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Relationship before the First
➔ Holy Prophet(pbuh) was a very pious person who was well-known in arabia for the level of his moral character
➔ His truthfulness and honesty earned him the title of Al- Sadiq and Al-ameen and due to this he became very
popular in madinah
➔ When Holy Prophet(pbuh) was about 35 years years old, holy Kaaba had been destroyed due to heavy flooding,
all the tribes had worked together to build it but when it came to the matter of fixing of black stone it resulted in
a bloody battle. Then a wise old man gave an idea that whoever enters the Kaaba first in the morning would
decide this matter and everyone agreed to this.
➔ The next morning Holy Prophet(pbuh) was the first person to enter Kabah everyone cried and said “O look this
is Al- amin, this is Mohammad yes we agree to him”
➔ This shows that the people of quraish immensely respected the holy prophet(pbuh) due to his character and his
high morality.
➔ Waraqa bin naufal said ” I wish i was a young man so I might be alive to see when your own people turn you
away from your city” holy prophet asked” why would they turn me away? He replied” Yes, no man has ever
preached a message like yours but met with enmity, If i live until that day I will surely give you all the support”
Relationship after the First
After the first Revelation the Holy Prophet’s relationship with the Quraish changed drastically:

➔ Imedietly after the Holy Prophet started openly preaching Islam and declared that idols were of no use, the Quraish took offence to this
and started to mock and poorly treat the Propet and his companions
➔ When the Holy Prophet climbed the mount Safa and asked the Quraish to assemble they all said that they would believe anything
Muhammad pbuh would say, but when the Prophet pbuh asked the Quraish to believe in the oness of Allah, they cursed him and
said,”Did you invite us for this purpose?” and no one cared for the message.
➔ One day the Holy Prophet was praying in the Kaabah, and Abu Jahal came and threw the insides of a came on him.
➔ The Quraish Exiled the Prophet and the tribes of Banu hashim to shaib of abu talib and broke all sorts of relationships with them.
Muslims had to suffer extreme conditions and went to famine and hunger
➔ The Quraysh were after Prophet and wanted the Prophet to come out of his house at Dar un Nadwa.
➔ Badr in 2 AH in which 14 Muslims were martyred and 70 Quraysh were killed.
➔ Uhad in 3 AH qand 70 Muslims were martyred and 22 Quraysh were killed
➔ Trench in 5 AH and In the 6th year of hijrat, Quraysh signed the treaty of Hudaibiya. In this treaty battle was restricted for 10 years but
Quraysh broke the treaty within 2 years by attacking the Muslims.
➔ In the 8th hijrat holy prophet attacked on Makkah but the makkans surrendered so he forgave them all.
● There were bunch of Arabs who supported the prophets as well
and become his companion such as:
● Hazrat Abu Bakr RA
● Hazrat Umar RA
● Hazrat Ali RA
● Hazrat Usman RA
● And several other companions
Relations with the jews
Charter of Madina
When Holy Prophet (PBUH) arrived at Medina, he first treated all groups of Medinite society equally
including Muslims, non-Muslims , Arabs and Jews. Prophet (PBUH) realized that the foundation of
Islamic empire must be strong so, he negotiated with the Jewish tribes, as they were the dominant
power in Medina. Finally they reached upon an agreement. It granted equal rights to Jews and
freedom to carry out their religious practices openly. It stated that both parties must protect Medina
against all enemies. This treaty was called ‘Charter of Medina’ and established Prophet (PBUH) as the
leader of Medina. Gradually, the Jews distanced themselves from Prophet (PBUH). They mocked him
on revelations he used to receive and marked him as a false prophet. At the time of the battle of Badr,
the Jews did not help the Muslims despite the clause mentioned in Charter of Medina
The Jewish tribes that proved to be the most problematic were Banu Qainuqa, Banu Quraiyzah and
Banu Nazir. Banu Qainuqa was the first tribe to break the treaty by fighting with Muslims in the
periods between Battle of Badr and Battle of Uhad. Attempts made by Prophet (PBUH) to come to
terms with them were unsuccessful. Therefore, a siege was enforced against the Banu Qainuqa tribe.
As a result of which they were expelled from Medina in 2 A.H. A year later, Ka’ab, the Jewish leader
was executed for his activities against Medina and interests of Muslims.
Exile of Banu Nazir
In the 4th year of Hijrat, the Banu Nazir plotted to murder Prophet (PBUH) by rolling a stone over
him, while he stood at the entrance of their stronghold. At the same time, with the persuasion of
Quraish, they rose against the Muslims. Prophet (PBUH) sent them a message to leave Medina, within
ten days but they rejected the expulsion and captivated themselves in their fortresses. As a result of it,
Prophet (PBUH) led an army against them and laid siege to their forts. After a siege of two weeks, the
Jews of Banu Nazir surrendered and were exiled from Medina.
Punishment of Banu Qurayizah

Third tribe was Banu Qurayizah, which openly joined Quraish during Battle of Trench. They helped
Quraish to cross the trench by telling an alternative pathway and kept on disturbing Prophet (PBUH)
and others during the war period. They were punished after the battle through their exile from Medina
but they refused. So, Prophet (PBUH) besieged their settlements. Finally, they surrendered to him and
agreed to abide by the decision of the leader of Aus tribe, Saad bin Muaad, who decided their fate
according to Jewish law of the Old Testament. Their men were slain, women and children were sold as
prisoners and their lands and properties were divided among the Muslims in 5th A.H.

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