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Senior Cycle Reform

Lee Hehir, Eryk Kolodziej, Craig Claxton, Sean Flannery

Introduction Understanding debates about curriculum developments

On Tuesday 29 March 2022, Minister for Education
There are 2 main debates revolved around curriculum
Norma Foley TD announced a vision for the reform of development in Ireland. Those are the reform of the junior and
Senior Cycle education in Ireland. senior cycles.
The junior cycle has been recently reformed to introduce CBA's
• The NCCA will lead work on a more integrated Senior (Classroom Based Assessments) in order to reduce stress for
Cycle experience for all students. students. Some argue that the reform is a bad idea as it causes
• The review report acknowledges the considerable students to be lazy and their development in subjects is hindered.
Others argue that it helps students stay on track throughout their
strengths of each of the Leaving Certificate programmes Senior Cycle Reform
junior cycle as they are continuously being assessed, which
(LCE, LCA and LCVP). These strengths could benefit all causes them to produce their best quality of work throughout the New subjects will be developed and new subject curricula, which
learners and will be considered in this work. cycle. outline what material is taught and assessed in a subject, will be
• Transition Year will remain a standalone programme. The reform of the senior cycle involves a lot of new suggestions devised
• The broad-based Senior Cycle experience will be from the minister of Education, Norma Foley. There has recently the process of doing this will involve teachers, students and
maintained. As the NCCA leads on this work, several been an introduction to the music exams now being on during school communities as well as other education experts.
Easter, as opposed to during the exam time in June to reduce The NCCA will publish a curriculum review by September 2023 .
priority areas will be progressed which will see This will set out a plan for new and revised subject curricula to be
pressure for students. Another suggestion which has yet to be
immediate changes in the system. delivered in annual blocks
accepted/declined is the proposal of doing the Math's, English
and Irish paper 1's in 5th Year to further reduce pressure during 2 new subjects will be available for students in network schools
exam times in 6th Year. from September 2024: Drama, Film and Theatre Studies, and
Climate Action and Sustainable Development.

Critical appraise of school on senior cycle reform

The idea of improving schools by developing professional
communities is currently in vogue. People use this term to
describe every imaginable combination of individuals with an
interest in education—a grade-level teaching team, a school
committee, a high school
department, an entire school district, a state department of
education, a national professional
organization, and so on. In fact, the term has been used so
ubiquitously that it is in danger of
losing all meaning.

Reference Photo
Leaving certificate (2022) The Irish Sean Flannery (G00391688)​
Times Craig Claxton (G00378320)​
Eryk Kolodziej (G00392703)
Leaving Certificate Sitting (2018)
Lee Hehir (G00395343)

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