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Activity 1
1. Time Management in
✘ Goal:
Pass all of my activities on time and be organized

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

I will improve my I will track my I will start by This goal is I will achieve this
time management progress by dedicating 2 relevant to my goal within the
by reducing recording the hours each academic next month by
procrastination amount of time I weekday to success as better consistently
and staying spend studying focused studying, time management following my
focused during each day and gradually will help me stay study schedule
study sessions. noting any increasing this organized, and minimizing
instances of time as I build complete distractions
procrastination. better study assignments on during study
habits. time, and improve sessions.
my understanding
of course

This goal is important because:
✘ This is important because I want to get a high/good
grade and be a dean lister again

The benefits of achieving this goal will be:
✘ Maintaining organization and passing all assignments on time have several
advantages that are essential to my success. By removing last-minute rushes, it
lowers stress and improves my time management abilities, which boost output
and improve my academic achievement. Maintaining organization not only
improves my work life balance and cultivates long-term success habits, but it
also enhances confidence and cultivates my positive reputation.

Take Action!
✘ Potential Obstacles ✘ Potential Solutions
The urge to put things off or become I will make a detailed calendar with deadlines
sidetracked can be a typical barrier to for every work to help me fight distractions
finishing assignments on time and and procrastination. Utilize time blocking or
maintaining organization. These Pomodoro techniques to divide work into
factors can cause me delays in task manageable chunks and dedicate dedicated
completion and a disorganized work time for concentrated work. To keep
style. organized and on schedule, assess and
prioritize your chores on a regular basis.

Who are the people you will ask to help
Some of my friend and cousins and also my schoolmates

Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be
taken to get you to your goal?
✘ What? ✘ Expected ✘ Completed
I will write down all of Completion Date In [Not completed yet]
my tasks, assignments, 3 months
and activities in a
planner or digital
calendar, including
deadlines and priorities.

2. Healthy Eating
✘ Goal: Gain A Lot of weight or reach the right
weight for my age by eating healthy foods

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

I will increase my I will track my fruit I will start by This goal is I will achieve this
daily intake of and vegetable adding one extra relevant to my goal within the
fruits and consumption serving of fruits or health as next month by
vegetables by using a food vegetables to one consuming more consistently
incorporating at journal or app, meal each day fruits and including fruits
least one serving aiming to reach a and gradually vegetables and vegetables in
of each into my minimum of five increase to meet provides my daily meals
meals or snacks. servings the five-serving essential and snacks and
combined per goa nutrients, monitoring my
day. supports overall progress
well-being, and
reduces the risk
of chronic

This goal is important because:
✘ Because my weight wasn’t the right weight that a 18
years old teenager should have and it’s really
important becase by eating healthy foods it can
extend my life longer

The benefits of achieving this goal will be:
✘ It will make more Healty, it will lower the risk of me
having chronic illness

Take Action!
✘ Potential Obstacles ✘ Potential Solutions
My one common obstacle to I will plan ahead and make
maintaining a healthy eating routine nutritious meals and snacks to have
is the availability of unhealthy food on hand for when hunger strikes in
options or temptations, such as junk order to get past this challenge. To
food, sugary snacks, or fast food, encourage healthy eating, pick
especially when eating out or eateries or events that provide
socializing with others. nutrient-dense selections, and let
my friends and family know about
my dietary preferences.
Who are the people you will ask to help
My Auntie Because she’s a health expert, My Mother
Because she know’s a lot about medical stuff

Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be
taken to get you to your goal?
✘ What? ✘ Expected ✘ Completed
I’ll plan my meals and Completion Date [Not completed yet]
snacks in advance, 1 year, it varies
incorporating a variety of
fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, lean proteins, and
healthy fats.

3. Saving
✘ Goal: Is to save more

Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound

I will save I will track my I will cut back on This goal is I will achieve this
100pesos per day savings progress dining out, relevant to my goal within the
by reducing monthly by entertainment financial well- next six months,
unnecessary reviewing my expenses, and being as it will starting from the
expenses and bank statements impulse help me build an current month, by
increasing my and budgeting purchases, emergency fund, consistently
income through tools to ensure I allocating the save for future following my
Massaging my reach the 100 saved funds goals, and budget and
auntie/uncles. pesos savings directly into a achieve greater income-
target. designated financial security. generating
savings account. strategies.

This goal is important because:
✘ It will make me

The benefits of achieving this goal will be:
✘ ___________________________________________

Take Action!
✘ Potential Obstacles ✘ Potential Solutions
_____________________________ _____________________________
__ _____________________________
_____________________________ _

Who are the people you will ask to help

Specific Action Steps: What steps need to be
taken to get you to your goal?
✘ What? ✘ Expected ✘ Completed
____________________ Completion Date ____________________
____________________ _________________ ____________________
________________ _________________ __________


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