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Theme I

Introduction to Development Studies

and Development Theories
Development Studies and Theories
of Development
At the end of this theme you will able:
i)To define development studies and distinguish it
from other disciplines and fields of study
ii) Define the process of development
iii) Identify indicators of development along with its
iv) Explain different theories of development
v) Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of various
development theories
(i) Development Studies
At the end of this topic you will be able to:
 Explain the meaning of Development studies
 Explain the reasons that led to the emergence of
Development studies as a field of study
 Explain the history of development studies
 Identify the content of development studies
 Identify the methodology of development studies
 Explore the applicability of Development Studies –
rationale for studying development studies
 What is development studies
 Why development studies
 Development studies over time-How is it
faring as a distinct field of study
 What is the content matter of development
 How is it taught
 Do you need to study development studies
Review Questions for Topic I
Analyze the statement that development
studies is about general studies, current
affairs and politics guided by its origin, subject
matter, and objectives.
At the end of this topic you will be able to:
 Define the term development
 Identify different indicators of development
 Explain different indicators of development
 Explain measurements of the indicators of
Meaning of development
Indicators of development:
 Economic indicators
 Social indicators
Measurement of indicators of development
 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
 Gross National Product (GNP)
 Gross National Income (GNI)
 Human Development Index (HDI)-long and healthy life; education and knowledge; descent
standard of living.
 The Gini coefficient Gini index-Inequalities: spatial inequalities and social inequalities
 Human Poverty Index (HPI)
 Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI
Measuring development is not a simple task.
1.There are different conceptions of development and the
range of scales at which it can be considered
2.Difficulties in getting experts and resources needed for quality
data collection
3.In most cases qualitative attributes are not taken into feelings, opinions, and experiences of
individuals and groups. Most measurements ends
with imposition of the outsiders
Review Questions Topic ii
1.(a) With a support of not less than five scholarly definitions conceptualize
the term development .
(b) Comment on the saying that some countries are not developing at all
2. Based on your understanding, explain why some countries ( in the north)
are far away in development when others (in the south) are lagging
3. Analyze the sustainable development goals ( SDGs) and highlight the
situation of developing countries towards achieving the goals.
(iii) Development theories
At the end of this topic you will be able to:
 Explain the meaning of a development theory
 Explain various development theories
 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
different development theories
Development theories
What is a theory
How is it derived
How development theories were derived
What development theories are all about:
 Attempt to explain what is development and
 Attempt to tell how development can be
Schools of thought in development theories:
 Marxist school of thought : periodization; founders
and proponents; main arguments; strengths;
 Modernization school of thought:
 Structural approaches of explaining development:
Dependency theory; Nurkses vicious circle of poverty
 Current Development thinking: Neo-liberalism; Post -
Review Questions Topic iii
1.Discuss the applicability of the Rostow's five economic development
stages in explaining the development process in Tanzania.
2. Is the Marxist five stages of social development realistic.
3. Analyze the partiality of the Nurkse's vicious circle of poverty and
the dependency theories in explaining why Africa is lagging behind in
4. “Neo Liberalism informs what is happening over the whole world” Discuss
with a support of concrete examples.

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