Disaster Management

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Review On Unit 1 and 2 Of

Disaster Management

By: Aakash Chauhan

System ID: 2021349657
Unit 1: Introduction to Disaster Management
 This unit provides a comprehensive overview of disaster management, covering the institutional framework,
the global and Indian scenarios in disaster management, and current trends in disaster preparedness.
 A. Institutional Framework for Disaster Management
The module effectively introduces the institutional framework for disaster management. It covers the
organizational structures, roles, and responsibilities of various agencies involved in disaster management.
Agencies Like-
• NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority): NDMA is a national-level agency
responsible for formulating policies, plans, and guidelines for disaster management in a country. It
typically operates at the highest level of government and plays a crucial role in coordinating and
overseeing disaster management efforts on a national scale.
• SDMA (State Disaster Management Authority): SDMA operates at the state or regional level and
is responsible for implementing the national policies and plans within its jurisdiction. It coordinates
disaster management activities within the state, including preparedness, response, recovery, and
mitigation efforts.
• DDMA(District Disaster Management Authority): DDMA operates at the district level and is
responsible for implementing disaster management plans and policies within its specific district. It
plays a crucial role in coordinating local response efforts, conducting risk assessments, and
ensuring that resources are available for effective disaster management at the district level.
B. Global and Indian Scenario in Disaster Management

 This section successfully compares and contrasts the global and Indian contexts in disaster management.
 For Global Scenario-
a) International Cooperation-Disasters often cross borders. Strengthening regional and global
partnerships for sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise during large-scale events is essential.

b) Shift from Response to Prevention- There's a growing international emphasis on proactive disaster
risk reduction (DRR). This entails identifying hazards, vulnerabilities, and potential risks and
implementing measures to mitigate those risks before disasters occur. It's a more cost-effective and
sustainable approach than focusing solely on post-disaster response.

c) Climate Change Challenges: The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events
linked to climate change pose significant challenges globally. Countries are focusing on
adapting to climate-related risks and mitigating the impact on vulnerable communities
 For Indian Scenario-

a) NDMA - India has established the NDMA to formulate policies, plans, and guidelines for
disaster management. It coordinates efforts at the national level and works in
collaboration with various stakeholders.

b) Early Warning Systems- India has implemented early warning systems for cyclones,
floods, and other disasters.

c) Focus on Technology- India leverages technology for disaster management, including

geospatial technology for mapping vulnerable areas, satellite imagery for assessing
damages, and mobile applications for communication during emergencies.
C. Current Trends in Disaster Preparedness

 The coverage of current trends in disaster preparedness is valuable for keeping the content up-to-date.
Including both global and Indian perspectives.
 Like –
a) Technology Integration- The integration of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence
(AI), machine learning, and data analytics, is enhancing disaster preparedness, response, and
recovery efforts. Drones, remote sensing, and geospatial technology are increasingly used for
damage assessment and resource allocation.

b) Climate Change Adaptation- Climate change is contributing to an increase in the frequency

and intensity of disasters. Disaster management strategies are evolving to integrate climate
change adaptation measures, addressing long-term environmental challenges and building
resilience against climate-related risks.

c) Social Media and Communication- Social media platforms play a crucial role in disseminating
real-time information during disasters. Authorities are increasingly leveraging social media for
emergency communication, public awareness, and crowd-sourced data for response planning.
d) Multi-Hazard Approaches- Disaster management is shifting towards multi-hazard
approaches that consider the interconnectedness of various risks. This approach allows for
more comprehensive and integrated planning and response strategies.

e) Data Sharing and Collaboration- Improved data sharing and collaboration among
governments, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector are enhancing the
overall effectiveness of disaster response and recovery efforts.
Unit 2: Disaster Response and Operations
 This unit focusing on policy formulation, emergency management, coordination among
different entities, and human resource development.
 A. Policy formulation and Emergency Management
This section effectively explores the policy formulation and processes of emergency management.
Such as-

a) Mitigation- This involves taking actions to reduce or eliminate the risk and impact of

b) Preparedness- The focus here is on developing and maintaining the capabilities

needed to respond effectively to disasters. This includes training emergency
responders, conducting drills and exercises, establishing communication systems, and
developing evacuation plans.
c) Response- When a disaster occurs, the immediate priority is to provide emergency
assistance to those affected. Response efforts include search and rescue operations,
medical care, shelter provision, and other measures aimed at saving lives and reducing

d) Recovery- After the initial response, the focus shifts to helping affected
communities recover and rebuild. Recovery efforts may include restoring essential
services, rebuilding infrastructure, providing financial assistance to individuals and
businesses, and addressing the long-term social and economic impacts of the disaster.
B. Corporate/Public Agency/NGO’s Coordination

 The emphasis on coordination among public agencies, and NGOs is crucial for effective disaster response.
 Public agencies like-
• NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority): NDMA is a national-level agency
responsible for formulating policies, plans, and guidelines for disaster management in a country.
It typically operates at the highest level of government and plays a crucial role in coordinating
and overseeing disaster management efforts on a national scale.
• SDMA (State Disaster Management Authority): SDMA operates at the state or regional level
and is responsible for implementing the national policies and plans within its jurisdiction. It
coordinates disaster management activities within the state, including preparedness, response,
recovery, and mitigation efforts.
• DDMA(District Disaster Management Authority): DDMA operates at the district level and is
responsible for implementing disaster management plans and policies within its specific district. It
plays a crucial role in coordinating local response efforts, conducting risk assessments, and
ensuring that resources are available for effective disaster management at the district level.
• NDRF (The National Disaster Response Force): is a specialized force dedicated to disaster
response and rescue operations. It plays a crucial role in search and rescue efforts during
 Role Of NGO-

a) Community Engagement and Education- NGOs often work directly with communities, providing
education and training on disaster preparedness, risk reduction, and response strategies. This
includes raising awareness about potential hazards and empowering communities to take
proactive measures.

b) Emergency Response and Relief- NGOs are often among the first responders to a disaster,
providing immediate relief assistance. This includes distributing food, water, shelter, medical
care, and other essential supplies to affected communities.

c) Search and Rescue Operations- Specialized NGOs, particularly those focused on humanitarian aid
and rescue operations, may engage in search and rescue efforts to locate and assist individuals
affected by disasters.

d) Medical Assistance and Healthcare Services- Health-focused NGOs contribute by providing

medical assistance, healthcare services, and emergency medical teams during disasters. They
may operate field hospitals, clinics, and mobile health units.
C. Training and Human Resource Development Plan

 This section addresses the vital aspect of training and human resource development in disaster
 Role of HR in Disaster Management-
a) Skill Gap Identification
b) Emergency Response Planning
c) Psychosocial Support Training

 Role of Training in Disaster Management-

a) Identification of Training Needs
b) Development of Training Programs
c) Simulation and Practical Exercises
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