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Instructional framework for

disaster management
In India
BY – Anish Kaushik
– 2021472138
Disaster Management
 Disaster management refers to the efficient management of resources and
responsibilities that will help in lessening the impact of the disaster.
 It involves a well-planned plan of action so we can make effective efforts to
reduce the dangers caused by the disaster to a minimum.
 Disaster management has a total of four stages :
1. Mitigation
2. Preparedness
3. Response
4. Recovery
Structure for the Institutions

1. National Level
2. State Level
3. District Level
4. Local Level
5. Other institutions
National Level
 National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA): NDMA is
the apex body responsible for formulating policies, plans, and
guidelines for disaster management at the national level in India. It
is chaired by the Prime Minister of India.

 National Executive Committee (NEC): NEC is the executive body

of NDMA and is headed by the Union Home Secretary. It
coordinates and implements policies and plans related to disaster
State Level
 State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA): Each state in
India has its own SDMA, responsible for formulating policies,
plans, and guidelines for disaster management at the state level. The
Chief Minister of the state chairs the SDMA.

 State Executive Committee (SEC): Similar to NEC at the national

level, SEC is the executive body of SDMA and is responsible for
implementing policies and plans.
District Level

 District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA): At the district

level, DDMA is responsible for formulating and implementing
disaster management plans. The District Magistrate or Collector
usually chairs the DDMA.
Local Level

 Municipalities and Panchayats: Urban local bodies and rural local

bodies play a crucial role in disaster management at the grassroots
level. They are involved in preparedness, response, and recovery
Other institutions
 National Disaster Response Force (NDRF): NDRF is a specialized force for
disaster response, rescue, and relief operations. It operates under the NDMA and
is deployed for immediate assistance during disasters

 National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM): NIDM is responsible for

capacity building, training, research, and documentation in the field of disaster

 Indian Meteorological Department (IMD): IMD plays a crucial role in

providing early warnings for weather-related disasters such as cyclones, floods,
and storms.
T h an k

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