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ISO 50001 Energy Management

System (EnMS) Implementation

Company Name and Location:
Team Members:

Webinar 1 - Commitment

Overview of progress with Commitment

Plant Progress Review
• Discussions with Plant Leadership and Top Management
• Secured commitment and approval to implement an EnMS?
• Conducted PESTLE and SWOT Analysis
• What are some of the biggest threats and opportunities?
• Considered Interested Parties
• Documented impact?
• Decided internal and external communication policy?
• Defined Scope and Boundary
• Fuel sources and Are there technological changes that might help you?
• Energy Policy
• Developed and signed?
• Legal and Other Requirements
• Started compiling a register?
• Environmental
• What environmental issues will be impacted by the EnMS?

PESTLE, SWOT and Interested Parties
• Have you conducted the PESTLE and SWOT Analyses?
• What are some of the biggest threats and opportunities?

• Have you considered Interested Parties?

• List the interested parties or copy Tool tab here.

• Have you decided internal and external communication of your EnMS?

• Has this decision been documented?

Scope and Boundaries
• Define your EnMS Scope:

• Outline your EnMS Boundaries:

• What has been excluded from Scope and Boundaries and why?

Energy Policy
• Main Points (Commitments and Goal):

• Has it been approved (How and by whom)?

• Has it been communicated (How and to whom)?

Energy Team
• Has the company appointed an Energy Representative and
what is his/her role in the business?

• Has the company appointed an Energy Manager and what is

his/her role in the business?

• Who are the Energy Team Members (names and positions)?

• How were these appointments communicated?

EnMS Roles and Responsibilities
• Have they been defined?

• How will it be resourced?

• Has all roles been agreed?

• How was it communicated internally?

• Have people started working on their roles?

• What, if any are the barriers experienced?

• What are the highlights thus far?


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