bukan saudara kembar, kan?
Tag question is a question that is added at the end of
the statement or sentence you want to say. The tag
is used by the questioner to convince the listener
whether the statement is true or requires certainty

Tag question adalah pertanyaan yang ditambahkan

di akhir pernyataan atau kalimat yang hendak kamu
katakan. Tag question digunakan oleh penanya
untuk meyakinkan kepada pendengarnya apakah
pernyataannya benar atau perlu suatu kepastian
EXERCISE 8. My parents had gone to Yogyakarta, …. ?
1. You will pick me up later, … ? a. have they b. haven’t they c. had they d. hadn’t
a. will you b. won’t you c. do you d. don’t they
9. This isn’t your phone, … ?
2. She doesn’t break my picture, …? b. is it b. isn’t it c. are they d. aren’t they
b. is she b. did she c. does she d. Isn’t she
10. I am mad at you. Don’t talk to me, … ?
3. Everybody is gone, … ? c. shall you b. do you c. will you d. are you
c. is it b. isn’t it c. are they ? d. aren’t they
11. Let’s have dinner together, … ?
4. Anyone could come to your home, … ? d. will we b. shall we c. do we d. shall not
d. can they b. can’t they c. could they d. couldn’t we
12 Don’t bring my bag, …. ?
5. She has gone to the market, … ? e. shall you b. do you c. will you d. are you
e. does she b. doesn’t she c. has she d.
hasn’t she 13. Let’s listen to music, … ?
a. will we b. shall we c. do we d. shall not we
6.Somebody is calling me, … ?
a. isnt it b. is it c. are they d. aren’t they 14. I’m your boyfriend, …. ?
a. am I b. aren’t I c. am not I d. Do I
7. That’s our food, … ?

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