Allama Iqbal

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Allama Iqbal
Tabassum Saleem
• Introduction about Iqbal
• Life history
• Philosophy
• Iqbal at Present
Objectives of the Assignment
• After studying the Assignment students will be able.
• To get information about the life history of Iqbal.
• To explain his philosophy.
• To understand the researches done on Iqbal’s philosophy in different aspects.
• Born in 9 November 1877
• The eldest of five siblings in a Kashmiri family.
• Iqbal's father Shaikh Nur Muhammad was a prosperous tailor, well-known for
his devotion to Islam, and the family raised their children with deep religious
• Iqbal was educated initially by tutors in languages and writing, history, poetry
and religion.
• His potential as a poet and writer was recognized by one of his tutors, Syed Mir
Hassan, and Iqbal would continue to study under him at the Scotch Mission
College in Sialkot.
• The student became proficient in several languages and the skill of writing prose
and poetry, and graduated in 1897
• Iqbal entered the Government College in Lahore where he studied philosophy,
English literature and Arabic and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree,
graduating cum laude.
• He won a gold medal for topping his examination in philosophy. While
studying for his masters’ degree, Iqbal came under the wing of Sir Thomas
Arnold, a scholar of Islam and modern philosophy at the college.
• Arnold exposed the young man to Western culture and ideas, and served as a
bridge for Iqbal between the ideas of East and West.
• Iqbal was appointed to a readership in Arabic at the Oriental College in Lahore,
and he published his first book in Urdu,
• The Knowledge of Economics in 1903. In 1905 Iqbal published the patriotic
song, Tarana-e-Hind (Song of India).
Literary Career
• Upon his return to India in 1908, Iqbal took up assistant
professorship at the Government College in Lahore, but for financial
reasons he relinquished it within a year to practice law.
• While maintaining his legal practice, Iqbal began concentrating on
spiritual and religious subjects, and publishing poetry and literary
• He became active in the Anjuman-e-Himayat-e-Islam, a congress of
Muslim intellectuals, writers and poets as well as politicians and in
1919 became the general secretary of the organization.
• he poetry and philosophy of Mawlana Rumi bore the deepest
influence on Iqbal's mind.
Works in Persian
• Iqbal's poetic works are written mostly in Persian rather. Among his 12,000
verses of poem, about 7,000 verses are in Persian. In 1915, he published his first
collection of poetry, the Asrar-e-Khudi (Secrets of the Self) in Persian.
• Iqbal's 1924 publication, the Payam-e-Mashriq (The Message of the East) is
closely connected to the West-östlicher Diwan by the famous German poet
• The Zabur-e-Ajam (Persian Psalms), published in 1927, includes the poems
Gulshan-e-Raz-e-Jadeed (Garden of New Secrets) and Bandagi Nama (Book of
• In Gulshan-e-Raz-e-Jadeed, Iqbal first poses questions, then answers them with
the help of ancient and modern insight and shows how it effects and concerns
the world of action.
• Iqbal's 1932 work, the Javed Nama (Book of Javed) is named after and in a
manner addressed to his son, who is featured in the poems.
• ‫گرچہ اردو در عذوبت شکر است‬
• garche Urdu dar uzūbat shakar ast
• ‫لیک پارسی ام ز ہندی شیرینتر است‬
• lék Pārsī-am ze Hindi shīrīntar ast
• Even though in sweetness Urdu* is sugar - (but) My Persian is sweeter than
• Note: In Iqbal's time the terms Hindi and Urdu were synonyms
Works in Urdu
• Iqbal's first work published in Urdu, the Bang-e-Dara (The Call of the Marching

Bell) of 1924, was a collection of poetry written by him in three distinct phases

of his life. The poems he wrote up to 1905, the year Iqbal left for England

• The second set of poems date from between 1905 and 1908 when Iqbal studied

in Europe and dwell upon the nature of European society, which he emphasized

had lost spiritual and religious values.

Political Career
• While dividing his time between law and poetry, Iqbal had remained active in the Muslim League.

• He supported Indian involvement in World War I, as well as the Khilafat movement and remained in

close touch with Muslim political leaders such as Maulana Mohammad Ali and Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

• He was a critic of the mainstream Indian National Congress.

• In November 1926, with the encouragement of friends and supporters, Iqbal contested for a seat in the

Punjab Legislative Assembly from the Muslim district of Lahore, and defeated his opponent by a

margin of 3,177 votes

Revival Of Islamic Polity

Iqbal's second book in English, the Reconstruction of Religious

Thought in Islam, is a collection of his six lectures which he delivered

at Madras, Hyderabad and Aligarh; first published as a collection in

Lahore, in 1930. These lectures dwell on the role of Islam as a religion

as well as a political and legal philosophy in the modern age.

Iqbal as Philosopher
Iqbal’s Concept of Self

In Asrar-e-Khudi, Iqbal has explained his philosophy of "Khudi," or "Self." He

proves by various means that the whole universe obeys the will of the "Self."

Iqbal condemns self-destruction. For him the aim of life is self-realization and

self-knowledge. He charts the stages through which the "Self" has to pass before

finally arriving at its point of perfection, enabling the knower of the "Self" to

become the viceregent of Allah.

Awareness of

of one’s self Peak of
Self humanity

Life Control of self

Concept Of Education
Eagle and Iqbal Poetry

Which also explains the Iqbal’s wish to the Muslim youth to

think positively and have high aims in life and work hard for the
achievement of these aims.
Concept Of Unity
Views about western society
Views About Politics
Views About Other Philosophers
Views About Muslims (Human)
Views about Ishq (Love with Allah)
Love With Prophet(PBUH)
Praying For Muslims
‫خود کو غالمی سے آزاد کر‬
‫جوانوں کو پیروں کو ُاستاد کر‬

‫تڑپنے پھڑکنے کی توفیق دے‬

‫دل مرتضٰی سوز صدیق دے‬

‫جوانوں کو سوز جگر بخش دے‬

‫مرا عشق میری نظر بخش دے‬

Some Rare Pictures
Iqbal AT Present
Iqbal is great personality.
He died in 1938 but till now a lot of research work has been done on Iqbal’s
poetry, his concept of Khudi, his philosophy in general.
In Pakistan and in Iran students are awarded Ph.D.on Iqbaliyait.
In Pakistan every library has a complete corner named on this great
In Islamic University Central Library there is a portion named Gosha-e-Iqbal
which is full of books of Iqbal and on Iqbal
From Dawn News 2011
Dr Allama Iqbal is very popular and well known in every strata of Iranian society. Almost
everyone, from children to grown-ups, from a taxi driver to an office executive, all know
some of Allama Iqbal’s verses in Persian. It was a surprise to find that in Mashhad there is
an Eghbal-i-Lahuri Institute of Higher Studies functioning under the patronage of the
Iranian Government offering degrees in social sciences and engineering. In Iran, Dr
Allama Iqbal is commonly known as “Eghbal-i-Lahuri”.
qbal’s “Asrare-i-Khudi” and famous “Bal-i-Jibreel” enjoy mass popularity in Iran and
are taken as a way of life. The scholars in Firdausi University of Mashhad were of the
view that both the Pakistani people and government have no idea what an asset they
have in the form of Iqbal’s preserved poetic work.
• Allama Iqbal's Critique of Western Democracy
Farrukh Aziz Ansari Quaid-i-Azam Universit, September 2018
He has elaborated the Iqbal’s concept of democracy
Allama Iqbal - A View and a Critique by Syed Khalid Kamal
Uploaded his thoughts about Iqbal
I love Iqbal and enjoy him the same way I enjoy other great poets of our
language. But to seek guidance for personal or political lives in Iqbal's poetry can
only end in disaster. I sincerely apologize if my ideas cause pain or hurt to
anyone, but all is fair in the pursuit of truth.
Iqbal And Mysticism By Anab Noor
Iqbal has been a poet philosopher, political thinker, sociologists and a Islamic
theologians, he has credentials such as the “poet of the east”, and Hassan Ali
Askari devised a framework using Ibn Araabi and Kierkegaard to define a
framework for method and reasoning between the east and the west. Iqbal’s three
books were used to analyze his work and to justify Hassan Ali Askari’s
framework, Iqbal was a known poet and mystic and in his work he defined
mysticism and different concepts of it, but Iqbal was also a Mujadid he worked
out and explained the metaphysical through his realm, and revamped or
revitalized the Islamic thought in Muslims, he worked to develop an identity. And
through Iqbal’s work on Ego, self or “Khudi” as he likes to call himself we shall
analyze the traits of eastern method of reasoning and is Iqbal justifying the
framework of Ali Askari.
Dynamism in Islam: Muhammad Iqbal’s Philosophy of Personality and Action
by Paola García
The luminous point whose name is the Self
Is the life-spark beneath our dust.
By Love it is made more lasting,
More living, more burning, more glowing.
From love proceeds the radiance of its being
And the development of its unknown possibilities.
Its nature gathers fire from Love,
Love instructs it to illumine the world.
Muhammad Iqbal (Secrets of the Self)
“I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one
who will make mischief and shed blood? -whilst we do celebrate Thy praises
and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not." (Quran
In the whole article writer has written Iqbal’s poetry and then quranic verses.
Economic Vision of Allama Iqbal
Author(s): Fateh M. Chaudhri (2002)
This article is about the Iqbal’s view on economics. Author has written many
verses of Iqbal presenting his thoughts about the economic system.

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